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Release Notes(发布信息)New Licensing Procedures(新的授权程序)Autodesk Moldflow 2010 uses a new floating license system implemented by the Autodesk License Manager (Moldflow). This replaces previous Moldflow licensing options such as Commercial and Enterprise. Legacy Moldflow products using Moldflow Product Security will continue to function independently of Autodesk Moldflow 2010. Refer to the Autodesk Moldflow Insight 2010 Installation Guide for more information about the new licensing scheme, license functionality, and product installation and configuration. 2010年的Autodesk Moldflow使用Autodesk许可管理器(MOLDFLOW)实施新的浮动授权系统。这取代了以前如商业和企业的Moldflow软件的许可选择。使用Moldflow产品安全性的传统Moldflow的产品将继续独立运作Autodesk Moldflow 2010。请参阅Autodesk Moldflow Insight 2010安装指南,以了解有关新的授权系统、授权功能、产品安装和配置的详细信息。New Features and Enhancements(新功能和增强功能)Autodesk Moldflow Insight 2010 introduces new technologies and significant enhancements to respond to customer requests and increase user productivity.Autodesk Moldflow Insight 2010引入了新技术和独特的增强功能,以满足用户需求,并提高工作效率。Environmental impact(环境影响)Different materials can have different environmental impacts. The polymer family a material belongs to can provide an initial indication of processability and potential recyclability of a material. The Resin identification code of a selected material is provided to help identify the polymer family. Minimizing the energy consumption of the injection molding process provides both cost and environmental benefits. Based on the predicted Injection Pressure and Cooling Time for a suite of part geometries and thickness, an Energy usage indicator has been developed for each material in the thermoplastic material database. This provides an indication of the relative energy requirements to produce a part from any given material. Both the Resin identification code and the Energy usage indicator are stored in the thermoplastic material data.不同材料对环境可能有不同的影响。聚合物家族为材料的加工性能和潜在的可回收性提供了一个初始指标。具体的树脂识别代码可以帮助确定相关的聚合物家族。注射成型过程的能耗最小化可以节省成本和环境效益。基于对单个零件的几何形状和厚度的注射压力和冷却时间的预测,已经开发出每种材料能量使用指标以应用于热塑性材料材料数据库。这样,对于给定的材料就可以提供的相对能量要求的指标。树脂的识别码和能量使用指标都存储在热塑性材料数据库里。New 3D Fiber solver(新的3D纤维求解器)A new 3D Fiber solver offers an improved fiber orientation solution for fiber-filled thermoplastic materials when the Coupled 3D Flow solver is used in the specified analysis sequence. The new 3D Fiber solver is used by default if the option to perform Fiber orientation analysis if fiber material is selected in the Process Settings WizardFill+Pack Settings. The new solver offers significant benefits:当耦合三维流动求解器启动时用于在指定的分析序列的纤维的热塑性材料,全新的3D纤维求解器提供一种改进的纤维取向的解决方案。如果选择执行过程中的设置向导填充+套件设置,全新的3D纤维求解器默认情况下,可以应用于纤维材料纤维取向分析。新的求解器提供了显著的优点:l The fiber orientation solution now is more efficient.全新的纤维取向解决方案更有效。l The velocity gradient calculation is improved.提高了速度梯度运算。l Dependency of results on mesh orientation is reduced.简化了对网格排列结果的依赖程度。l Result visualization is improved, especially when viewing the fiber orientation profile through the part thickness.改善了可视化结果,特别是在查看通过部件厚度方向的纤维取向曲线时。The new 3D Fiber solver creates both nodal and elemental fiber orientation tensor results at the end of injection molding process. The default Fiber orientation tensor result displayed is based on nodal data. Using nodal data improves the display of the fiber orientation profile through the thickness of the part. This is most easily seen when the Fiber orientation tensor result is displayed using the plot type Probe XY plot. In Moldflow Plastics Insight 6.2 and earlier releases, the result displayed was based on elemental data. This result based on elemental data is still created, but it is not displayed by default. To display it, click Results New Plot and select Fiber orientation tensor on elements from the list of available results. Backward compatibility is maintained, such that results based on elemental data in studies saved using previous releases can be visualized in the current release, and API scripts created using previous releases will still function as expected based on the elemental data.3D纤维求解器创建在注塑成型过程结束时的节点和网格单元的纤维取向张量结果。默认的纤维取向张量结果显示依据节于节点的数据。利用节点数据来可以改善通过部件厚度方向的纤维取向角曲线的显示。当用图表类型查看XY图表时,这是最容易看到的纤维取向张量结果显示。在Moldflow Plastics Insight 6.2和更早的版本,结果显示是基于网格单元数据。这个结果是在网格单元的基础上创建的,但默认情况下不显示。要显示它,单击结果新图表,从查询结果列表中的元素中选择新的纤维取向张量。保持向后兼容性,元素数据的研究的基础上的,这样的结果保存在当前版本中使用以前的版本中的可以可视化的API创建的脚本使用以前的版本仍然会如预期般运作的基础上的元素资料。Other solver enhancements(其他求解器的改进)Midplane and Dual Domain Flow solver optimization 中心板和双域流场求解的优化。Users of Midplane and Dual Domain Fill and Pack analyses may see two benefits of code optimization that has been implemented in the Flow solver:中间板和双域的用户填充和套件分析可以看到两方面的好处已经实施了流动求解器算的的代码优化:l Reduced memory requirement. Internal tests show that a typical analysis using an unfilled material and default process settings now requires significantly less memory, thus using system resources more efficiently.减少内存的要求。内部测试显示,一个典型的分析使用的未填充材料和默认的进程设置算目前需要更少的内存,从而更有效地使用系统资
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