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专业: 学号: 26 姓名: 电子机械高等专科学校 2007年6月10日73 摘 要全球经济一体化、中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)已经是近在眼前的事情,今后中国企业不仅要应对国内同行的激烈竞争,还要同世界经济强家争夺产品市场。“企业销售管理系统”为您提供全面开发国内、国际市场和降低销售费用的整套管理方案。 企业销售管理系统是以宣传企业形象和促进产品销售为核心的电子商务网站。因此设计的商业模型不仅能够全面展现公司的良好形象,而且可以实现企业产品的在线订购和客户需求信息的收集,开辟市场销售的新渠道。另外可以十分方便的进行网站管理、客户和分销机构管理,系统网站分为网站前台和网站后台两个部分,网站前台部分主要面对客户,方便来访者浏览企业和产品的相关信息,并可进行双向式互动;网站后台部分主要面对企业领导、部门经理、各地分支机构和网站维护人员,根据通过网站收集和分析出来的信息,为企业决策提供必要的数据,同时又可很方便的维护和更新网站。本系统除了实现用户注册,用户管理和基本资料维护外,主要是对销售的管理.包括从客户下订单,经过对订单的确认后由订单产生预开发票.根据客户的信息来选择客户所使用的价格表和折扣表,计算金额,再看客户的信用额度和支付的金额够不够.如果够就把订单转成发票去出货部门捡货, 出货 ,送货. 系统支持多种计量单位的自动转换,并与采购、库存、财务等子系统有良好的接口,可以从这些子系统中获取或向这些子系统输送数据,保持了数据的一致性。销售管理是企业管理的重点,该系统既可以独立地运行,也可以与其它子系统联合使用,组成完整的企业管理信息系统。本系统将是企业经营管理者强有力的工具,同时为企业带来良好的效益。关键字: ERP销售管理系统 市场 订单 C# ASP.NETAbstractThe global economic integration, China joined World Trade Organization (WTO) already were the close at hand matters, not only next Chinese Enterprise will have to be supposed to the domestic colleagues steep competition, but also had to compete the produce market with the world economics strong family.“The enterprise sells the management system management system” to provide the comprehensive development for you domestic, the international market and to reduce the sales expense the entire wrap management plan. The enterprise sells the management system management system is take propagandizes the enterprise image and the promotion product sale as the core electronic commerce website.Therefore designs not only the commercial model can unfold the company comprehensively the good image, moreover may realize the enterprise product online order and the customer demand information collection, opens the market sale the new channel.Moreover may extremely convenient carry on the website management, the customer and the retailing rganization management, the system website divides into the website onstage and the website backstage two parts, the website onstage part mainly faces the customer, the convenient visitor glances over the enterprise and the product related information, and may carry on the two-way English interaction; The website backstage part mainly faces the head of undertaking, department manager, each place branch office and the website attendant, according to collects the information through the website which and analyzes, provides the essential data for the enterprise decision-making, simultaneously may the very convenient maintenance and renews the website. This system except the realization user registration, outside the user management and the basic document maintenance, mainly is to the sales management. Including from the customer the order form, passes through after the order form confirmation produces by the order form writes the receipt in advance. Chooses the price list and the discount table according to the customer information which the customer uses, the computation amount, again looks at the customer the credit specified amount and the payment amount enough. If suffices on to transfer the order form the receipt to produce goods the department to pick the goods, produces goods, delivers goods.The system support many kinds of measuring units automaticswitching, and with the purchase, the stock, the financial small steelyard system has the good connection, may gain from these subsystems or transports the data to these subsystems, maintained the data uniformity.The sales management is the business management key point, this system already may move independently, also may and other subsystem union use, the composition integrity business management information system.This system will bethe enterprise manages the superintendent powerful tool, simultaneously brings the good benefit for the enterprise.Key words: ERP sell management system Market Order C# ASP.NET目 录Abstract1第一章 系统概述11.1系统概述11.1.1销售系统的概况11.1.2销售管理系统的背景和意义21.1.3 销售管理系统的应用范围的发展及FoxERP21.1.4系统功能31.1.5系统的软件开发平台4第二章 系统分析与设计52.1 需求分析52.2系统设计:62.2.1CDM(概念数据模型)72.2.2 PDM(物理数据建模)82.2.3 OOM(面向对象的模型)9第三章 主要关键技术193.1 业务逻辑层193.1.1 报价单号自动生成算法193.1.2 数据单中的金额的计算203.2 运用MD5算法进行加密203.3用Session来保存用户会话,进行不同页面传值,传参:213.4存储过程的运用223.5数据库的连接。223.6 下期工程建议23第四章 数据库结构23第五章 用户使用说明书365.1系统平台36.登录和进入系统37第六章 关键源程序6361 登录界面:6362 注册页面:646.3 管理员对用户的管理:6564点击新增按钮直接产生订单号7065订单数据表中的金额合计71第七章 设计心得72主要参考文献72本系统介绍了一个用C#实现的销售管理系统,阐述了其系统功能.系统的环境和组成.系统分析与设计(UML).数据结构.实现主要关键技术.关键原程序.系统的使用说明等.第一章 系统概述1.1系统概述在进入21世纪。逐步实现企业信息现代化的过程中,企业资源管理是十分重要的一环,尤其是目前市场经济、机构改革的条件下,企业资源规划对企业各部门的办公质量和效率,提高决策的科学性和正确性,提高综合的管理水平和竞争能力都有十分重要的意义,1.1.1销售系统的概况当今时代是飞速发展的信息时代,在各行各业中离不开信息处理,这正是计算机被广泛应用于信息处理系统的环境。计算机最大的好处在于利用它能够进行信息管理,使用计算机进行信息控制,不仅提高了工作效率,而且大大的提高了其安全性。尤其对复杂的信息管理,计算机能够充分发挥它的优越性。计算机进行信息管理与信息管理系统的开发密切相关,系统的开发是系统管理的前提。当今企业竞争范围的扩大,要求在企业的各个方面
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