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英语八年级上册Module 7 单元综合测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Take the medicine _a day.AtwiceBtwo timesCtwo time2 . -Im sorry to have kept you _so long. -Oh, never mind.AwaitBto waitCwaitingDwaits3 . All the classmates _ in that match.Aenjoy themselvesBenjoy ourselvesCenjoyed themselvesDenjoyed yourselves4 . Can you tell me the way _ Shanghai Zoo?AtoBatCforDtowards5 . Do you _ an American friend?No, I dont. But my sister _ one.Ahave; hasBhas; haveChave; haveDhas; has6 . I am enjoying sports _.Aas well asBalsoCtooDeither7 . _? Yes, Id like some tea.AWhere are youBCan I help youCWho are youDWhat do you do8 . Tu Yoyo is the first Chinese scientist _ the Nobel Prize in Medicine.AwonBwinsCto winDwinning9 . While I _ down the street, I _ my classmates.Awas walking; metBwalked; metCwas walking; was meetingDwalked; was meeting二、补全短文5选4A famous scientist made some great inventions. A newspaper reporter asked him why he thought he was able to be so much more creative than other persons. What made him so successful and different from others?He said it all came from an experience with his mother when he was about two years old. 10 . when he lost his control on the bottle and it fell, pouring the milk all over the kitchen floor - a sea of milk!His mother didnt shout at him,instead, she said, Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! 11 . . Well, something bad had happened. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, You know, Robert, whenever you make a mess like this, you have to clean it up. 12 . ? We could use a sponge(海绵)or a towel. Which I do you prefer? He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the spilled(溅出的) milk.His mother then said, You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in how to carry a big milk bottle with two small hands. 13 . and see if you can find a way to carry it without dropping it. In the end, the little boy learned how to carry the bottle without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson!ALets go out and fill the bottle with waterBWhat really have you doneCHe tried to move a bottle of milk from the refrigeratorDSo, how would you like to do thatE.I have never seen such a huge pool of milk三、完型填空Mr. Black has a big shop in the city center. He tells all his employees (雇员) to be _ to the buyers and he gets a lot of money.One day an old woman went to the shop to buy a silk blouse. When she came _of the shop with the blouse, she left her wallet in it. A girl_and found there were nearly five hundred dollars in it. She looked around and _ saw it. She put it into her pocket _. Soon the old woman came back to look for it, of course she _. That evening Mr. Black was told about it. He was very angry and sent the girl away. Then he decided to employ_ honest man to take her place. Several young _ came, but none of them could satisfy him.This morning a young man came into_ office. He asked, “Do you smoke, sir?”“No, sir,” answered the young man.“Do you drink?”“No, sir.”Mr. Black asked him the other questions, and the young mans answers satisfied him._he employed him, he asked him the last question, “You have no shortcoming(缺点), do you?”“No, I dont, sir,” said the young man. “I only like telling lies (撒谎)”.14 . AstrangeBterribleCstrictDfriendly15 . AinBoutCforDfrom16 . Apicked up itBpicked it upCpicked them upDpicked up them17 . AanybodyBsomebodyCnobodyDeverybody18 . AeasyBslowCquickDquickly19 . AwonBlostCfailedDforgot20 . AaBanCtheD/21 . AmanBmenCchildDchildren22 . AheBhimChisDher23 . ABeforeBAfterCWhenDWhile四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词24 . 别朝窗外看,请认真听老师讲。Dont _ the window.Please listen to the teacher carefully.25 . 我的小女儿开始跳上跳下。My little girl started to jump _.26 . 他们搭起帐篷,然后去钓鱼了。They _ the tent and then went fishing.27 . 当她看到她的新房间时,她吃了一惊。When she saw her new room,she_.28 . 我们彼此非常友好。We are very friendly to_.29 . 玛丽大声喊我们进来帮助她。Mary _ us to come in and help her.五、填空Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One day their mother said to them, “You are too big to live here. You need to build your own houses. But make sure that the wolf cant catch you.”The first little pig built a house with grass. It was the easiest thing to do. The second little pig built his house with sticks, which was a little bit stronger than the grass house. The
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