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英语六年级上册Unit5 What does he do Part A 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The sky _ blue and the clouds _ white. ( )Ais; isBare; areCis; are2 . -_ did you do last Sunday? ( )- I played football in the park.AwhatBWhereCWhat3 . What are you _ about?AtalkingBtalk4 . He wants English. ( )AlearnBlearnsCto learn5 . On Saturday we _ have a picnic. ( )Aare going toBis going toCam going to6 . _ he _a computer?ADoes, hasBDoes, haveCDo, haveDIs, having7 . -John, What are you going to be? -Im going to be_Aa TV reporterBa policewomanCby train8 . Kate is _ beautiful girl.Aa Ban Cthe二、排序题9 . 给下列句子排排队。(_)She is a factory worker.(_)Is your mother a police officer?(_)Do you want to be a factory worker, too?(_)No, she isnt.(_)What does she do?(_)No, I want to be a businessman.三、阅读回答问题10 . A picnicDate:Friday, June 9thTime:11 oclock in the morningPlace:Shanghai ZooParticipants参加者:Students of Year 5Food for lunch:bring带the food you likeActivities:Play ball games1. Is it Friday? _2. Is the picnic in the afternoon? _3. Where are the students going?_4. Can they eat and play there? _四、汉译英根据提示写出单词或词组11 . 邮递员_12 . 警察_13 . 商人_14 . 工人_15 . 飞行员_16 . 教师_17 . 舞蹈家_18 . 歌手_五、英汉混合19 . 英汉互译。1. 我的中国笔友_2. 说法语_3. write to_4. in English_5. in China_6. a phone friend_六、看图题看图,回答问题。20 . Can you fly a kite, Jenny?_21 . What can Mike do?_22 . 一Can Jim skip?_23 . What can you do, Peter?_24 . Can Rita play table tennis?_七、连词成句25 . 连词成句。1.train the is up going hill a_2. Its down hill a going_3. going past Its hospital a_八、连线题26 . 英汉连线。1. an English breakfastA有,拥有2. have lunchB传统菜肴3. traditional dishesC吃午餐4. very muchD很,非常5. have gotE一份英式早餐第 1 页 共 1 页
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