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人力资源管理程序Huma n Resources Man ageme nt Procedure(中英文)1. 目的。Purpose建立人力资源管理系统,明确各岗位人员录用、培训以及考核之要求,以确保在职的各岗位人员均为胜任人员。To establish huma n resources man ageme nt system, to make requireme nts of employi ng, training and assessme nt of each positi on clear, and to en sure every one is qualified for their job.2. 范围。Scope凡本公司全体同仁均适用之。It applies to all employees of our compa ny.3. 参考文件。Refere ncesISO9001 : 20154. 定义: Definition:1) .新进人员:指未满试用期之人员.New employee: those who have nt finish probatio n2) .在职人员:指试用期满,且试用合格之人员.Serving employees: those who have passed probation and qualified for their jobs.3) .员工:指直接在生产线上操作之人员 .Worker: those who work on producti on lin es;4) .职员:指直接督导生产之干部及其他单位之所有人员.Staff: all cadres who direct product ion directly and all other employees of other departme nts;5. 权责:Rights and Responsibilities;5.1. 各单位主管:Supervisors5.1.1. 负责对本单位人员进行在职教育训练.Charges for training of departme nt staffs;5.1.2. 负责提报所属员工内,外训之需求申请,并督导执行,且需对其学习成果加以考核或确 认.Charges for appl ying for inner or outside training of its departme nt employees, and put it into implementation, and also need to assess and confirm the results;5.2. 管理部:Administration Department.5.2.1. 负责依人力资源需求进行人员的招聘.Charges for recruit ing accord ing to huma n resources requireme nt;5.2.2. 负责全厂教育训练之规划办理事宜,训练成果之登录.Charges for training layout for the whole factory, and recording training results;5.2.3. 负责新进人员训练,及全厂之协作.Charges for new employee training and cooperati on of the whole factory;5.2.4. 负责公司开课之稽核与成果之考核.Charges for audit ing training class and result assessme nt;5.3. 培训讲师:负责培训教材之准备,培训的实施及培训成效的考核In structor: charges for prepari ng training materials, impleme ntati on and effect assessme nt;5.4. 总经理/高级运营执行长:负责核准年度培训计划以及各部门之培训需求Gen eral Man ager/ Senior operati onal Direct: charges for approv ing annual trai ning pla ns and training requireme nt of each departme nt;6. 程序:Procedure:6.1、招聘作业流程。Recruit ing process人力Msnpcer requrerneniaoclication用人学险Empieying dep.人力需求Manpower Requirement ApflicationK3聘实施 Recrustmeftl壬蹩舉:归證谨supervisors and ateve General Manage 聽贯段贯工:营理參綾理StaP? and 计亡我*2 AD managerADAD用人单险主鑒Dpdrnant uper/isoriit用Probation用人单肚 Empicying dep.贖堪人员熹习军piew Errployee Praclfce Eval-uation用人早检Empioying C?p正武闲员工Fonnai sraffs and workers6.2.流程说明。Process in struct ion6.2.1. 管理部依据经审批合格的各部门的人力需求编制进行相应的招聘计划予以组织实施AD carries out recruitme nt accord ing to approved man power requireme nt;6.2.2. 管理部依据各用人单位于人力资源申请表中所叙各岗位人员的教育、培训、经历以及技能等要求对应聘人员进行资料初步筛选。AD will make in itial filtrati on for can didates on the basis of what have described onman powerapplication about requirement of education, training, experience and skills.6.2.3. 管理部将资料合格之应聘人员依下述人事招聘权限送相关权责单位进行初核、复核及核准,以确定应聘人员符合相应岗位要求。AD will send qualified can didates to releva nt departme nt for pre-i nterview, re-i nterviewand approvalaccording to below rights-limited, so as to ensure applicants are qualified for their jobs fin ally.人事招聘权限一览表Rights limited for recruitme nt招聘吧位 Reciuiting position初核 Pre-interv ew复檢 Re-interview审技Verified by樓准 Appncved by作业员 Worker人奉 AD剖门经理Manager管理部AD班组恆人事单位空管剖门经理管理部Team leader & chiefADDep. supervisorManagerAD骰胞员人事单傥主骨却门轻理管理部StaffADDep. supervisorManagerAD(副)课怅管理韶经理部门经連总经理总经理(Vice) supervisorAD managerManag&rGeneral ManagerGen er al Manager(副)经理总经理总经理总经理董事长(Vice) rranagerGeneral ManagerGeT&ral ManagerGeneral ManagerCh airman6.2.4. 新进人员试用期一般为3个月,各部门主管依该人员的试用状况,可申请提前结束试用期。试用期过后经考核合格者予以转正,考核不合格者,可延期转正,延长时间最长为1个月,仍不合格者,予以辞退。Gen erally probati on for new employee is 3 mon ths, and it could be over beforeha nd according to his/her performance. If the person is qualified after probation, then turn to formal employee, and if not, the n probati on n eeds to be Ion ger, the Ion gest for 1mon th, and if still not qualified, he/she would be sacked.6.2.5. 各部门负责人应随时对本部门员工进行现场考核。对于不能胜任本职工作的人员,需及时安排培训并考核,或转换工作岗位,使其具备的能力与承担的工作相适应。Each departme nt should do ran dom assessme nt for departme nt employees. For those unq ualified, theyn eed to arrange trainings or tran sfer their positi ons so that their abilities comply with work.6.3.培训流程图.Trai ning process chart痂程图Process Chart权责单位Redep.记录克单Re uordrigwh 碱 s需求单债Department管理部相关部门AD;ne1evant department蔦经理再级送营抚行長GM Senior operational Direct管理眾相关部门 AD/re lev a nt dep培训负畫人Trainmg instructor管理部 AD训绽申请表Training Application Fomn年度報育训练计划表Annuai Training Plan竝昌训绻矍茗单Training Re gistation Sheet员工锁育训练卡Training card64 流程说明;Process instruction本公司教育培训按新进人员教育训练及在职人员教育训练两大部分分别进行。Trai ning could be categorized into two kin ds; for new employees and servi ng employees;6.4.1.新进人员教育训练:Trai nings for new employees;641.1新进人员讲习:Educati on for new employees新进人员于报到时,管理部应于一个月内按实际人数考虑给予集中或个别讲习,其主要内
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