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资源描述, where lo readD. couldHawking is no longer with us.B. ifThe Queqiao satellite (卫星)will form a bridge between controllers on Earth andthe far side of the Moon.D. competition your project.D. learnI), has in!). setting off扬州市2018年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试题说明:1.本试卷共8页,包含选择做(第I萌第15题.共45题)、卜选界题(第九题-第81即共 36 1s)两部分,满分120分.考试时间为00分钟.考试:结束后.请将本试卷和答收卡一并 交回.2.答嗯前.考生务必将本人的姓名、席写派号填写在答题卡相应的位世上.同时务必在试在的 我订线内将本人的姓名、准考证,匕毕业学校填写好在试卷第4页的在下加填写好座信号3.所行的试题和必须在专用的“答物卡”1.作答选择题用2B铅笔作答,非选推购在指定位汽 用0.5老米黑色水笔作答.在试卷或草稿纸上答胭无效.一、单项选择(共15小出每小题1分计15分)在下列各呼A、B.C,D四个选项中选择一个能填入密干交臼处的被侔答案-Who is the lady in red?一Miss Gao. She teachesEnglish.A. weB. usC. ourD. ours-does Joanna take the course in DIY?Every Saturday afternoon.A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How often Where would you like to go tomorrow. Beijing or Xi in?一 is OK. It s up to you.A. EitherB. NeiiherC. BothD. AllI offered Sandy a helping hand. However she it.Maybe qhe can manage herself.A. received B. returned C. refusedD. rewarded-Mr Wu has recommended many books. Have you decided first?-Yes. The Little Prince.A. how to read B. which to read C. when to readIf I want to be an aMronnut how will I get to be one?You do well in school and tame your (cars.A. mayB. canC. musthe will continue lo inspire the world.C. butD. asA. contribution B. communication C. celebration9. Hit guys, pleajie write three facts you last term inA. learnedB. are learning C. have learned10. When will your sister go to England?一 She lx)ndon since four months ago.A. went toB. has gone loC. has been to11. We should stopfireworks to reduce dilution.A. getting offB. turning offC. taking off12. What are you watching?The Story oj ( hina. hi、partat China Block Printing Museum of Yangzhouin 2014.A. filmedB. was filmed C. has filmed D. is filmed戈1.扬州说报英诲试卷第1页(乂8页)13. I can t afford the white dr-What about the oranRC one? 1 he price is a hnlc A. cheaper K higherC. lowermore expenvc14. - You must hand in your report tomorrow.What? . We can t finish it 11Mt quickly.A. No way B. No problem C. That s right D. hut s for *urc 15. - l*m tired out.How can you be manaRcr and accountnnt at one linir?A The early bird catcher the wormB. Dont put all your crrs in onr basketC. Actions、pc#k louder than word5D Dont bum the candle at both ends二完空(共15小得小融1分计15分)闽谟下面期文从文后各第所给的A.B,C,D四个选项中选出一个最佳齐案,One afternoon a few months after Tom and i were married Max walked into the dining room, where I was looking through niy old photon.These months I was learning to let Max come 16 on his own. If 1 moved too quickly* he ran away. If I was 17 we often ended up playinge laughing and recently even Mttins together on the M)fa with a book.Wh。、that?* he pointed to one photo.* My mom. 1 suppose she e your 18 Sylvia.”* Cool. Who is that to me?* That was my grandfather. He died a few months ago. *Hmm. Too bad he luid to die.Death is always a painful 19 eMpecialiy for a seven-year old child who d lost his mother only two years before. I secretly put away the pictures of 20 relative!1.He began to finger through the photos. Who is that to me?*Under his finger 1 could see my own face. I should have known the answer to his 21 question. Bui I snid. Tm your 22 mom. I m sorry that your first mom died.* What should I call you? he asked.Mom. I wanted to cry. I held buck.* You can call me Mom or Betsy. 23 feeh OK for you1 waited, expecting a pronouncemcni of my new 24 .-Sweet* he said* walking out of the room.For a couple of days Aftcrwnrd. Max _25 a new title (or me. Gm we go bowling? *Can 1 wntch TV?” he d ask. and then 而 the question、by mouthing the word Mom. Mom was alwayn 27 .One weekend* he suddenly Mid. *1 notice I dont call you Mom.*1 noticed that loo.29 28 I say I mean Mom. Moms die. you know. I think it * maybe you re jun( !kuy.Tears (Kfll) were filling my eye*.16.A.downB.near17.A.kindB.patient18.A.KrandmotherB.mother19.A.9ubjctB.speech20.A.deadB.boring2LA.simpleB.proper-Hey. Betsy?”“YehJ 1 said, takinx pkasure in the new30of my oldname.c7doteD.backC.helpfulD.confidrnlC.auntD.coumnC.messageD.signC.unknownD.“netGtupidD.funny英语试卷寄2页(共8贝)备扬州晚报英酒试卷第4页(共内页):座位号I22.A.naturalB.JJAtC. onlyIXsecond23.A.WhoeverB.WhnicvcrC. That1).Anybody24.A.positionB.nameC. litlcI).call25.A.workvd outB.turned outC. earned outIXtried out26.A.answerB.followC. confirmI).rai%c27.A.aliveB.WIM*C. silentD.lost28.A.UntilB.BeforeC. WhenD.Unless29.A.politerB.saferC. sadderI).riskier30.A.pronunciationB.announcementC. voiceD.sou
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