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【单元写作目标】Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation单元写作小专题& Section B(3a 4)三、以读促写能用过去时描述自己曾经经历过的某个假期,内容 根据所给汉语或首字母提示,写出空白处单词的 包括:时间、地点、人物、景点、食物、住宿、具体 正确形式。看别人如何描述自己的假期。完成后请用 活动、感受等。 “Wh-questions”提问下面这段话,一句多问,多多1.能写出与假期相关的动词的过去式益善。2. 能用不定代词 something interesting, anyt hing My Last Weekenddelicious 等描述事物/事件; I went to Jinyun with my friends last 3.能用不同形容词表达感受; weekend. One of them is a _ ( 商 人 ). He 4.写作微技能:能通过问自己“ Wh -question”获取写 does business w ith other people. We drove our 作信息。 cars. Though it was a long time sitting in the 一、词汇积累 car, I didnt feel _ ( 无 聊 的 ). We与假期相关的动词短语 talked, ate snacks and listened to music in the 1.去上海 _ 2.参观博物馆_ car. When we reached Jinyun, _ ( 大部分 ) 3. 买 特 别 的 东 西 _ 4. 吃 美 味 的 东 西 of us were h , so we _ ( 决定 ) to _ have lunch first. After lu nch, we went 5. 待 在 家 里 _ 6. 去 令 人 激 动 的 地 方 somewhere exciting. Xiudu was so beautiful that _ _ ( 每 个 人 )jumped up and down in 7. 买 便 宜 的 东 西 _ 8. 一 个 无 聊 的 假 期 excitement. We took lots of photos. Some of us _ climbed up the _( 小 山 ), but others 9.感到激动 _ 10.去度假_ _(等待)_(在11.拍照片_ 12.玩得高兴_ 下面 ). Unluckily, when we got to the _ 13.等候_ 14.写日记_ ( 顶 部 ), it began to rain. We didnt bring 15.相当多_ 16.当然;自然_ _ ( 足够的) u_ which could keep 17. 因 为 _ 18. 给 的 感 觉 us from the rain. Thats why some of u s got _ w_ in the end. Luckily, w e had dry coats 二、句子积累。佳句欣赏与模仿 with us.1. My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop. The next day, it was sunny, and we hung out (sothat如此以至于) in the street. There were some beautiful 桂林如此漂亮以至于很多人去那里玩。 _ ( 建筑物 ). However, we saw _( 很少 ) people, and I _ ( 想 知 道 ) how many_ people lived in Jinyun. That afternoon, I went _ to the market and bought something special, 2. Because of the bad weather, we couldnt see such as Jinyun Duck ( 缙云麻鸭) and sesame seed anything below.( because of 因 为 ; cake ( 烧饼 ). I stayed in Jinyun for two days, because 因为) and I had a _ (绝妙的) time and enjoyed 因为下雨,我们不能去海里游泳。 _ (我自己)very much. _ I am looking forward to visiting Jinyun _ again in the future.四、篇章训练3. My father and I dec ided to go to Penang Hill 某 英 语 学 习 论 坛 发 布 了 一 个 主 题 为 “ My today. (decide to do sth. 决定去做某事) Vacation”的帖子,请网友们谈一谈自己最难忘的一我们决定明年去厦门度假。_4. I went to Guangzhou with my family. (with次度假经历。假如你是小华,去年暑假你和父母一起 去了乡下爷爷家。乡下的空气很好你和爷爷去爬山、 钓鱼,和堂弟去小河里游泳。奶奶给你做了很多好吃 的食物。请你用英语写一篇不少于 70 词的回帖,和大 家一起分享这段经历。可适当发挥。和一起) _ Everyone in our class took a bag with some _ food and water. (with 具有;带有) _ 我去年和我妹妹一起去了北京。北京是一个有悠久历 _ 史的城市。 _ _ _1 / 2单元写作小专题&Section B(3a 4)一、语言积累(一 ) 1. go to Shanghai 2. visit the museum 3. buy something special 4. eat something delicious 5. stay at home 6. go somewhere exciting 7. buy something cheap 8. a boring vacation 9. feel excited 10. go on vacation 11. take photos 12. have a great / good time / fun13. wait for 14. keep a diary15. quite a few 16. of course17. because of 18. feel like二、句子积累 1, Guilin is so beautiful that lots of people go there to have fun.2. Because of the rainy weather, we couldnt swim in the sea.Because it was rainy, we couldnt swim in the sea.3. We decided to go to Xiamen for vacation next year.3. I went to Beijing with my sister last year. Its a city with a long history.三、以读促写trader, bored, most, hungry, decided, everyone, hill, waited, below, top, enough, umbrella, wet, buildings, few, wondered, wonderful, myself四、篇章训练One possible version:I had a wonderful summer vacation last year. I went to the countryside to see my grandparents with my parents. The weather there was nice and the air was clean. I did many interesting things there. I went climbing mountain and went fishing with my grandfather. Then,I went swimming in a small river with my cousin. For dinner, my grandmother cooked lots of delicious food for us. I enjoyed the delicious food and the beautiful sight and did something exciting, so I had a good time.2 / 2
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