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新版广州市小学英语第三册Module 6Unit 12 Whats your fathers job?一、教学内容分析本模块的话题是Occupations(职业),Unit 12计划分三课时完成。而本课是第一课时,主要涉及询问别人的职业。本课要求学生掌握What is s job? 及其回答,Do you want to be a like?及其回答。因为学习本课前,学生没有学习Unit 11的基础,所以,本课需要作出一些调整,把部分“四会”单词改为“三会”,让学生在与同学的交流中学会学习,也能够利用学生本身的知识实行迁移学习。在学习第二课时的时候,再把本课“三会”的单词实行“四会”学习。二、教学对象分析本课所包含的词汇量大,部分单词发音难,学生在一节课内完成所有单词的学习是有一点困难的。加上学生在学习本课之前没有学习Unit 11相关单词和句型,没有询问别人职业的相关知识。但学生在二年级以前学过关于职业的内容,谈论自己喜欢的职业和理想,比较贴近孩子的生活,如果教师能巧用教学策略调动学生学习积极性,相信学生应该比较容易理解教学内容和积极投入到学习当中。 二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1.能“四会”掌握单词:job, like, his, her, factory, worker, writer, farmer, driver, drive2. 能“三会”掌握单词:make, machine, tell, pupil及4个职业功能短语。3. 能用下列句型询问别人的职业:What is s job? 及其回答。Do you want to be a like ? 及其回答。(二)语言技能目标1能用准确的语音语调朗读课文对话。2能询问别人的职业。(三)学习策略目标1. 能借助身体语言表现某些职业的特点,达到辅助记忆的作用。2. 能通过观察、对比例句总结出语法规律。(四)情感态度目标养成学生热爱生活的态度,欣赏不同职业的特点,增强责任心和自信心,树立理想,努力学习。 三、教学策略1. 渗透相关语音教学,培养学生听音拼词、见词读音的水平。2. 创设情景,尽可能让学生融入到生活化的情景中,让学生乐于开口练习。 四、教学重点、难点重点:能使用本课的单词和句型询问别人的职业和谈论自己的理想。难点:1.能准确认读单词factory和machine。 2.能灵活使用his和her表达Sb.s五、教学媒体:电脑、PPT、图片、实物投影等六、教学过程设计:教学环节教师活动学生活动教学目的时间Warm upFree talk.Show some information of the teacher to the pupils. Talk about the picture. Introduce the new teacher to other people according to the information. Relax and know each other.2PresentationAnd Consolidation1. Leading in from the free talk1. Learn with Ms Lin ,Learn the new words and the phrase.Teach: teacher, help children learn22. Present and teach 4 phrases. 2. Learn 4 patterns then finish the matching.Teach: 4 phrases.93. Present 4 words of jobs.3. Learn 4 words of jobs.Teach: farmer, driver, writer, factory worker44. Present the sentences “Whats his/ her job?”4. Learn the sentences “Whats his/ her job?”Teach: “Whats his/ her job?”35. Lets practice.5. Practice the sentencesConsolidation.26. Present the dialogue of Unit 12. Ask the children to read in different ways.6. Listen to U12. Read in different ways.Teach: “Whats your fathers /mothers job?”107. Present the sentences “Do you want to be a like ?”7. Pair workTeach: “Do you want to be a like ?”2DevelopmentPresent family pictures to the children.Fill in the blanks in the form.Encourage the children to use language.5Sum up and homework1. Sum up.2. Homework.1. Sum up with the teacher.2. Note the homework.Feedback what the children learnt.1七、教学板书设计:Unit 12 Whats your fathers job?Whats your fathers / his job? Hes a .Whats your mothers / her job?Shes a .Do you want to be a . like ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.
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