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小学二升三英语测试二一判断下列单词的中文意思,对的打“”,错的打“”,并订正。(20分)1. elephant 狐狸( ) _ 2. rabbit狗 ( ) _3. monkey 老虎 ( ) _ 4. tiger 猴 ( ) _5. dog 狮子 ( ) _ 6. lion 鸟 ( ) _7. cat 猫 ( ) _ 8. wolf狼 ( ) _19.pig狐狸( ) 10.fox猪( ) 二、找出相应的句子,把序号填到括号内:(8分) A. Hi, Im Mike.B. Whats your name?C. A tiger? Yes.D. Hello, Im Yang Ling.三、情景选话:(12分)( )1.上课时,值日班长说: A.Good morning.( )2.遇见熟人打招呼: B.See you.( )3.早上遇到老师说: C.Stand up.( )4.请别人坐下应该说: D.Whats your name?( )5.询问别人的名字,应该说: E.Sit down,please.( )6.和同学分手时,应该说: F.Hello!四句子配对(连线)(10分) A B 1. Hello, Lin Tao! a. Good morning,Xu Fan. 2. Nice to see you! b. Hello, Nancy. 3. Whats your name? c. Im fine, thank you.4. How are you? C.Hello,Im Yang ling.5.Good morning,Hu Ran. C.Nice to see you too.五情景对话(10分)( ) 1 上课时,值日班长说: ( )2 遇见熟人打招呼:( ) 3 早上遇到老师说: ( )4 请别人坐下应该说:( )5 问别人的名字,应该说: ( )6 和同学分手时,应该说:( )7把你的同学Tom介绍给朋友,应该说:( )8当别人请你喝咖啡,但是你不想喝的时候你该说 :( )9当有人跟你说见到你很高兴时,你应该回答:( )10如果你不小心把同学的文具盒打翻了,你应该说:AGood morning. B. No,thank you. C. Stand up.D. This is Tom? E. Sit down, please. F. Nice to meet you!G.Whats your name? H.Goodbye. I.Hello! K.Sorry.六在横线上填入a 或 an(10分) 1. _ egg 2. _ dog 3. _elephant 4. _ cat5. pear 6. banana7. orange 8. mango9. basketball 10. boy七翻译下列句子(20分)1. Here you are. _ 2. Let me help you. _3. No,thanks. _ 4.A panda? No, a tiger. _5. Yes,please! _6. Who is he?_7. Good afternoon._8. She is my mother._9.Is this an egg? 10.Dont touch me. 八想一想,圈一圈。(10分)( ) 1下列哪种动物吃竹子? A. panda B. cat C. dog( ) 2下列哪种动物爱吃鱼? A. monkey B. cat C. zebra( ) 3下列哪种动物生活在树上? A. dog B. tiger C. monkey( ) 4下列哪种动物能在天上飞? A. bird B. elephant C. panda( ) 5林涛想向朋友介绍自己可以怎么说呢? A. Im Lin Tao. B. Lin Tao. C. Im Helen.( ) 6 想知道对方的名字,应该说什么呢? A. Hello! B. Whats your name? C. Hello!( )7.老师叫Tom把他的铅笔给老师看,应该说:A. Show me your pen,please.B. Jim,touch your eyes.C. Tom,show me your pen,please.( )8.你想问你同桌会做什么,你应该说:A. What can I do for you?B. What can you do?C. Can I help you?( )9.下列那个数字最大 A.six B.eight C.ten( )10.下列哪个单词表示爸爸的妈妈 A.grandfather B.brother C.grandmother
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