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初三语法易错题汇总(适合优质学员二模提高冲刺使用)1. When heretiredat 65, he _ painting in over 20 cities in Europe and Asia.A. teaches B. has taught C. had taught D. would teach解析:C. 时态的考察,teach是发生在retired之前,故是过去的过去,用过去完毕时态。2. -_ did the winner of the bicycle race ride? At the speed of40km/h.A. How long B. How fast C. How much D. How far解析:B.根据答句可以得出是对速度的提问,故用how fast.3. Alice ,_her friends,always takes a long walk after supper.A. both B. as well as C. but also D. And解析:B.主谓一致问题。根据takes可以得出句子的主语是第三人称单数,故是就远原则,考生应清晰的掌握就近原则和就远原则.4. Hey,boy!would you like to show me your _hand?A. the othersB. the otherC. other D. Another解析:C. 考察不定代词。常考搭配:one.the other;some.others;考生要清晰one.the other(中the可以换成相应的形容词性物主代词)5. The manager is much better than other employees_dealing with the customers complaints.A. in B. at C. on D. Of解析:B. 词组be good at的固定搭配,此题为比较级。6 .I hear that you have been to Wenzhen. Did you like it ?How long _ you _there ?A. do.stayB. have .stayed C. did.stay D. had .stayed 解析:C. 动词时态的考察,此题没有侧重对目前导致的影响,故直接用一般过去时态。7. The sea wave reached 10 meters in the storm.(对划线部分提问)_ _was the sea wave in the storm?(对划线部分提问)解析:How high. 特殊疑问句的考察,学生需掌握how有关的特殊疑问句含义。8. Martine doesnt play for the school football team any longer.(保持句子意思不变)Martine is _ _ a member of the school football team .解析:not any longer=no longer.9. During the test,our teacher stopped us from talking with each other.(保持句子意思不变)Our teacher didnt _us _talk with each other during the test.解析:stop sb from doing sth=dont allow sb to do sth.10. The factory decided to increase production to meet the needs of more customers.(保持句子意思不变)The factory decided to increase production to _ the _ of more customers.解析:meet ones needs=satisfy ones demand.11. The thief finally said that he stole the valuable necklace from the lady.(保持句子意思不变)The thief finally _ _ the valuable necklace from the lady.(保持句子意思不变)解析:承认做过某事。Admit doing sth12. Did Maggie fly to New York on her own? He wondered.(合并成一句话)He wondered if Maggie _ _to New York on her own? 解析:宾语从句的考察。Had flown13. The baby pandas weigh about 150 grams on average.(对划线部分提问)_ _do the baby pandas weigh on average?_ _is the baby pandas on average?_ the _ of the baby pandas on average?解析:How weigh;How heavy;Whats weight 对重量的三种提问方式14. Helen returned the magazine to the library after reading it.(保持句子意思不变)Helen _ _the magazine to the library after reading it.(保持句子意思不变)解析:return=give back to, 同义词组的积累15. It is necessary for us to review what we have just learned in time .(保持句子意思不变)It is necessary for us to _ _what we have just learned in time .解析:review=go over,复习回忆。16. Mr.Smith selects his words very carefully when he speaks in public.(保持句子意思不变)Mr.Smith selects his words with_ _ when he speaks in public.解析:carefully=with great care, 仔细的小心的17. As it is said by Joyce,the link method is a basic way of improving our memory.(保持句子意思不变)_ _Joyce,the link method is a basic way of improving our memory.解析:As it is said by sb=According to sb. 根据某人的观点。18. You can pay the bill in cash. You can pay the bill by credit card.(保持句子意思不变)You can pay the bill_ in cash_by credit card.解析:either.or, 21. The boys like having sports better than chatting with their friends on QQ.(保持句子意思不变)The boys _ having sports_ chatting with their friends on QQ.解析: prefer doing sth to doing sth=like doing better than doing sth.22. Tim doesnt like collecting coins. Jack doesnt like collecting coins,either.(合并成一句话)_Tim _Jack likes collecting coins.解析:Neither nor23. He frightened me because he made a strange sound behind me suddenly. (保持句意基本不变) He_ me a_ because he made a strange sound behind me suddenly .解析:frighten sb=give sb a fright. 动词词意和名词之间的转换。24. I bought the English-Chinese dictionary two years ago. (保持句意不变) I _ _ the English-Chinese dictionary for two years. 解析:have kept。短暂性动词和延续性动词的转换。错题整顿1. People all think the cartoon Zoopia is interesting and wonderful. (对划线的部分提问)_ do people _ the cartoon? (How, like)解析:容易误写成What like.2. There _ an aple and some bananas in the black bag just now.A. is B, were C. was D. are (C)解析:there be 就近原则,此外还考察just now是过去时的重要标志。3. - Dont worry. Your bag _ here until you come back. So enjoy shopping in our supermarket.- Thanks.A. will keep B. was kept C. has been kept D. will be kept (D)解析:根据语言情景可得出超市店员在向顾客阐明包会被保存好,是将要发生的事情。4. - Excuse me. Can you tell me _?- Sorry, I dont know.A. that
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