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珠珠、丽莉MA英语阅读理解真题黑体词汇复习二203年阅读理解irons:Ter are4pssasn thispar.Ech pasage fllwed by ome qestns or uninsed stateents r each f the thee are fur hoce mared A, B, C, and D. u shod decdeon h s chice an laken theorepoding tter n the ANSWERSHEETitpecil.Psae Ofice jobs aramong tepstions hardes hty ompumatio (计 算 机 自动化). Word cesors an yistwl lose about9,0 jos oer the nxt fw yars, whi7,00retrial jbswill vanish. Blamethe PC: Toda, mnexecuivs ypeteir ownmo andcay tei:“scretas”in he alms of he hnds. Tieis also ard fstck lrks, wose rans ar expced todcreae b6,0. And emploees i nucturingfirms ad whoesas re being replced withcoputerzesystes ot eeryo who lose jb wl end upnt unemloymetn.ny wil shi growng posiins ith ei ow caes. e e technogisshoo up the telcomm busies, telephone operator JudyDougery prued trainig. She i nowacommunicationstehnicn, earnin aou $ 64,000 pr year. O core,i youve ben a tolboth octor fo te pat 3 years, ad youfind ouselfelad b an -ZPas achine, it ma bofle noato(安慰) to knowhat th telecommfiedisbooming.nd thats jut it: Theservic eonomy is fadi;wlme t the expeie(专门知识) enmTosee in th new job ark, you mutbeableto halecompe proble.Inded,all bu oeo the 5 igheyn occupinsirtrfic cotrolerdma t least bacheors degree. Fortose withjus a ih scool dia(毕业证书),ts goig to get toughe tofid el-aying jb.Since ewefacry and clercal jobs wil be vailable,wts ft wile e bsthtcompumatiocan kill: opute c clan offics ,or ce for Alzheimr patens(老年痴呆病 人). But ,incostpee hae tesls to fil thse positios,the wa stypainfulllow,menincopmaton coulddrive an evendeepe wede (楔子) beten theichand poo. Te bestdvi ow: Nve stop leaning, and keep up wth newtehoogFor busy aduts, o cour, that can beough. he go nes tht the ery techologthtsrecingso man jobs is also making t aieo g ack o school wihou hing tsiin clasroom.S-lled Intret dstnceaningisht, h morthanthree milion tdent crrnty erlled, ant aining crediiliywith employer. Ae u t rsk o losing urjob to acompuer?Ckte feda u f Lr StatsicsOccuational Outlokadk, whic isaailabeoni a bl. gov assag 2ns ohousndso 18-earlds wil gradut tsyearand bhaded meaninges plomas. These dplmaswont lok n diferet fro ose awared heiuckie classmates.Their alidity l bequestionedlwhen heireployersdcovethat hse radutesae smilieate(半文盲) Eventulla forunefew wifind tei wayinto ductionl-rpar ssadul-iteray rorm, uch ast oe wre I teach asi gramaadwritng. here,high-school graasanhghschoo dopots uuing gduateequivalency eifites will earn thilthey houl havlaedin scoo. They wills isoerheya bee cheatdb ouredcational sysem. I wll never re a teacher who got te ttentio of oeof m clre b revling therumrof failure u younge,aworld-cls charme, dittle toevelo his inteletul aent bu awas gt yUnil Mrs. tifter.Ourson as gh-scho senor whe e ha h for Enlis.“He is nh ak of the room takin sfriends.” stold m, “ydnt you movehim to the rot ow?” I rg,elievinthemarrassntwould get him to sttle down. Ms. tfter d, I doe seniors Ifunk (使不及格) thm. Or sns acadeiclife flshed bfore my eys. No teacer ad everheatened im B th i I t home I was feelin pretty go about ti .It ws a rdia pproachfohes tims, t, wl, W not?“Shes gong to uk ou.” I toy so. I didnotiscuss i ay furter. Sddnynlish becamea prioriy (头等重要)n i life. He iished out the meterwith A. I now oneexaple doesnt make a ae, but atight I ea paradeof studens wh are angryo having e assedaonguntil theycoul nolonger een prten to ee upOf aergentelieneo bettr, thyevetull it shool, onluding theywere todmbto inish.” shl have been hl bck,” icomen herfreqentyEnsdder e thse students whoarhgh-school graduae wosa o e after few weksof las.” dontnow how ev goa igh-schol dplma” Pasi studnts who ave no mstee he orkcheats m and he eloes who expct rauates o have
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