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UNIT 6 Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationWind and SpiritWe do notice the wind when it seems (1) cruel, when the trees turn away from it, and it (2) cuts into our hearts. Certain winds will make mens (3) temper bad, said George Eliot. In Southern California, the Santa Ana is (4) associated with an increase in depression and domestic (5) violence.Scientists have tried (6) without success to identify physiological reasons for these (7) reactions. Everyone agrees, however, that (8) dry winds like the Santa Ana, the mistral in France and the foehn* in Germany and Switzerland seem to have (9) negative effects on our mental and physical (10) well-being.On windy days, playground fights, (11) suicides and heart failures are more (12) frequent. In Geneva, traffic accidents (13) increase when a wind called the bise* blows. At the (14) request of patients, some Swiss and German hospitals (15) postpone surgery during the foehn.It is human to ask what is (16) behind the wind. It is easy to personify the wind as the (17) breath of God. The act of taking wind into our lungs is what (18) gives us life. The Jews, Arabs, Romans and Greeks all took their word for (19) spirit from the word for wind.But our day-to-day lives are no longer (20 blown on the winds. We do not identify wind with spirit anymore.Part 2 Listening for GistA cat got on to a Scandinavian Airlines plane in Nairobi yesterday and cost the company about 10,000. One of the 66 passengers heard a strange miaow when the plane landed in Copenhagen. Mechanics arrived immediately and the airline company phoned for an animal ambulance. The mechanics found the cat after eight hours work. It had got into the air-conditioning system in Nairobi. The plane was twelve hours late leaving for Tokyo, costing the company 10,000. The cat was quite well after its experience and was given a large bowl of milk and a plate of fish.ExerciseDirections: Listen to the passage and find its topic sentence. The topic sentence is A cat got on to a Scandinavian Airlines plane in Nairobi yesterday and cost the company about 10.000.Section TwoListening ComprehensionPart 1 Dialogue What a Coincidence! Storyteller: Talking of coincidences, did I tell you about what happened to me and Jeannie last holiday? Friend(s): No. Storyteller: We went on holiday in the States and we went to Mexico. Well, we were driving down to Mexico City. We were going to spend a few days in Palm Beach . see the sea, look up an old friend, you know. As we left there we stopped at a garage for a car check . oil, the water, the tires, all that . petrol. And the mechanics spotted something. They said that our fuel pump was not working properly and it was quite serious . it would cost a lot of money . well, we were very worried. Friend(s): Were you insured? Storyteller: Well, no, we werent and I didnt have that much money on me, you know. It was meant to be a cheap holiday. Well, just then, two men drove up and they said whats the problem? And, do you know? They were mechanics - it was such good luck. They looked at our car and they said, Theres nothing wrong with your car. Dont spend money on it. Just forget about it. Well, naturally, we were worried, but . er, I thought . Ill trust them, I think theyre right. So, we drove on, we crossed the Mexican border and had a marvelous few days sightseeing there round Monterey. Friend(s):Oh, oh, brilliant . jealous . Storyteller: And then we went on and on to Mexico City. We drove about forty kilometers and then we saw a car with the same US number plates as the other car wed seen in Palm Beach. Friend(s): Youre joking! Storyteller: It was parked by the road, and the same two men who gave us the advice about our car were stuck with their car. Friend(s): Oh, no! Storyteller: So, we stopped and asked them what was wrong. And do you know? Their car had broken down for exactly the same reason: The fuel pump wasnt working! It was quite extraordinary. Exercise Directions: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)l. T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.F Part 2 PassageCorporate Culture1.How well the employee fits the culture can make the difference between job-search success and failure. 2.It guides how employees think, act, and feel. 3.The amount of time outside the office youre expected to spend with co-workers is part of the corporate culture. 4.The truth is that you will never really know the corporate culture until you have worked at the company for a number of months. 5.It should be a place where you can have a voice, be respected, and have opportunities for growth. Why should jobseekers care about a potential employers corporate culture? Arent there more important factors to consider, such as the job itself, salary and bonuses, and fringe benefits(附加福利)? These factors
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