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The English teachers of times of Internet and English teaching 【Summary 】This text discusses Internet impact on foreign language teaching of our country and function mainly. The article thinks , the network will bring the new opportunity for promoting the improvement of the integral level of foreign language teaching of our country. The article focuses on Internet for founding the communication teaching environment of foreign language Function and the foreign language Mr. on environment including language environment and it studies to be psychological to foreign language) in The roles of times of Internet change. The article looked forward to Internet application prospect and problem urgently to be solved at present in our countrys foreign language teaching finally. 【Keyword 】Internet; Foreign language teaching; Foreign language teaching environment 【Chinas picture classification number 】G434 【Document identification yard 】A Internet is that one is finalized the design by yuan that ten million computer networks joining each other of all parts of the world make up , boundless circle , there is no information transmission network limited in space-time. It has already had a history of 30 years since born. Its enormous development scale and tempo not merely change human production and life style, and educate changing from all respects. The arrival of cybertimes, has brought the unprecedented opportunity for English teaching too. First of all, the network has expanded the function of the computer in language teaching greatly , computer being by one simple storage and demonstrate tool turn into cross over long-range communication and communication tool of space-time, can make foreign language learner crossing over national boundaries restriction , exchange thought with English with personage and other language learner of country , country of Great Britain and America ,. Secondly, because our information overwhelming majority contacted on the net uses English Come to release , transmit, this has offered chance to contact genuine English to foreign language learner, the learner can pass too Internet releases ones own thought and information in English. Moreover , have a lot of resources which face all types of foreign language learner itself online, utilizing these resources, the learner can get the online help of the language teaching expert and participate in being real-time Study the activity , to raise the ability to carry on communication in foreign language in foreign language. Internet is it influence we every aspect , language of teaching to begin already, will make foreign language teaching the revolutionary change take place from content to form. Just as some machines help the language teaching expert to point out, what role present question has not already been acted in the language classroom by an information technology Question, but language classroom society at information age what issue of role does it act. 1This text will discuss emphatically how to make use of enormous resource and function of Internet to create the favorable foreign language teaching environment effectively, improve the quality and level of the foreign language teaching. First, The founding of Internet and language teaching environment The environment of the language is playing a very important role in language teaching. Just as using linguist S.P.Corde famously, points out, we cant teach a language for students in fact, our one Can found an environment suitable for foreign language study for them . ( 2)Only in such an environment, students foreign language knowledge , foreign language use ability and independent foreign language learning ability to get abundant , free development. Particularly, the ideal language teaching environment includes the contents of two respects of the environment of languages and psychological environment. From the language , offer enough quantity to student , the multi-channel , meaningful and intelligible speech is input, offer the chance exposed to a large number of true languages to student, enable students to experience and expire by! Beautiful , lifelike , vivid language material . No matter what the background of the language learner is, how is their natural gift , there was a language learning experience in the past, their study result depends on the contact amount and content of the language studied to a great extent. Meanwhile, this kind of environment will offer the abundant , meaningful language communication chance to student, organize the interdynamic , cooperative language teaching activity. That is to say , students participate in have social communication of resources of abundant languages to help the study of the languaging. Language resources here can come from any medium that can be discussed and exchanged with the purpose language . Finally, the language learning is a multiple sense organ in coordination with the result on function , so t
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