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Unit 1-3期末复习导学案Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?一、重点词汇1. 词形变化:(1) sing (v.)唱歌_ (n.)歌手(2) dance(v.)跳舞_ (n.)舞蹈家(3) teach(v.)教_ (n.)教师(4) swim(v.)游泳_ (n.)游泳者(5) speak(v.)说_ (n.)说话者;演讲者(6) write(v.)写_ (n.)作家(7) play (v.)玩_ (n.)运动员;播放器(8) story (n.) 故事;小说_(复数)(9) people(n.) _(集体名称、单复数同形)人;人们 _(复数)民族(10) good (adj.) _(adv.) “好”(11) music (n.)音乐 _(n.)音乐家_(adj.)音乐的(12) lets = _ cant = _(13) center = _ 中央;中心(14) weekend = _周末(15) on weekends = _ 在周末(16) be good at = _擅长做某事(17) too(肯句末,逗隔开) = _ (肯句中,be、情、助动后,实动前)/ _(否句末,逗隔开) “也”(18) free adj._ adj.(反义词)(19) easy adj. _ adj.(反义词)=_(同义词)(20) join sb. = _ = _(同义词)加入某人(使其成为其中一员)(21) be good with sb, =和某人相处得好(22) want = _ “想要”(23) What about you? = _?(同义句)2. 易错知识点(1) good与well的区别运用;(2) be good with与be good at/be good for/ be good to的区别运用;(3) tell, say, speak, talk的区别运用;(4) join与join in的区别运用;. join v. 参加,加入 它是短暂性动词,不能和一段时间连用。后加组织名称或人称代词 join the army /Party/ football team 参军/入党/加入足球队 join in 参加,加入某种活动。May I join in your conversation? 我可以加入你们的谈话吗?(5) too, also与either的区别运用;(6) play与乐器名称及球类名称连用冠词的用法;(7) help的用法;(8) like的用法;(9) want的用法。二、重点短语(略)三、重点句型I.句型结构:1. 含情态动词can的各种句式:陈述句:Sb. can/cant do sth. 一般疑问句:Can sb. do sth? Yes, sb. can. / No, sb. cant.特殊疑问句:What can sb. do?2. What club do/does sb. want to join?Sb. want/wants to join the English/ music. club.3. What sports can sb. play?Sb. can play soccer/volleyball/basketball/tennis/ping-pong/baseball.四、重点语法情态动词can的基本用法五、单元话题作文1. My hobby 我的爱好 2.Teachers Wanted 招聘启示六、巩固提升II.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The book is very _ (interest). 2. Are you _ (interest) in music? 3. I need a_ (relax) holiday. 4. He doesnt feel _ (relax) when he is at work. 5. Welcome you to join our _ club. (swim) 6. He is a very_ player and he can play soccer very _ (good).7. My sister likes singing and _ (dance).8. She likes music very much, so she is good at _ (sing).9. Jacks father and mother are _ (music).10. Can you _ (show) me your picture?11. Our teacher _ (be) good at singing.12. He is my favorite basketball _ (play). IV.单选题1. My sister is good _ math, she is great.A. in B. at C. to 2. Bob _ to join the art club.A. want B. wants to C. wants 3. We want students _ the school show.A. to B. for C .on4. Can you play volleyball? Sorry, I _A. dont B. can C. cant5. Can you sing? Yes, I can sing very _A. good B. well C. nice6. Kate wants _ the English club.A. to join B. join C. to7. Can your brother sing? _A. Yes, I can. B. No, you cant. C. Yes, he can.8. Bob can play_ basketball but he cant play_ violin.A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the9. Can he _ it in English?A. speak B. speaks C. say 10. Tom wants to join _club. A. dancing B. the danceing C. the dancing11. He_ to join the music club. A. dont want B. doesnt wantsC. would like12. Are they good at _? Yes, they are.A. swim B. to swim C. swimming13. Can you help me _ my English? Sure.A. in B. of C. with14. _ club do you want to join?We want to join the tennis club.A. Why B. Where C. What15. Please call Mr.Wang _ 010-883567.A. in B. at C. with16. Jim likes English and he _ likes Chinese.A. too B. also C. two17. Are you good _ your teachers and classmates at school? A. at B. for C. with18. I often do my homework _ the weekendsA. on B. for C. with19. Which one is yours, the blue one _ the red one?A. and B. or C. so20. _?I can sing and dance.A. What can you do B. What can you playC. What sports do you likeVI.书面表达。假设你叫王明,想参加英语俱乐部,请你根据表格中的内容写一封信,介绍一下你的情况、兴趣爱好及能力,不少于50词。NameAgeSchoolLikeCanWang Ming15No. 1 Middle School English,playingvolleyball,Computer gamesPlay theguitar,paint _ _ _ Unit 2 What time do you go to school?一、重点词汇1. 词形变化:(1) dress v.穿衣服_n. 连衣裙_(复数)(2) brush v.刷;刷净_(三单形式)_n.牙刷(3) tooth n.牙齿_(复数)(4) show v.展示;&n.节目_v&n.沐浴;沐浴器(5) shower v.沐浴;洗澡=_=_
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