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大學EMBA专业学位论文模板-公司企业发展战略研究-高层管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)领域 - EMBA论文 EMBA专业学位论文模板公司企业开展战略高层管理人员工商管理硕士EMBA大學EMBA专业学位论文公司企业开展战略研究申请人:学科领域:EMBA指导教师: 副教授年月论文题目:公司企业开展战略研究学科领域:高层管理人员工商管理硕士EMBA申 请 人:指导教师: 副教授摘 要随着国企改革和电力体制改革的逐步深化,作为市场竞争主体的公司正从单一的水电企业开展为区域型能源企业,企业外部经济环境、行业环境、内部管理都发生了深刻变化。面对日趋剧烈市场竞争和快速扩大的企业规模,如何抓住开展机遇,迎接经营挑战、推进企业开展,已成为公司管理高层所要急需解决的重大课题。因此,加强公司开展战略的研究,科学地制定公司开展战略,对公司进一步完善企业开展战略和公司治理结构,推进战略实施和提高管理水平,促进企业开展,都具有十分重要的意义。本文旨在以公司的重大历史沿革以及当前开展的内外部环境为依据,以企业战略管理相关理论为指导,结合目前国企改革和电力体制改革的环境变化,分析公司的开展环境,剖析公司的竞争能力,参照专业研究机构对宏观经济形势的预测、相关行业的前景分析和区域能源规划,以理论与实践相结合,运用行业竞争结构模型和SWOT分析模型,对公司目前的开展战略进行了系统的分析研究,提出公司新时期的战略开展规划和措施。本文研究总体认为,随着国民经济和电源建设的快速开展,公司产品单一、附加值较低等已成为制约公司可持续开展的主要因素,因此公司应以“立足水电、面向西北,产业一体化协同开展为思路,优化产业结构和布局,延伸产业链,多元开展,打造一流区域能源企业。文章最后围绕公司的具体开展战略目标,从产业规划布局、管控模式、资本运作、人力资源管理、信息化建设以及企业文化的塑造等方面提出了具体的实施倡议,对公司的开展具有实际指导意义。关键词:电力企业 开展战略 研究论文类型:应用研究Title: A Study of Development Strategy of Yellow River enterpriseProfessional Fields: Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)Applicant: Supervisor: Associate Prof. AbstractWith the development of revolution in state-owned enterprises and electrics system, Yellow River enterprise has been turning into an energy company more than a power company. The economics environment, industry environment and the internal management have changed deeply. Facing fierce competition, it comes to the company as a vital problem that how to seize the opportunities, meet the challenges and promote enterprise development. Consequently, strengthening the study and establishment of enterprise development strategy are meaningful for the company to perfect the enterprise development strategy and corporate governance structure, improve the management level and promote enterprise development.According to the Yellow River enterprises important historical reforms, the internal and external environment, directed by relevant corporate strategic management theories, this article aims at analyzing the existing development strategy and putting forward a new strategic development plan. Combined with relevant environment changing, it analyzes the environment of developing and competitiveness. Consulting the forecasting of Macroeconomic Situation, analysis of relevant industrys Prospects, using the model of industry competitive structure and SWOT model, I give such conclusions: as the quick developing of national economy and power construction, the single product and low added value comes to be the weak points for the sustainable development. So the company should take “based in hydro power, for the northwest, industry integration and joint development as its thinking path, optimize its industry structure and layouts, extend its industrial chain and form a first rate regional energy company. In the end, I give the practical implementation methods of industry planning, management model, capital operation, management of human resource, which will be of great use.KEY WORDS: Power Enterprises; Development Strategy; ResearchTYPE OF THESIS: Applied Research目 录摘 要Abstract目 录 绪论. 研究背景与问题. 研究意义. 研究思路与论文框架 相关理论综述. 企业战略管理历史及理论. 行业竞争结构分析理论. SWOT分析法 外部环境分析. 我国电力工业的宏观环境分析. 西北区域电力工业的宏观环境. 行业竞争结构力量分析. 外部环境综合评价 内部条件分析. 公司概况. 组织结构分析. 技术能力分析. 人力资源分析. 财务能力分析. 内部条件综合评估 公司开展战略计划设计与选择. 总体开展思路和定位. 战略目标. SWOT分析及战略选择. 计划的评价及选择 公司战略实施对策研究. 优化产业结构、布局,拓展产业领域. 完善集团化管控体制和管理机制. 提高资本运作能力. 强化人力资源管理. 推进企业信息化建设. 加强企业文化建设结束语致 谢参考文献声明CONTENTS Preface. Research Back12EMBA专业学位论文模板公司企业开展战略高层管理人员工商管理硕士EMBAground and Research Problem. Significance of the Research. Research Ideas and the Framework An Overview of Relevant Theories.Corporation Strategic Management History and Theories. Industry Competition Structure Analysis Theories. SWOT Model Analysis of the External Environment.Analysis of Macro Environment of National Power Industry.Analysis of Macro Environment of Northwest Regional Power Industry.Analysis of Industry Competition Structure Power . Comprehensive Evaluation of Macro Environment Analysis of Internal Condition. Company Introduction. Analysis of Organization Structure. Analysis of Technology Capacity. Analysis of Human Resource. Analysis of Finance Capacity. Comprehensive Evaluation of Internal Condition Design and Selection of Corporate Development Strategy Plan. Development Idea and Orientation. Strategic Target. SWOT Analysis and Strategy Selection. Project Evaluation and Selection The Study of
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