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the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, increase the intensity of combat of illegal practice. IX carrying patriotic public health campaign. Further develop urban and rural sanitation and clean, and promoting health education and health promotion work, create smoke-free health units carry out activities, full implementation of the rural drinking water and latrines project. X efforts to raise the level of medical services. Active implementation of XX County Hospital construction projects, strengthen the county peoples hospital medical building, upgrading of township hospital medicine services, and constantly improve the level of service, and better meet the needs of the people. Integrated and other health programs. Continued solid job maintaining stability, carry out the Hui ju work to promote clean government and anti-corruption work JIU feng, and do a new round of health Xinjiang work, increased health letters, comprehensive management, safety, environmental protection, fire protection, legal work, and efforts to promote the healthy and harmonious development of health service. District Judicial Council 2015 summary material 2015, XX District Judicial Council in district, and District Government of right led Xia, in superior business sector of carefully guide Xia, in here members line wind supervisor of care guide Xia, to party of 18 big and 18 session three in the, and four in the plenary spirit for guidelines, in-depth implement implementation science development views, according to province, and city, and district University workers workshop and early full District judicial administrative workshop of deployment, to service full district economic social development for Center, to created People are satisfied with a service-oriented administration of justice bodies to lead to further improve work style, improve administrative efficiency, and for the whole area of the rule of law area, accelerate the construction of rule XX provide a powerful legal guarantee and realize the new leap of XX the judicial administrative work. Our main approach is: first, innovation, and comprehensively promote the rule of law publicity and education work. Around the main line of spirit of carrying forward the Socialist concept of the rule of law, fully six . Dynamic, extensive Franco-Prussian district activities. Out of 45 per cent this year, sending pictures, literature, more than 40,000 copies. Young Franco-Prussian, set off a climax. Through the learning child star and VCD youth double hundred selection, method in the heart, on the line essay, lucky star of English law and other activities, set off a new round of young people across the district law, usage, abide by the climax. Second, strengthen management and strive to build a new pattern of mediation. Full mediation video command system, the role of mediation Network Academy, promoting mediation network entities and the achievement of practical results. Enhanced grid troubleshooting warning mechanism, continue to promote medical, public, and prosecutors, against regulation, consumer culture, such as docking, professional mediation organizations of normalized and standardized construction, urban management, logistics, land, and more new professional in the field of mediation and docking mechanism. Establishment of NPC deputies and CPPCC members,北京方达工程管理有限公司地铁14号线 地铁暗挖工程(矿山法)监理细则北京地铁14号线土建施工监理03合同段地铁隧道暗挖工程(矿山法)监 理 细 则编制人审核人审批人 北京方达工程管理有限公司北京地铁14号线土建施工监理03合同段总监办二零一一年三月目 录一、工程规模及地点:2二、工程地质、水文地质条件3(一)工程地质条件3(二)水文地质条件4三、监理工程师应熟悉资料5四、 监理控制要点5(一)施工测量质量控制5(二)监控量测监控内容6(三)竖井施工质量监控要点:6(四)通道施工监控要点7(五)网喷射混凝土质量监控要点9(六)初期支护工程验收12五、监理控制方法、措施12一、工程规模及地点:1、 东管头站:东管头站位于丽泽路与羊坊店南路交叉路口的南端,除交叉路口以北的羊坊店南路实现规划外,其他三向道路均待扩改。交叉路口的东北象限为在建项目,西北象限为丽泽批发市场,西南,东南象限均为待迁的平房。站址处地面交通流量大,地下管线主干管多,拆迁量大。该站为两层双柱三跨岛式车站,地下一层站亭层,地下二层站台层。总建筑面积13370.60,其中主体面积8594.16,附属面积4776.44,起迄里程K13+072.575-K13+271.425m,车站总长200.85 m,总宽20.9 m,站台宽12m,结构底板埋深18.7m,顶板覆土3.5m,明挖法施工。站址处土层为卵石、圆砾层和级围岩。地下水位较高,其类型有上层滞水、潜水和层间水。2、丽泽商务区站丽泽商务区站位于丽泽路与南北向规划路-骆驼湾南路交叉路口区域的南端,它是一座与规划地铁16号线的换乘站,车站周边多为低矮平房。该站为明挖四层三跨岛式车站。地下一层为14、16号线共用的站厅层,地下三层换乘厅层,总建筑面积39931,其中主体面积36930,附属面积3001。起迄里程K13+929.311-K14+137.06,长207.75m,总宽25.1m,站台宽16m标准段埋深16.1m,车站交迭段埋深26.75m。采用明挖法施工,车站两端设盾构机始发井。车站共设4个出入口和两个风亭。车站范围内土层有人工堆积层、新近沉积层和第四纪沉积层。主体结构基础置于级配较好的卵石层上。地下水为潜水,赋存于标高23.74m-40.34m以下的砂卵石层中。3、菜户营站:菜户营站位于菜户营桥西南、京九铁路以西、金泰苑小区北侧绿化地内,东西走向。站区中部路面下有埋深小于3m的管线,施工时需改移。菜户营站为三层双柱三跨岛式车站,地下一层设备层,地下二层站厅层,地下三层站台层。车站总建筑面积13919.34。其中主体面积12084.93,附属面积1834.41。起迄里程K14+810.825- K14+995.175,车站总长184.35 m,标准段宽21.2 m,站台宽12 m,车站主体结构底板埋深23.5 m,覆土厚3 m左右。明挖法施工。车站西段设盾构始发井,东段设盾构回收井。该站设2个出入口,4个风亭和三个安全疏散通道。该站地基持力层主要为第四纪沉积的卵
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