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Unit 3Seasons单元教材分析:本单元主要学习有关季节及其气温特点的八个词汇:.autumn.winter.hot,warm,cool,cold.本单元的活动用语 Whats your favourite season SpingSummerAutumnWinter.Its warmhotcoolcold. 并能初步在恰当的情景中运用。本单元是学生开学后的第三单元,与学生生活实 际紧密联系,学习有关季节及其气温特点的用语,易于学生接受,内容简单实用, 易懂。单元教学目标:1.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下说出与季节有关的 8 个单词。2.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型。3.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下用英语日常用语表示对季节的喜好。4.能够听懂常用的表示对季节的喜好的英语日常用语并做出相应的反响。 5.通过歌曲和游戏学会用英语表达对不同季节的喜好及其原因。6.能够观察到四季的不同并且用所学语言予以表达。7.能够初步了解字母组成单词的过程。单元教学重点:1.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与季节有关的 8 个单词。2.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型: Whats your favourite season单元教学难点:能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型:Whats your favourite season单元课时安排: 五课时第一课时教学内容:A Look, listen and chant教学目标:能够在适当的情景下听懂,说出与季节有关的 4 个单词和表示气温特点的 4 个单 词。教学重点:学会读与季节有关的 4 个单词。教学难点:表示气温特点的 4 个单词。教学准备: 光盘,卡片教学时间: 教学过程:月日一.热身(Warm-up)1.师生问好。2.跟随录音大胆说唱第二单元的歌谣。二.预习(Preview)Asking some studentsT: Did you have a happy Spring Festival Ss:Yes.T: But do you know whats the meaning of spring Lets look at this picture.三.新课呈现 (Presentation)T: Now, lets look at the picture. (教师出示挂图)T: What can you see in this pictureS1: I can see grass.T: s spring. spring 出示教学卡片,带着学生学习新单词。 1) read after the teacher2) read in different waysLearn the expression : Spring is green.T: Spring is a season. There are four seasons in one year.season出 示教学卡片,带着学生学习新单词。1) read after the teacher2)read in different waysT: Do you like springSs: Yes.T: Why Ss: Its green. I like green.T: Do you know any other season S1: Summer.T: Look here.(出示夏天的教学卡片) What can you seeSs: Bright sunshine.T: In this season, we can see many beautiful flowers, bright sunshine. Its summer. summer 出示教学卡片,带着学生学习新单词。1) read after the teacher2)read in different waysLearn the expression : Summer is bright.T: Look at this picture.(出示秋天的教学卡片) What can you seeSs: The leaves are yellow.T: In this season, the leaves begin to turn golden and fall. Its fall.fall 出示教学卡片,带着学生学习新单词。1) read after the teacher2)read in different waysLearn the expression : Fall is golden.T: Look at this picture.(出示冬天的教学卡片) What can you see Ss:Snow.T: In this season, it snows sometime. It出示教学卡片,带着学生学 习新单词。1) read after the teacher2)read in different waysLearn the expression : Winter is white.四.稳固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)Learn the song:1listen to the song ( twice)2 Follow the song3Sing the song附:板书设计:Lesson 1spring summerfall winter教学后记:第二课时教学内容:B Look and say教学目标:1.能够通过看图识别四个不同的季节:spring summer fall winter在一定情景下使用 IWe can的句型来表达与四季有关的活动3.通过本课的学习,学生能够对大自然产生强烈的热爱之情教学重点:学会运用句型:Whats the weather like in autumn教学难点:重点句的答句 Its warm and windy .教学准备: 光盘,卡片教学时间: 教学过程: 教学过程:月日一.热身(Warm-up)1.师生问好。2.跟随录音大胆说唱第二单元的歌谣。 二.预习(Preview)1) Read the words together2) Read the flash words (单词闪现)3) Guessing gameReview theexpressionsT: Do you like Ss: Yes.T: Why Ss: Its .三.新课呈现 (Presentation)整体呈现挂图听录音,同时指导学生看图,让学生反复听录音 1T: What season is it S: Spring.T: Yes, its spring. In spring, we can plant trees, fly kites. Plant trees( 通过动作.简笔画教授此动词词组然后听录音)2T: What season is it S: Summer.T: Yes, its summer. In summer, we can swim, eat ice cream. Swim( 通过动作.简笔画教授此动词词组然后听录音)3T: What season is it S: Fall. T: Yes, its fall. In fall, we can climb hills, pick apples. climb hills ( 通过动作.简笔画教 授此动词词组然后听录音) 4T: What season is it S: Winter. T: Yes, its winter. In winter , we can make a snowman, go skating. make a snowman ( 通过动作.简笔画教授此动词词组然后听录音)如果时间充裕,可以适当拓展一些其他的动词词组。四、 稳固和延伸 (Consolidation and extension)1、 Example Group work showeg: T: What season do you like S1:T: WhyS1: (强化 We can do句型)2.Learn the chant1) Listen to the chant2) Follow the tape3) Sing the chant3.Gussing game1)教师在上课前根据本课内容准备 8 张小图片,分别画者所学的 8 个动作的 简笔画放风筝,游泳,摘苹果,滑冰,种树,吃冰淇淋,爬山,堆雪人,并 附有英文句, 如:Its summer! Its summer! We can swim in summer.2) 教师请两个英语学习优秀的学生到讲台前进行演示:教师先给学生 a 一 张图片,然后让学生 a 根据简笔画作动作,学生 b 根据学生 a 所做的动作,说出: Its summer! Its summer! We can swim in summer.然后教师再给学生 b 一张图片,学生 a 猜和说。对猜对的同学给予奖励。4.Group work1小组内一人做动作,其余三人猜。2并练习 Its! Its!We can in.附:板书设计:Lesson 2Whats the weather like in autumnIts warm and windy .教学后记:第三课时教学内容:教学内容:A Look, listen and repeat B Lets survey教学目标:1.通过观察美丽多彩的图画,用学过的语言描绘画面。2.学习交际用语的表达:Whats your favourite season 及它的答句 It is 。教学重点:学会读与季节有关的句子及答复。教学难点:学习句子:Whats your favourite season 的读法。教学准备: 光盘,卡片教学时间: 教学过程:月日一.热身(Warm-up)学生跟随录音说唱本单元第一课的歌谣。二.预习(Preview)教师通过课件呈现生活中不同季节情况的照片,让学生用 Its .来描述。 三.新课呈现 (Presentation)1.教师引导学生观察主情景图,并与其进行简单交流,如:Who are they Where are theyWhat are they doingWhat are Angel and Lucy talking about 从而引出对话情景。2.教师引导学生从主情景图到本课 A 项图片,把文字局部覆盖住,引导学生 观察图片,并提出问题:How about Joy,Yaoyao and LilyWhat are they talking about3.教师播放录音,让学生感知对话内容。4.让学生听录音数遍,跟录音读。5.就主情景图画进行男女生对话练习。四.稳固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)主情景图画小组进行对话
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