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必修一基础知识检测单词检测(1)n,街区,块 (2)adj,松的,松开的(3)vt.&vi使不安,使心烦 ;心烦意乱的,不适的,不舒服的adj.(4)adv,确实如此,正是(5)v.提出理由;(6)n,项目,条款(7)adj.疯狂的,狂热的(8)vt,为某事安排时间(9)adj,极度的(10) adv.完全的,全然的,整个的(11) adj,忠实的,深爱的(12) vt&n.信任,信赖(13) vt.&vi. 遭受,忍受,经历(14) n.情形,境遇;(建筑物等的)位置(15) n. 弯,拐角 (16) V. 交际,沟通;传达(感情、信息等)(17)vt包括、包含(18)n.本地人,本国人;adj.本国的,本地的(19)prep,在下面(20)adv.实际上,事实上(21)adj.现在的,出席的,到场的 n.礼物(gift); (22)n.本身,身份(23)n.命令,指令,掌握;vt.&vi 命令,指挥(24)n.&vt. 请求,要求(25)n.标准,规格;adj.标准的,一流的(26) vt.辨认出,承认,公认(27) n.口音,腔调,重音(28) n.文化,文明- adj 文化的(29) vt&vi.统治,管理(30)n,运河,水道.(31)vt 说服、劝说(32)vt. 坚持、强调(34)n. 态度、看法(33) n.方向,指导;(常用复数)指示;说明书vt(34)n,祝贺(35)vt. 设营、扎营(36)n. 日记、杂志 、定期刊物;n. 记者; 新闻业(37)adv.真诚地,真挚地(39)adj.熟悉的; n. (38)vt.决定、确定;下决心; adj.坚决的,有决心的。 n.决心(40)v&n.摇动,颤动;震动(41)vi.上升,升起,起身(42)vt.&vi 破产,毁灭(43)adj.新鲜的,无经验的(44)vt. 破坏,毁坏,消灭(45)n,骑自行车的人(46)vt. 断定、判断、判决n.法官;裁判员(47)vt&vi 损害、伤害; n.; adj.受伤的(48) n. 电,电流;电学; adj. 有电的(49)vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏; (50)n.质量、品质、性质(51)adj.乐意的、自愿的(52)n.法则、原则、原理(53)n.位置、职位;形势(54)n.打仗、打架;争论; vt.&vi打仗、打架;搏斗(55)vt.酬劳,奖赏;n. 报酬,奖金(56) adj.受过教育的, 有教养的; v. n. 短语检测(1)丧失勇气或信心(2)处于困境或危险中 (3)关心,挂念(4)失业(5)事实上(6)使充气,爆炸(7)把-投入监狱(8)当权,上台(9)被判处-(刑罚)(10)梦想-(11)从-毕业(12)关心,在意,看护(13)将(东西)装箱打包 (14)合计,加起来(15)(使)平静下来(16)关心,挂念(17)经历,经受(18)躲藏,隐蔽(19)记下,放下,登记(20)一连串;一系列;一套(21)故意(22)为了(23)面对面(24)按照,依据(25)与-相处,进展(26)相爱,爱上-(27)参加活动(28)在-中扮演角色;在-中起作用(29)因为;由于(30)走近,上来,提出(31)(充分)利用(32)例如-;像这种的(33)立刻、马上(34)看轻、忽视/评价高-(35)结束;终结(37)掘出;发现(36)求助于词汇运用1Im sorry,but I didnt mean to _(使你心烦)2Ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to _(使你朋友平静下来)3Rescuers _(关心) the safety of the men trapped in the fire.4We are surprised at _(他对法律的忽视)5Any student caught _(作弊) in the exam will be punished.6The kids_(疯狂) when the film star appeared.7We _(共有) the same interest and she _(分担) my troubles as well.8The war brings so much _(痛苦) that people are eager for peace.9Having done something wrong,he _(不敢) go home.10The heavy snow prevented all the _(与的联系) the outside world.11We all went to see the film,_(包括我在内)12The tiger is _(产于) India.13The mother asked us not to talk about her daughter _(当着她的面)14The audience _ that the singer _(要求他再唱) again.15The book is _(公认) a great work.16Nobody obeyed the teachers _(停止聊天的命令)17The film _(以为基础) a novel by DH.Lawrence.18_(提出了许多建议) at yesterdays meeting.19When the police arrived,the crowd ran away _(朝四面八方)20Where are you from? I cant _(听出你的口音)21He left the city,_(决心) never to come back.22What he said was very _(有说服力的) and at last we all accepted his idea.23Yesterday he _(录制) this song by Liu Huan,using his _(录音机)24Choose three places to visit and find out the oneway fare to get there for different kinds of _(交通方式)25We are all looking froward to the World Cup _(决赛)26He said he had _(做梦) a terrible _(梦) the night before.27He _(坚持) that we should set out at 7.28The dying man is _(呼吸) with great difficulty.29I had many interesting _(经历) while travelling in Africa.30Now all the teenagers are _(熟悉) with the Super Girls.31She was _(气得发抖)32He _(站起来) from the seat to welcome us.33Hearing the news,she _(突然大笑起来)34It was raining heavily outside and my dress _(淋得不成样子)35He received serious _(伤) during the car crash.36The news of his sudden death _(使震惊) us greatly.37He often _(埋头于) himself in the books.38It was _(很荣幸的事) to have you as my
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