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中考英语词汇句子练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、默写下列短语。1.下降come2.来自come3.出现come4.过来;来访come5.想出;提出come6.遥远away7.搬走;离开away8.(婉辞)去世away9.立刻away10.逃跑away二、根据句意并结合汉语或首字母提示写单词。1.(自贡中考)There are four sin one year.They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.2.(苏州中考)To get everybody in the discussion,Miss Su has dour class into six groups.3.(成都中考)Theoutdoor terraces(露台)allow people to enjoy more nlight, lowering the need for electricity.4.(德阳中考)Mr.Yangs hinclude singing,painting and playing chess.5.(德阳中考)The Sahara is the bdesert in the world.6.(牡丹江中考)(安全)is the most important for all of us.7.(宁波中考)A Chinese-made C919plane(降落)safely in Beijing on May28,2023.8.(绥化中考)The(死) of Yuan Longping, Father of Hybrid Rice,made us very sad.三、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.(包头中考)June 8th was(name) by the UN in 2009 as World Oceans Day.2.(白银中考)My teacher always offers us help(patient).3.(龙东地区中考)My hair is as(long) as Lilys.Were twin sisters.4.(兰州中考)She(study) English in the school since she left hometown.5.(兰州中考)It is(good) to listen than to speak.四、(丽水中考)用所给词的适当形式填空。anybody recycle sad widely by accident1.Chinese food isknown and enjoyed all around the world.2.A true friend is someone you can always share happiness andwith.3.Socrates once said, “I cannot teachanything.I can only make them think.”4.Christopher Columbus discovered the“New World” of the Americasin 1492.5.Most of the rubbish in this townevery day through a rainbow recycling system.五、单项选择。1.(乐山中考)-Have you heard about the carnear the school?-Yes.Luckily, no one was seriously hurt.A.accidentB.parkC.club2.(郴州中考)-My best friend is more popular than me.I want to be like him.- Its not necessary to be the same.You should just be.A.himselfB.yourselfC.myself3.(凉山中考)- Lets go camping if itnext Saturday.- But nobody knows if itA.is fine; rainsB.will be fine; rainsC.is fine; will rainD.will be fine; will rain4.(自贡中考)-Do you know the traffic rules?- Sure, one of them is that we cant go across the streetthe light is green.A.untilB.afterC.if5.(达州中考)of the land in that towncovered with trees and grass.A.Two fifth; is B.Two fifth; are C.Two fifths; is D.Two fifths; are六、翻译句子。1.(陕西中考A卷)喝水对我们有好处。Its good for us to.2.(达州中考改编)我们都在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人。We arevery hard, and we are all dream chasers.3.(丹东中考)昨晚九点你在做什么呢?-at nine oclock last night?4.(宿迁中考)我的笔友鲍勃一到我的家乡就爱上了这个地方。My pen pal Bob fell in love with my hometownhe came here.5.(扬州中考)你们的教学楼有几层?-?七、(天津中考)阅读下面短文,根据首字母提示,在每个空格内填入恰当的词,使短文意思完整,行文连贯。A smile shows that a person is happy.For example, a person may smile when he or she is 1.pwith some progress in studies.Or a person may smile if a friend tells a funny joke.There are other good 2.rto smile often.First, it is 3.eto smile than to show unhappiness.In fact, it only takes 17 muscles(肌肉) to smile.On the other hand, it takes 43 muscles to show unhappiness.So give the muscles in your 4.fa rest and smile!Second, smiles are nice.People may try to 5.lnice by exercising or wearing nice clothes.However, people often say a smile is the best thing that a person can wear.That is because it is easy to be 6.asomeone who is smiling and happy.Almost no one wants to stay with someone who is always unhappy.Third, smiles have power.Both smiling and laughing can easily and quickly7.sfrom one person to another.If one person smiles, people around him or her want to smile, too.Similarly, when a person laughs, people tend(往往会)to laugh with him or her.If a person is 8.s, the best thing to do is to share a smile or a laugh.It is the easiest way to cheer someone up.9.F,smiling and laughing are very good for the body.Even though you are sad, try smiling.Youll find that it will be difficult to 10.ssad for very long!附:参考答案4一、1.down 2.from 3.out 4.over5.up with 6.far 7.move 8.pass 9.right 10.run二、1.seasons 2.divided3.natural4.hobbies 5.biggest 6.Safety7.landed 8.death三、1.named 2.patiently 3.long4.has studied 5.better四、1.widely 2.sadness 3.anybody4.by accident 5.is recycled五、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C六、1.drink water/have water2.all running3.What were you doing4.as soo
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