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毕业论文网恩波:2009年12月英语四级真题答案(A卷)1700字 2009年12月英语四级真题(A卷)完整版答案。 真题:毕业新东方:2009年12月英语四级试题(A卷)B卷 作文 /zuowen/ 答案:A卷:毕业昂立版恩波版新东方版文都版在线估分 毕业论文下载:毕业首发:2009年12月19日英语四级真题+答案(A卷)B卷下载 论文代写解析:文都点评英语四级试题 新东方点评英语四级试题2009年12月英语四级写作范文 简历大全 /html/jianli/ 简历大全 /html/jianli/ 四级快速阅读答案 毕业1. B 作文 /zuowen/ 2. D 毕业论文3. C 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ 4. B 毕业5. C 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/6. A7. C 作文 /zuowen/8. qualified9. recognizes 毕业10. portforlio 总结大全 /html/zongjie/四级听力真题答案 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/11. A12. B13. A 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/14. B 简历大全 /html/jianli/ 15. D 毕业16. C17. D18. A 19. C 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/20. B 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/21. C 毕业论文22. A 作文 /zuowen/23. D 论文代写24. B 作文 /zuowen/ 25. A 总结大全 /html/zongjie/2628.CCA 2931.BDA 3235.CADB 简历大全 /html/jianli/ 复合式听写答案: 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ 36. classified 37. background 38. album 39. appreciation 作文 /zuowen/ 40. context 41. implies 42. image 43. instruments44. Descriptive writing in humanity, particularly in literature, is often mixed with critical writing. 毕业论文45. It tells the reader how to do something, for example, explaining the techniques used to show a film46. Authors may actually use more than one type of techniques in the given piece of informational writing 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/47. K recruited 48. J recording49. L total 50. C aspects 毕业 51. B analyzed 52. H quality 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/53. N unsure 54. G established 毕业55. A already 56. E contributing 毕业论文四级仔细阅读答案 论文代写57-61 CBBAC 论文代写62-66 ABDAC 简历大全 /html/jianli/ 英语四级完型填空答案 论文代写67-71 DDACB 72-76 AADCD 毕业77-81 AABAC 82-86 DBCAD 毕业论文英语四级翻译答案 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/87.You would not have failed if you had followed my instructions(按照我的指令去做) 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/ 88.Despite the hardship he encountered,Mark never gave up pursuing knowledge(放弃对知识的追求) 89.Scientists agree that it will be a long time before we find the methods of curing cancers(我们找到治愈癌症的方法) 作文 /zuowen/90.Production has to be increased considerably to keep pace with the constantly increasing demands of consumers(与消费者不断增长的需求保持同步)91.The more exercise you take,the fewer chances you will have of catching a cold(你越不大可能感冒) 毕业
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