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视译练习(Sight Translation)Unit OneTask 1你在英语学习上投入诸多,也有较好的自制力。你上课认真听讲,准时完毕作业。可你与否感到你的英语还是不尽人意?甚至有时候感到沮丧,想要放弃?尝试一下张强的学习措施吧,它也许会使你的英语学习大有收获。不像某些只花时间背单词的学习者,张抓住一切机会练习英语,理解英语文化。她参与课堂活动,她去校园里的英语角与人用英语交流,她还喜欢看英语影片。相信我吧,这措施值得一试。You dont lack commitment and discipline in English learning. You listen to the teacher carefully in class and hand in your assignments on time. Do you feel your English is still far from what you expect? Do you feel frustrated, even feel like giving up sometimes? Try the learning method of Zhang Qiang. You might reap the benefits of it. Unlike other English learners, spending almost all their time memorizing vocabulary, Zhang gets access to every opportunity to practice his English and gain insights into the English culture. He actively participates in class activities, he communicates with others at English corners, and he likes English movies very much. Trust me, his positive method is well worth trying!Task 2学生社团是大学新生沟通中学生活与大学生活的桥梁。这些社团在协助学生强化旧知识,吸取新的知识中扮演着重要的角色。除此之外,教师的经验知识,与同龄人的沟通,在困难阻碍了你的进步,犯了大错误,或者是在遇到重大的挑战时,对你克服多种学习和生活上的困难和障碍也会对你的大学生活有积极的影响!随着活动范畴的扩大,你会越来越发现各个社团的特点,并最后选择参与一两个社团。Student communities can bridge the gap between life in middle school and that in college. These communities play an essential role in helping you reinforce your established knowledge and assimilate the new knowledge. In addition, teachers experience and knowledge and the communication with your peers can exert a positive influence on removing your difficulties and barriers both in life and study. This happens when your progress is hindered by the difficulties, big mistakes that are committed or critical challenges that are confronted. With the expansion of your activities, you might be able to understand the characteristics of each association. Therefore, you can choose one or two of them to participate in.Unit TwoTask 1当父母躺下来听柔和的音乐的时候,年轻人会开大重金属音乐的音量。当父母伸手拿雨伞的时候,年轻人已经冲到雨中去了。为什么年轻人要故意听令人不快的音乐,留很奇怪的发型,画很浓的妆,吃恶心的东西呢?许多父母会难以忍受她们的子女的行为。但是这些家长们忘掉了她们自己年轻时也曾经做过一模同样的事情,但愿可以引起年长的一代对她们的注意。密切关注年轻人的成长并与她们进行有效地交流是消除代沟的最有效的途径。 When the parents lay listening to some soft music, the young tend to turn up the heavy metal. When the parents reach for an umbrella, the young bolt out into the rain. Why do the young people have to listen to offensive music, wear weird hairstyle and heavy makeup, and eat disgusting stuff? Many parents cannot stand their childrens behaviors. However, those parents seem to forget that they, when young, were doing definitely the same in their attempts to attract the attention of the elder generation. To pay close attention to the growth of the young and communicate with them effectively is the best way to get rid of the generation gap.Task 2互相尊重与信任是弥和代沟的核心。对于父母来说,始终对她们已经很熟悉的子女采用一种好奇的态度不是一件容易的事情。当孩子的感受被疏忽了,意见被置之不理; 当长辈无法容忍年轻一代相似或者相似错误的时候,年长的一代人毁掉的是自己在年轻一代人心中的可信度。这也是为什么孩子们有什么问题更倾向于征求同伴的意见,而不是父母的观点。许多家长在发现自己失去了对孩子的影响力,无法接近孩子的时候,往往把责任归咎于不同的价值观和信奉。An attitude of mutual respect and trust is the key to bridge the generation gap. It would be a difficult job for the parents to adopt an attitude of curiosity to children familiar to them. When childrens feelings are neglected, when their opinions are ignored and when no tolerance is shown to the similar or same errors committed by the younger generation, the elder generation ruins their own credibility. This might be the reason why kids would rather turn to consult opinions from their peers, instead of that of their parents. Many parents put the blame on the different values and beliefs, when they find that they have lost influence on their children and that their kids are hard to approach. Although it is rare to see consistent conflict in one family, it is still very necessary for both generation to evaluate themselves, and use the results of the evaluation as a guidance to bridge the generation gap. Unit ThreeTask 1 杰克严重跛足,常常承受屈辱和压力,但她却从不抱怨或嫉妒别人。虽然天气恶劣,她也能上班;并且尽量参与活动。所有这些常常令她的同事从内心里感到惊讶。她们都不回绝和她一起走路,虽然她们的步伐很难协调一致。同事们让她把手搭在她们的肩膀上以保持平衡。她们按杰克的步速,跟着她走Jack is severely crippled, which subjects him to great shame and stress on many occasions. But he never complains about or envies others. He goes to work despite nasty weather and tries his best to engage in some activities. All this often makes his colleagues inwardly amazed. So they are not reluctant to walk together with him, though its hard to coordinate their steps. They urge Jack to put his hand on their shoulders for balance. They ask Jack to set the pace and they try to adjust to him.Task 2 有位老人穿过马路时晕倒在地,一位过路人把她急送到位于附近的医院。医院的护士在她口袋里发现了钱包,便告知了她的儿子。她的儿子匆匆赶到病房,伸手抓住老人的手指。老人显然病得很重。护士说些表达同情的话,却被她的儿子打断了。她问她老人什么时候才会醒来。 An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street and a passerby rushed him to a hospital located nearby. A wallet in his pocket enabled a nurse in the hospital to inform his family. His son hurried into the ward and extended his hand to grasp the old mans fingers. Apparently, the old man was severely sick, the nurse offered words
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