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英语七年级上册第三单元教案 - 英语七年级上册第三单元教案 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 话题 教室里的物品 功能 确认物主关系 重难点 一般疑问句及其答复,名词性物主代词mine,yours,his,hers,theirs 知识点讲解 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的用法 形容词性物主代词其后必须跟名词。形容词性物主代词不能单独使用,后面必接名词,表示所有. 如:my pen我的钢笔your bag你的书包his bike他的自行车her desk她的书桌 its name它的名字Is that your bike? 那是你的自行车吗? Those are our books. 那些是我们的书。 假如名词前有形容词性物主代词就不能同时用冠词(a, an,the)或指示代词(this, that, these, those)修饰此名词。 物主代词:分形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词。 形容词性物主代词相当于一个形容词,在句中作定语用,其后一定要接名词。 例如: This is my coat .Those are your sweater. 名词性的物主代词相当于一个名词,在句中作主语、表语或宾语,能单独使用。 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词之间的关系为: 名词性物主代词=相应的形容词性物主代词名词 例如:Your bedroom(=yours) is big. Mine (=My bedroom) is big, too. 你的卧室大。我的卧室也大。 短语句型1, Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. 2, Is this my pen? No, it isnt. 3, Is that Jim? No, it isnt. It is Tom. Is he your father? Yes, he is 4, 你怎样拼写它 -How do you spell it? = Spell it, please. -W-A-T-C-H 你能拼写它么?-Can you spell it, please? -Yes, I can 5, 给我/他/她/他们打 Call me/him/her/them 找Alan请拨打495-3539. Call Alan at 495-3539. Call sb. at + 号码 拨打找某人 6, 在失物招领处in the lost and found case? 7, 一串钥匙a set of keys a set of + 名词复数 8 What is this in English?=Can you say it in English? 9 look up a dictionary 10强调找的动作 look for 强调找的结果 find 随堂练习与课后练习 一、根据句意和首字母提示填空。10分 1Whats this in E ? 2How do you s pencil? 3Call Jane a 6352469. 4Is this y eraser? 5My b is big. I can put many things in it. 6Is that your c game in the case? 7I want to buy two pencil s . 8A set of k is on your desk. 9Is your watch in the l and found case? 10He cant find the word in the d . 二、根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。10分 1_(I) name is Lisa Barnes. 2Jenny is a girl. _(she) family name is Green. 3Whats _(you) name, please? 4He is a boy and she is a _(boy的对应词). 5Nice _(meet) you ,too. 三、单项选择。10分 1How do you spell ring? _. AIts a ring BriNg CRING Da ring 2Is that _ pencil case? Ahe Bhim Chis Dhes 3Whats this _? Ain english BIn English Cof English Din English 4Lucy, you speak Chinese very well. Oh, really? _. ATank you BIm sorry CThats OK DYoure wele 5Is this an orange? Yes, _. Aits Bits not Cit is Dis it 6Tom and Jim _ in Class 3. Ais Bbe Cam Dare 7Whats your telephone number? _ 555778. AThis BThat CIt DIts 8There is _ basketball here. Do you like playing _ baseball? Aa; a Ba; / Cthe; the Da; the 9Hello, Miss Chen. _? Fine, thank you. ANice to meet you CHow are you BHow do you do DAre you Miss Chen 10_. Whats this in English? _, I dont know. AExcuse me; Sorry CSorry; Sorry BExcuse me; Excuse me DSorry; Excuse me 四、按要求完成以下句子,每空一词。10分 A句型转换。 1Is this your puter?(改为肯定陈述句) _ _ your puter. 2You, do, game, how, spell?连词成句 Is _ your _ _? 7今天晚上你能给我打 吗? Can you _ _ this _? 8把你的笔记本放在你的背包里。 Put your _ _ your backpack. 9你的棒球在书桌里吗? _ your _ _ the desk? 10让我们一起去玩电脑游戏吧。 _ go and play _ _. 五、重新给以下句子排序,使其成为一段完好的对话。10分 A: Goodbye. B: Thank you. Goodbye. C: Is it your notebook? D: BACKPACK. E: Oh, its a backpack. F: By the way (顺便问一下),whats that in English? G: How do you spell backpack? H: Hi, Sam. Is this a notebook? I: Yes, it is. J: Yes, it is mine. 六、完形填空。10分 What 1 this? 2 a backpack. Its my 3 . Whats that? Its a 4 . It is 5 puter. Is that a puter, too? 6 . Its a TV set. Its 7 TV set. I 8 it 9 Saturday evening. It is a 10 TV set. 1Ais Bare Cam Dbe 2AHes 3Aruler 4ATV set 5Ahers 6AYes, it is 7AI 8Alook 9Aon 10Amy 七、阅读理解20分 BShes Bring Bputer Bshe CIts Cbackpack Ccase Cher DIs Dbook Dpencil DI DNo, it isnt Dhis Dlisten Dto Dgood BYes, it isnt CNo, it is Bmy Bsee Bin Bwell Cher Cwatch Cat Cher A 根据短文内容选择正确答案。10分 1Are Tina and Kate both students? ANo, they arent. CYes, they arent. BNo, they are. DYes, they are. 2What row is Tina in? AShe is in Row Four. CShe is in Row One. BShe is in Row Two. DShe is in Row Three. 3Whats the number of Kates fathers car? AIts B047968 CIts B032146. BIts E032143. DIts E044995. 4How old is Tina? AShe is fifteen. CShe is fourteen. BShe is thirteen. DShe is twelve. 5Whats the number of Tinas c
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