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高考英语读后续写练习与讲解一、全情投入是成功的关键2023年新高考全国I卷【读后续写原文本】【文本分析】一、Read for vocabulary1.1 enter a writing contest参加2.1 force sb to do sth强迫某人做某事2.2 have a good shot at sth=give it a try尝试某事3.3 not a brilliant idea极好的;辉煌的;灿烂的4.3 check out a half-dozen book .(从图书馆)借图书5.2 give way to(被更新、更好的事物)取代二、Read for appreciation1.5 No one laughed harder than he did.否定词+比较级=肯定意义的最高级2.2-3 Encouraged by his words, I agreed to give it a try.分词短语用作原因状语三、Read for plots【写作分析】运用好三条线:1.人物线:梳理原文本中出现的所有人物,并根据情节推导确定出场人物。2.地点线:梳理原文本中出现的所有地点,并根据情节推导确定续写情节可能发生的地点。3.情感线:运用情感线构思情节,可以丰富情节内容,并使语言更加生动。(一)逆推法+情感线推导丰富故事情节在构思两段话的情节时,借助逆推法,通过续写文本第二段首句推导续写文本第一段末句的可能情节,以达成两段话的相互衔接。同时,要结合情感线索进行续写情节的合理推导,使续写文本的文字更加生动。01、续写第一段情节推导情节三:我在领奖台领到一等奖(情感线:兴奋不已)。情节一:我被告知要去参加颁奖礼(情感线:吃惊)。情节二:自言自语:怎么会获奖(情感线:充满质疑和不可思议)。02、续写第二段情节推导情节一:我向老师诉说我获奖的事实(情感线:兴奋且仍然觉得不可思议)。情节二:老师的话(情感线:毫不奇怪,微笑对我)。情节三(结局):老师的犹如一座灯塔,指引着我人生的方向。03、注意事项为了在情节合理的基础上使文本词汇和句法结构运用的更加高级,需有意识的加入人物的情感描写和动作描写,这样才能把高级句式结构充分发挥出来。(二)利用原文本已知信息增强续写文本的逻辑性要充分挖掘原文本中的已知信息,对续写文本进行逻辑衔接。01、续写第一段原文本第一段指明英语是我的第二外语,因此我的英语水平是比较蹩脚的;续写文本中我对自己这样的水平还能获奖感到不可思议。 02、续写第二段原文本第二段提及老师始终在鼓励我,因此续写部分的结尾部分可以提升主题:老师的鼓励话语一直指引我前行。【参考范文】01、Paragraph1Paragraph 1: A few weeks later, when I almost forgot the contest, there came the news. I was told to attend the award presentation for the writing contest, my jaw dropping in astonishment. Writing has always been so difficult and painful for me, yet I got an award for writing like this? I murmured, my eyes challenging. At the ceremony, the host announced that I had won the Best Narrative Award. I held the trophy, excitement choking my words. (63 words)【译文】第一段:几个星期后,当我几乎忘记那场比赛的时候,传来了好消息。我被告知要去参加写作比赛的颁奖礼,这着实惊到我了。一直以来,写作对我来说都是困难且痛苦的,就我这样的写作水平还能获奖?我自己都觉得不可思议。在颁奖典礼上,主持人宣布我夺得了最佳故事奖。捧着奖杯,我激动不已。02、Paragraph2Paragraph 2: I went to my teacher office after the award presentation. Its incredible! I made it! I exclaimed, pleased beyond description. Looking at the trophy, my teacher seemed not surprised, a small smile curling at the corner of his mouth, My boy, it is your commitment and perseverance that eventually paid off! Since then, my teachers encouraging words, just like a lighthouse in the mist, had always been lighting in the sky of my life. (64 words)【译文】第二段:颁奖典礼后,我去了老师的办公室。“这是令人难以置信!我竟然做到了!”我的兴奋之情溢于言表。看着我的奖杯,我的老师似乎毫不奇怪,嘴角露出一丝微笑,“我的孩子,是你的专心和坚持不懈终将得到回报!”从那以后,我老师的话,就犹如迷雾中的一座灯塔,一直指引着我的生活。【参考范文解析】利用各种高级表达提升语言的丰富性:1. ., my jaw dropping in astonishment.运用无灵主语+独立主格结构。2. I murmured, my eyes challenging.运用无灵主语+独立主格结构。3. I held the trophy, excitement choking my words.运用无灵主语+独立主格结构。4. I exclaimed, pleased beyond description. 运用形容词短语作状语结构。5. Looking at the trophy, my teacher seemed not surprised, a small smile curling at the corner of his mouth, .运用无灵主语+独立主格结构。6. . it is your commitment and perseverance that eventually paid off!运用强调句型结构。7. ., my teachers encouraging words, just like a lighthouse in the mist, had always been lighting in the sky of my life.运用明喻修辞手法。二、THE PINK KINDNESS浙南名校联盟2023学年第二学期寒假返校联考【读后续写原文本】【文本分析】一、Read for vocabulary2.2 the emergency room急救室3.3 wait in the long queue排长队等待3.4 bubble-gum泡泡糖5.2 an important date一次重要的约会5.3 quicken his pace加速二、Read for appreciation1.1-2 . as we walk through our town with Clara riding in her backpack, singing and swinging her feet.分词短语作宾语补足语2.3 So it was a great feeling that Clara was so happy that day.that引导同位语从句修饰feeling4.2 There went the balloon.完全倒装结构4.3 This was the first time that she had had such an upsetting experience.This was the first time that sb had done sth固定的时态要求4.4 Heart-broken, she stared at her poor short-life luck, out of control.形容词作状语三、Read for plots【写作分析】(一)运用“三条线索”推导,丰富故事情节在构思情节时,借助人物线、地点线和情感线三条线索,并结合要求中80词的词数限制,对续写故事情节进行推导。01、人物线my two-year-old daughter(Clara)Ia college-aged young man根据续写文本首句推断,续写情节中主要人物是Clara和the young man。02、地点线the local grocery storehomeunder a tree从续写文本推测,故事主要发生在under a tree的周边地区。03、情感线根据人物线的推导,确定故事发生的主要人物和基本情节,并据此将合理的情感表达融入故事情节中。情节一:年轻人思索如何去安慰小女孩(年轻人的动作和情感描写)。情节二:Clara等待见证年轻人给的奇迹(情感线:好奇;转哭为笑)。情节三(结局):利用文本的主题词PINK的象征意义升华主题。04、挖掘原文本的信息增强衔接衔接:1.原文本第三段提及Clara喜欢粉色,续写文本年轻人的粉色玫瑰花可以拿来续写情节;2.原文本第四段提及小女孩喜欢唱歌,续写文本小女孩得到玫瑰花后也可以对着玫瑰花唱歌。为了在情节合理的基础上使文本词汇和句法结构运用的更加高级,需有意识的加入人物的情感描写和动作描写,这样才能把高级句式结构充分发挥出来。【参考范文】续写情节展示Clara was still crying, unable to say a single word. The young man scratched his head, his mind racing. A brilliant idea suddenly flashedthrough his mind. He went down on one knee, patted Claras little head, smiled and comforted her, saying, Little girl, close your eyes, Ill do a magic trick for you! Burning with curiosity, Clara closed her eyes and waited for the unknown miracle.With a POP a pink rose came into Claras view, her tears giving way to laughter. Taking the rose in her hand, Clara started singing Mr. Golden Sun to it. This pink rose, wit
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