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reserve cadre training platform. Select 12 thought good, strong, young, high culture of talent into the village two committees reserve cadres, through to the town, spending, party members stepped up their training in the form of distance education, solidified the eighth village election work basis. -Grass-roots level, carry out the four-three activities. In accordance with the unified plan of the County and township cadres actively supporting work, members of leadership each supporting a family difficulties and poor people in a family, all . Disaster relief acts of violation of policies such as special inspections, ordered rectification of the problems, for signs of problems, early warning, early prevention. As of now, I organize all cadres and workers with about 80 people to the County Commission visited the cultural corridor; invited the County discipline inspection Wang Yi fang, Deputy Secretary of the independent Commission against corruption forum a while to update and repair the Gallery culture village, of honest and clean government promotion of special issue of the voice of the independent Commission against corruption had been published 4 issues; and the independent Commission against corruption message platform, periodically sends the text messages more than 2000 pieces of the ICAC. (B) pay special attention to party building and promote the Council for economic planning, further optimization of the industrial structure of agriculture. -Consolidating and improving the benefits of traditional industries. I adopted to increase scientific and technological training, and introducing high-tech agricultural production, increase the efficiency of traditional industries, further strengthening and consolidating the traditional industry. Up to now, the Township 22746 acres of rubber plantation area, 5.12 million Yuan output value; betel nut cultivation area of 2279 acres, 5.3 million Yuan output value; powder banana planting area of 940 acres, 4.77 million Yuan output value; puzzle area of 670 acres, 1.61 million Yuan output value. -Rational planning industrial distribution. Further optimize the agricultural structure, supporting plant Mulberry sericulture, melon, papaya and such short, flat, fast special advantage industries. First, mulberry sericulture project. In 2015, the new Mulberry 147 acres, the township now retain Mulberry gardens area of 1097 acres, a total of 18 batches for silkworm rearing, production value amounted to 1.7292 million Yuan, an increase of 24.29% and increase farmers income 1.4698 million Yuan; second, vegetable industry is gratifying. Make full use of regional advantages, and strive to build XX green vegetable brands. This year I planted vegetables mainly to cucumber, bitter melon, white beans, winged bean, and planting an area of 550 acres, total 1414 tons, increasing peasants income of 228.72; third, papaya fruit industry was strengthened. To build can tracing famous agricultural brand, fruit papaya has became provincial quality brand agricultural, in province, and county level used field detection + agricultural tracing II dimension code + supermarket sales platform of agricultural Super docking mode, greatly to improve spring papaya of quality and benefits, and direct supermarket, ensure has papaya planting households interests of maximize, makes papaya industry became I Xiang farmers increase of new highlights. The year 2015, Papaya fruit plant 320 acres, more than 2.24 million Yuan output value; four special livestock breeding begins to take shape江西工业职业技术学院2013届会计电算化专业毕业论文题 目: 论税收筹划姓 名: 徐兰芸学 号: 20103998班 级: 10级会计电算化(3)班系 别: 经管分院指导教师: 丁佳佳目 录摘要 -11企业外部经营管理层面上的税收筹划-11.1企业组建、重组过程中的税收筹划-11.2企业筹资过程中的税收筹划-11.3企业生产经营过程中的税收筹划-22企业内部会计核算管理层面上的税收筹划 -32.1存货计价方面的税收筹划-32.2固定资产折旧方面的税收筹划-32.3债券溢折价摊销方面的纳税筹划-33企业内外部两个层面上税收筹划的配合-34. 税收筹划的意义-44.1有助于实现纳税人财务利益最大化-44.2有助于提高纳税人的纳税意识-44.3有助于优化经济结构-44.4有可能增加国家财政收入总量-45. 税收筹划的原则-46. 税收筹划的途径-56.1改变税基进行税收筹划-56.2通过税率差异进行纳税筹划-66.3通过税额的变化进行纳税筹划-66.4通过纳税期限进行纳税筹划-6结束语-
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