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新牛津7A unit3词组和短语汇编Welcome to the unit:1. 你最喜爱的科目是哪门?Which of the subjects do you like best? =Which is your favourite subject subject? Which subject do you like best?2. 因此我可以吃三块。So I can eat three. 3. 今天是几月几号? Whats the date today? 今天是十月九号。Its October 9th.4. 今天是星期几? What day is it today?/What day is it today? 今天是星期一。Its Monday.5. 现在是几点?What time is it now?/Whats the time now? 现在是两点钟。Its two oclock.6. 明天是开放日。 Tomorrow is our Open Day.7. 家长会the parents meeting8. 让我们一点半在学校门口见.Lets meet at the school gate at 1:30.9.上一节美术/英语课 have an Art/English lesson 上一节地理/生物/历史/音乐/体育/语文/数学课 have a Geography/Biology/History/Music/PE/Chinese/Maths lessonReading:1. 你学校看起来很漂亮/现代。Your school looks beautiful/modern。(提问) How does your school look? What does your school look like?/Whats your school like?2.带你参观一下show you around 带领某人参观某地 show sb. around sp.3.在教学楼的前面in front of the classroom building 在教室的前面(在教室的外面) in front of the classroom 在教室的前面(在教室的里面) in the front of the classroom4.在一楼(英式英语) on the ground floor 在一楼(美式英语) on the first floor5.这些教室既干净又明亮。The classrooms are clean and bright.6.这边请,妈妈。This way, Mum. 7.一个艺术教室an art room 一个音乐教室a music room 两个电脑教室two computer rooms 8.开会 have meetings9.穿白色衬衫的那个人是谁? Whos the man in a white shirt?Grammar:1.看一看墙上我朋友的照片look at the pictures of my friends on the wall on the wall/in the wall2.让我看看 Let me see./Let me have a look. 看. look at /have a look at.3.在我们校足球队be in our school football team4.他们都很好。They are all very nice. 对.友好 be nice/kind/friendly to .5.我们都喜欢他。We all like him.6.让我告诉你有关它的情况。Let me tell you about it. 告诉某人有关某事的情况tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事 tell sb.sth./tell sth. to sb.7.我有一些新朋友 I have some new friends. 8.我喜欢放学后和他们一起玩。 I like to play with them after class. 9.向她问好/和某人告别 say hello /goodbye to her 10.什么?请再说一遍。Pardon? 用于请求别人重复一遍,完整形式为:I beg your pardon. 口语中课省略为:Beg your pardon. 或Pardon?11.我听不清你的话。I cant hear you well.12.在电话里/在电视上/在收音机里/在网上 on the phone/on TV /on the radio/on the Internet13.在操场上 on /in the playgroundIntegrated skills& Study skills:1.你怎样到学校?How do you get to school? 我骑车/坐公共汽车到学校。I get to school by bike / by bus. =I ride a bike to school / take a/the bus to school. 步行上学walk to school/go to school on foot 乘飞机上学take a plane to school/go to school by plane/fly to school 开车去上学drive (a car )to school/go to school by car/in a car 2.那需要多长时间?How long does it take? 你骑车到学校需要多长时间?How long does it take you to get to school by bike? 我骑车到学校需要20分钟。It takes me twenty minutes to get to school by bike. 做某事花费某人多长时间。It takes sb 时间 to do sth. 花时间做某事 sb spend 时间 on sth /sb spend 时间 (in)doing sth 3.从我家到学校有很长的一段路。 Its a long way from my home to the school.4.我朋友艾米住的靠近学校。My friend Amy lives near our school. 5.它什么时候开放? When is it open? 它从早上八点一直到下午五点半开放。Its open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 开着的/关着的 be open /closed6.阅览室只在下午开放。The reading room is only open in the afternoon.7.我们图书馆有各种各样的图书。 There are all kinds of books in the library.8.你从图书馆借书吗?Do you borrow books from the library? 向借某物 borrow sth. from 把东西借给别人lend sth. to sb = lend sb sth.9.过马路 cross the road10.在你回来的路上带个生日蛋糕给我。 Bring me a birthday cake on your way back. 11.在某人回家/去学校的路上on ones way back home/on ones way back to schoolTask&Self-assessment1.谢谢你的来信。Thanks for your letter./Thank you for the letter. 为某事而感谢某人Thank sb for sth/doing sth 2.一些教室 a few classrooms a few /few 修饰可数名词复数 a little/little 修饰不可数名词3.我家离学校很远。 I live far away from the school. Its a long way from my home to the school.4.我每天步行去学校。 I go to school on foot every day. I walk to school every day.
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