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电脑辅助教学在英文写作教学应用的研究A Study on the Application of Computer Assisted Instruction in Teaching English Writing【摘要】本研究旨在探討電腦輔助教學在英文寫作教學之應用,採用文獻分析、問卷調查、教室觀察及師生訪談、準實驗研究等研究方法,以文藻外語學院德文系2年B班的學生(50人)為研究對象,採用前測成績將學生分成高分組、低分組,經十一週的實驗教學之後,再對學生實施英文寫作學習成就測驗(後測),及學習滿意度問卷調查,以了解學生的學習成效和對電腦輔助教學應用在英文寫作課程的學習感受。最後將所獲得的結果,利用描述統計、百分比、t考驗、徑路分析等統計方法進行統計分析,根據資料分析結果,本研究獲得重要結論與建議如下:一、英文寫作課程運用電腦輔助教學對學生在英文寫作之學習成就有正向提升的效果。二、英文寫作課程運用電腦輔助教學之教學策略對不同性別學生的學習成就並無特別顯著的差異。三、英文寫作課程運用電腦輔助教學之教學策略在比較不同教學法之學生學習成效上有顯著的差異。四、全體學生對於在英文寫作課程運用電腦輔助教學之教學策略持肯定的看法。五、軟體介面設計之呈現方式愈佳、軟體教材內容之有用性愈佳、電腦輔助教學方式愈具吸引力、學生的寫作態度愈佳、寫作的能力愈好,則學習滿意度愈高。六、電腦輔助教學軟體為英文寫作教學之良好輔助教材。除上述之研究發現之外,本研究亦就英語寫作教學軟體設計、教師教學與學校行政配合等,提出相關的建議,俾供後續研究之參考。其中在教學軟體設計方面,教師在考量學生特質及教材內容後,可以共同合作發展電腦輔助教材,以增加教學軟體與學習者的互動性。在教師教學方面,採用多元化的教學方式,妥善選擇及使用教學媒體,藉以營造良好的教學情境。在學校行政配合方面,教室空間設計應考量學生人數的比例,並且對於多媒體教室的使用能夠彈性化為佳。關鍵字:電腦輔助教學、英文寫作、寫作教學、學習成就【Abstract】The purpose of the study was to explore and investigate the application of Computer Assisted Instruction in teaching English writing. A Quasi- experimental design was implemented in this study, including literature review, questionnaire survey, classroom observation, and interview with teachers and students. The sample objects were 50 sophomore students from the Department of German at the WenZao Ursuline College of Languages in Kaohsiung. The researcher divided the sample students into the high achievement group and the low achievement group based on their pretest scores. A posttest and the degree of satisfaction questionnaire were implemented after the 11-week experimental teaching. Finally, a descriptive statistics, percentage, t-test, and path analysis were used to analyze the collected data and survey questionnaire. The major research findings were concluded from the study, including (1) there is a positive influence on the effects of students English writing when applying the Computer Assisted Instruction to English teaching class, (2)there is no significant difference on the learning achievements of different gender students when applying the Computer Assisted Instruction to teach English writing class, (3)there is significant difference on students learning achievements between using the Computer Assisted Instruction and the traditional teaching method, (4)all students hold a positive view and attitude toward the application of the Computer Assisted Instruction to English writing class, (5)when the software interface design is better, the content of teaching material is more useful, the content of the Computer Assisted Instruction is more attractive, students attitude toward English writing is better, and students writing ability is higher, the students degree of satisfaction is higher, and (6)the Computer Assisted Instruction software is a good teaching auxiliary material for English writing class. The suggestions of the study for future studies to take into account include (1) the Computer Assisted teaching software can be designed and developed cooperatively, (2) teachers may apply various teaching methods and materials to increase the interaction between students and teachers, and (3) the classroom space should be able to accommodate students and the multimedia classroom should be well-established. Key words: Computer Assisted Instruction, English writing, writing teaching, academic achievement.
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