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Module 4Unit 10Money1determine vt.决心,决定【精讲拓展】determine sth.决定/拟定某事determine on/upon sth.决定做某事determine sb.to do sth.使某人下定决心做某事be determined to do sth.(状态)决心做determine to do sth.(动作)决定做【典型例句】People should be allowed to determine their own future.应当容许人们决定自己的将来。 剑桥高阶We determined on an early start.我们决定早些出发。 朗文现代That determined me to do it.那使我决意干这件事。 朗文现代The number of staff we can take on will be determined by how much money were allowed to spend.我们雇用的人数将取决于可支配资金的多少。 剑桥高阶即学即用_ to go to college,he studied harder and harder. ADetermining BDetermined CDetermine DHaving determined解析:句意为:她决心考上大学,学习越来越努力了。determined表状态,作状语。答案:B2concern vt.与有关,波及;对有影响【精讲拓展】concern oneself with/about sth.关注,波及,参与某事be concerned with sth.与某事有关,牵涉到be concerned about.关怀,对紧张或忧虑as far as sb.be concerned就而言【典型例句】I am not concerned with that matter any longer.我不再和那件事有牵涉。 朗文现代Please dont be concerned about me.请不要紧张我。 朗文现代She looked at me with concern.她关怀地看着我。 朗文现代As far as unemployments concerned,a change of government would be a good idea.就失业问题而言,更换政府会是个好主意。 剑桥高阶Applied science is_ discovering ways to use the knowledge of theoretical science.Aconcerned about Bconcerned with Cfocused on Dcombined with解析:句意为:应用科学研究波及到探究理论科学知识的运用措施。A表“关怀”;C表“专注于”;D表“与结合”。答案:B3appeal vi.有吸引力,呼吁,恳求;上诉n. 恳求,上诉,吸引力【精讲拓展】appeal to sb.吸引某人appeal to sb.to do sth.恳请/呼吁某人做某事appeal to sb.for sth.为某事而向某人呼吁make/launch an appeal发出呼吁 即学即用【典型例句】No matter what happens,we shall not appeal to arms.无论发生什么状况,我们都不会诉诸武力。 朗文现代The little baby is very appealing for me.对我来说,这个婴儿非常讨人喜欢。 朗文现代The footballer appealed to the referee for a free kick.这个足球运动员祈求裁判判罚任意球。 剑桥高阶The police have issued an appeal to the public to stay away from the centre of town at the weekend.警察呼吁公众在周末远离市中心。 剑桥高阶The programme“Super Girl”on Hunan TV_ especially to young people. Atends Bprefers Cappeals Ddevotes解析:句意为:湖南卫视的“超级女声”节目对年轻人特别有吸引力。tend表“趋向”;prefer表“更喜欢”;devote表“致力于”。答案:C4comment n&vi.&vt.评论,意见【精讲拓展】comment on /upon sth.评论,谈论,对提意见make a comment on/about.就做出评论ask for comment征求意见no comment无可奉告【典型例句】 The Presidents speech received much comment in the press. 总统的演说受到新闻界的广泛评论。 朗文现代 I read your comments on his new book but disagree with them.我读了你对她的新书的评论,但是我不批准你的意见。朗文现代She was asked about the pay increase but made no comment(did not give an opinion)有人问她有关加薪的事,但她未置评论。 剑桥高阶 翻译句子你对我的文章有什么意见?_即学即用Have you any comments to make upon my article?5bargain n交易,便宜货v.谈判,讨价还价【精讲拓展】 make/beat a bargain with和做交易/讨价还价bargain with sb. about the price与某人讲价It/That is bargain.就这样讲定了/一言为定。a good bargain一笔划算的交易【典型例句】We bargained the price of the house down.我们通过讨价还价减少了房子的价格。 朗文现代This coat was halfpricea real bargain.这件大衣是半价买的真便宜。 剑桥高阶The management and employees eventually struck/made a bargain(reached an agreement)劳资双方最后达到了合同。 剑桥高阶We bargained that we should not have to work on Sundays.我们提出星期日不必工作的规定。 剑桥高阶即学即用翻译句子双方达到了停火合同。_ The two sides made a bargain to cease fire.6practise vt.练习,实习;训练,遵循【精讲拓展】practise doing sth.练习做put.into practice付诸实践,实行be in /out of practice练习充足/练习局限性common practice惯例【典型例句】We should practise speaking English whenever we have a chance.一有机会我们就该练习说英语。 朗文现代How do you intend to put these proposals into practice,Mohamed?穆罕默德,你打算如何把这些筹划付诸实行? 剑桥高阶Its common practice in the States to tip the hairdresser.在美国一般要给理发师小费。 剑桥高阶完毕句子_makes perfect.(熟能生巧)_ _(没有实践)there would be no theory.即学即用Practice Without practice 7replace vt.替代,替代;把放回原处【精讲拓展】replace sb./sth.with sb./sth.用替代in place ofin ones place替代take the place of take ones place替代take place举办,发生in place 恰当的;在合适的位置out of place不恰当的,不合适的in the first place一方面,第一点【典型例句】I replaced the dish in the cabinet.我把盘子放回橱柜。 美国老式Can anything replace a mothers love?有什么东西能替代母爱吗?
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