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maintain a calm state of mind, conscientiously do a good job, never able to muddle along, dangyitianheshangzhuangyitianzhong ideas. People in the transition process, political . Organization set up and played the role of an effective way to increase farmers specialized cooperatives and Agriculture set up party organizations in the social service organizations, and development of grass-roots party organizations into full play in the lead industry, prompting farmers to get rich in the fighting bastion role. Conscientiously implement the established at the Township party Office of policy requirements, selection with a good organization of the Party Committee members and full-time Director, catch the rural grass-roots party building work. Conscientiously do a good job on the Countys village annual compensation according to the per capita net income of farmers per capita twice times, group leaders 30% of annual compensation paid by village years implemented policies to further mobilize the enthusiasm of village cadres. Second is to highlight the educational management, to strengthen the construction of party members and cadres. On the educational management of party members, and to implement further strict management of the party members opinions, carry out party membership to troubleshoot, clean standard membership files, intensifying the day-to-day management. Not qualified in accordance with the disposal of XX County party interim measures, and steadily push forward the disposal of unqualified party members. Strict implementation of the development plan of recruiting, put quality first, strengthening the structure of new party members. Strengthen the management of mobile party member, outstanding rural migrant workers and college graduates two focus groups, sound into the party management, out of the party meet, two-way co-management mechanism. Conscientiously implement the Education Ordinance, improve the system of party member education and training, positive use of information technology and new media innovative ways and means of education, expansion of educational coverage, improving party members education. Perfecting the incentive and caring support mechanisms within the party, helping increase the life difficult for party members and senior party member. Meanwhile, resources to take full advantage of distance education platform, party member cadre modern distance education, dissemination of the voice of the party, serving the grass-roots masses, party members education and training, promote the effectiveness of education and training. Cadre management, to focus on strengthening five concept education training leading cadres and employees more conscious use of advanced concept of development to guide and promote implementation. Around to respond to unexpected events, new media age networks of public opinion, precise training in topics such as poverty alleviation, administration according to law, and effectively improve the Township, vast numbers of party members and cadres full use of policy, the ability to promote the reform, development and stability. Self-discipline guidelines of the CPC and the Communist Party disciplinary regulations into cadre education and training content, prompting leaders of discipline, show good manners in the heavily-guarded heart, outside of the shape. To adhere to grab early to grab a small scratch prevention, implementation leader reminded the talks, refer to commandment and other relevant provisions, by talking about supervision visits, 庐江县瓦洋河治理项目河道及堤防加固工程施工标 -技术标- 第一章、综述第一节、工程概况庐江县瓦洋河治理项目河道及堤防加固工程施工标位于庐江县南部,流域面积205km2,是庐江县境内7条主要河流之一,河道全长27.32km,本次瓦洋河河道治理工程范围查院庄跌水至中河桥段,全长6.045km。主要项目有河道疏浚工程、堤防加固工程、跌水工程、桥梁工程、水保环保工程、涵闸工程以及金属结构制造安装工程等。 计划工期:220日历天,计划开工日期:2013年10月12日,完工日期:2014年5月20日。 质量要求:合格及以上。第二节、编制依据1.国家及各级人民政府主管部门颁发的有关工程建设管理方面的法律法规文件。2.招标文件(含商务、技术条款和补充文件、答疑等)。3.招标设计图纸。4.我公司对施工现场环境的勘察和了解。5.我公司从事各类水利水电建筑工程施工的技术工艺与丰富经验。6.我公司为贯彻ISO-90001标准而建立的质量保证体系及编制的质量保证手册。第三节、编制指导思想1.以满足业主对施工工期、工程质量及安全生产、文明施工的要求,以及国家环境保护与水土保持的法规为前提。2.以深化细化施工程序、施工方法、施工进度、设备配备,保证措施的先进性、合理性、可靠性为关键,把保证工期、创优质工程及文明施工建立在科学可行的技术基础之上。3.始终按照技术可靠、措施得力,确保安全的原则。安全措施落实到位,确保万无一失的前提下组织施工。4.加强领导,强化管理,优质高效。严格按ISO-90001国际质量认证体系和项目法施工要求进行施工管理和质量控制。第四节、编制内容我公司认真研究了招标文件、设计图纸及技术要求,并对施工现场进行了详细的踏勘,明确了指导思想,据此编制施工组织设计,分别对工程施工条件、施工总平面布置、施工进度、主要工程施工技术方案、砼施工的技术措施、关键部位施工方法以及质量安全保证措施、施工组织体系、主要材料、劳动力、设备计划、文明施工及环境保护、对工程建设的建议等进行了详细的阐述。第五节、项目成果目标如我公司中标,将响应招标文件的全部条款。我公司将把该工程作为重点形象工程,施工中将集中公司精干力量和精良设备,科学实施的项目经营战略,按照“建精品工程、创文明工地”的总要求,采取切实可行的措施,确保实现以下管理成果目标:1.工期目标:计划施工工期220日历天,计划开工日期:2013年10月12日,计划完工日期:2014年5月20日。 2.质量目标:确保“合格”。3.安全目标:工伤事故频率低于2,确保无重大伤亡事故,不死亡、不倒塌、不中毒;确保无重大管线损坏事故。贯彻“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的安全生产方针对性,坚持管生产必须管安全的原则。4.文明施工:本工程争创“文明工地”。5.环境保护:遵守国家环境保护法律、法规和规章制度,做到水土不流失,施工不造成环境污染。第六节、企业优势濉溪县安冉水利工程有限责任公司正式成立于2011年10月26日,公司主要施工资质为水利水电总承包叁级,可承担库容1000万立米,装机容量10MW及以下水利水电工程及辅助生产设施的建筑、安装和基础工程施工。工程内容包括:不同类型的大坝
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