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河北省沧州市吴桥县2024届九年级下学期开学考试英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1How time flies! Well graduate _ our school soon.A. ofB. forC. onD. from2Everyone should play a part in protecting the earth-the only home of _.A. hisB. oursC. hersD. yours3Dont do too much exercise before going to bed, _ you wont fall asleep easily.A. andB. butC. orD. so4To make a perfect model plane, you should read the _ first.A. situationsB. conditionsC. instructionsD. agreements5I didnt hear the telephone ring, because I _ the 19th Asian games on TV.A. watchB. watchedC. was watchingD. am watching6Students _ spend all their free time on the mobile phone. Its bad for them.A. shouldB. shouldntC. needntD. must7The living room is warm. You can _ your coat.A. put onB. take offC. get offD. turn on8一What do you think of the movie The volunteers: To the War?一Its so exciting. I _ it three times.A. seeB. will seeC. have seenD. was seeing9The new mobile phone _ by Huawei in August, 2023.A. producesB. is producedC. produced10I will go shopping with my mother tomorrow,but I dont know _.A. what we will do tomorrowB. when we will go shoppingC. whom I will go shopping withD. what we will buy二、完形填空When was it that something made you stop, take a good look and get lost in thought? For me, it was last Sunday. My friend 1 me to a European art exhibition in Shanghai.To be honest, Tm not interested in art paintings at all. I know very little about European art. So, 2 . I refused to go to the exhibition. But finally I felt excited about the artworks of the famous artists like Monet(莫奈) and Van Gogh (梵高). The exhibition included 52 artworks. It was really a different 3 to see them face to face.My friend was happy to see so many different painting styles in one place. The visit made her 4 the trip to Paris several years ago. She told me that art could be found in every comer of the city.Most of the visitors, I thought, had limited (有限的) 5 about art, too. They were just busy taking pictures, and then 6 everyone on WeChat that they had been there. Under the 7 of my friend, who is an art lover,I began to look at the paintings carefully. One painting that moved me most was Van Goghs Long Grass With Butterflies. Those things such as grass, butterflies were quite 8 in my life. However, I had never thought they were worth looking 9 . I had usually followed the crowd to see what was “special” Actually, we should pay more attention 10 the “common” things around us.Sometimes we are supposed to have a careful look, think for a while, then we will find the beauty in our life.11A. orderedB. invitedC. droveD. connected12A. at firstB. after allC. so farD. at least13A. conversationB. introductionC. experienceD. suggestion14A. rememberB. promiseC. spreadD. express15A. knowledgeB. wealthC. adviceD. energy16A. checkedB. educatedC. greetedD. showed17A. standardB. methodC. discoveryD. influence18A. necessaryB. seriousC. commonD. fantastic19A. widelyB. carefullyC. politelyD. simply20A. onB. forC. toD. at三、阅读理解ChatGPT is really popular these days and many people want to try it. In fact, ChatGPT a clever AI chatbot (聊天机器人) made by a US company. When it comes to education,some people hold different opinions about it.AnnaIn my opinion, ChatGPT has helped me a lot, from giving cooking tips to writing emails, but Ive never used it in my education. Because we sometimes are not sure whether the information is correct. Also, depending on it to do our homework will just make us stop thinking. So I think ChatGPT isnt useful in students* education.JackWhether ChatGPT is good or bad for education, I think it all depends on how students use it. K students use it to help them better understand certain topics in detail, I think it can really help their learning. However, if ChatGPT is simply used for homework or cheating (作弊)on exams,I think; it will do no good.AliceI think ChatGPT is terrible for education. This is because its powerful enough to allow lazy and hardworking people to achieve the same level of excellence with the same level of education. This makes students become lazy.CarolAI chatbots like ChatGPT can provide much support. In addition, by solving hard tasks, AI chatbots can free up students time to help them work on higher-value work. So I think the best way is to show them how to use ChatGPT properly, rather than just banning (禁止)it or seeing it as an easy way to copy homework.21Whats Annas opinion about ChatGPT?A.ChatGPT isnt useful in her daily life.B.ChatGPT always offers her some wrong information.C.ChatGPT gives her much help.D.Doing homework by ChatGPT can make students learn better.22_ th
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