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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date初中英语语法专项习题.连词三连词1.and “和,而且”表顺接。 1). He got up and put on his coat.他起床然后穿衣服。 2). Use your head , and you will have an idea.动动脑筋,你就会有主意了。2. or “否则,或者” 1). Hurry up, or you will miss the bus.快点,否则你会赶不上汽车的。 2). Tom or I am right.我或者是汤姆是对的。3. but “(虽然)。但是 ”不能与though /although连用,只可单独使用。 1). She is ill, but she still goes to school. (虽然)她病了,但是仍坚持上学。 2). Marry likes violin, but Tom doesnt.玛利喜欢小提琴,但汤姆不喜欢。4. so “ 所以 ” 不能与because连用,只可单独使用 It began to rain , so I had to stay here.开始下雨了,所以我只好留在这里。5. for(= because)“因为”只可单独使用 I soon went to sleep ,for(because) I was tired. 我很快就睡着了,因为我累了。6. both and “和,既。也。” (与not连用表部分否定) 1). He can play both the violin and the piano.他即会拉小提琴又会弹钢琴。7. eitheror “或者。或者。,不是。就是”(与not连用表全否定)。 注意: 谓语 用is 还是 are , do 还是does ?关键看它最近的主语是单数还是复数。 1).Either you or he is right. 不是你就是他是对的。 2).I dont want to visit either Tianjing or shanghai. 天津和上海我都不想参观。(全否定)8. neither-nor “既不-也不”(本身是否定句,不可与not等否定词连用)注意: 谓语 用is 还是 are , do 还是does ?关键看它最近的主语是单数还是复数。1). Neither Peter nor his parents like playing football .2).I can speak neither Japanese nor French .日语和法语我都不会说。 3). I cant speak neither Japanese nor French。(错)9. not only but also“不但。而且” Jane is not only beautiful but also kind.简不但漂亮,而且人非常好。 注意:当 eitheror , neithernor , not only but also 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要遵循“就近的原则”。即: 谓语 用is 还是 are , do 还是does ?关键看它最近的主语是单数还是复数。例如: Not only Tom but also I am a student of Grade Three. Not only I but also Tom is a student of Grade Three. Tom和我都是初三的学生。10. as well as = not only but also:“不但。而且” (注意翻译) Jane is beautiful as well as kind. 简不但为人好,而且人也漂亮。11. so(adj.)thatcant = too(adj.)to+(do) “太。以至(不能)。” He is so old that he cant work.=He is too old to work.他太老了,不能工作。12. if 如果(条件状语从句用一般时表示将来意思) If it doesnt rain tomorrow, Ill go to the park.如果明天不下雨,我就会去公园。13. though /although “虽然。(但是)”,单独使用。 Though I was tired, I still worked hard. 虽然我很累,但是我仍然努力工作。14. but “(虽然)。但是”,单独使用。 I was hungry, but I have nothing to eat. 我很饿,但没东西吃。 15。Unless“除非” You will be late for school unless you hurry up.除非你快点,不然你会迟到的。中考研究-连词练习题一 基本型根据A句完成B句,使两句意思一致,每空只填一词:1. A: Jane is a singer. She is also a dancer.B: Jane is _ _ a singer _ _ a dancer.2. A: We should learn from books and we should learn from teachers.B: We should learn _ from books _ from teachers.3. A: His mother cant help him with his lessons, and his father cant, either.B: _ his mother _ his father can help him with his lessons.4. A: Its hard work, but I enjoy it.B: _ its hard work, I enjoy it.5. A: Men cant live without air and water.B: Men will die without air _ water.6. A: If you stand higher, you will see farther.B: Stand higher, _ you will see farther.7. A: If you dont work harder, you will fail in the exam.B: Work harder, _ you wont pass the exam.8. A: How important the meeting is! I cant miss it.B: It is _ _ important meeting _ I cant miss it.9. A: After the mother came back, the boy went to bed.B: The boy _ go to bed _ his mother came back.10. A: Therere many rabbits there. They cant kill them all.B: Therere _ many rabbits there _ they cant kill them all.11. A: When I get there, Ill go to see him at once.B: Ill go to see him _ _ _ I get there.12. A: You may stay at home. You may also go out with us.(江西B: You may _ stay at home _ go out with us.13. A: Mary is the tallest girl in her class.(1999福州)B: Mary is _ _ any other girl in her class.14. A: Peter draws well. Henry draws well, too.(1999广西)B: Henry draws _ _ _ Peter.15. A: Mary runs faster than my sister.(1999兰州)B: My sister doesnt run _ _ _ Mary does.16. A: Uncle Wang finished his work. He went home.B: Uncle Wang _ go home _ he finished his work.17. A: Lucy has been away from the USA for 5 years.(内蒙古B: Its 5 years _ she _ the USA.18. A: “Does the girl need any help?” he asked me.(甘肃)B: He asked me _ the girl _ some help.19. A: Mrs. Smith is my teacher. She is also my good friend.B: Mrs. Smith is _ _ my teacher _ _ my good friend.20. A: “Nanjing has changed a lot these years.” “Thats right.”B: “Nanjing has changed a lot these years.” “_ it _.”二 提高型1. They didnt start the work _ their teacher came back.A. untilB. whileC. as soon asD. if2. The dictionary cost me too much, _ its really useful.A. andB. soC. butD. or3.
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