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武汉理工大学网络专科毕业论文分类号 密 级 UDC 学校代码 10497 毕 业 论 文题 目:学生姓名: 专业班级: 学 号:指导教师: 年 月 日 摘 要 (注意:这里用黑体小二号字)(每段开头空二个字体格)随着高新技术的普及,知识经济开始迅速发展,它对人们的生产方式、生活方式和思维方式产生了巨大冲击,给企业的竞争和发展带来了极其深远的影响。企业在竞争日趋激烈的情况下,必须采取新的营销方法来适应社会的知识化和知识的经济化。知识营销是一种适应知识经济的全新营销理念,无论从营销的主体、客体,还是从营销的手段和方法各个方面来看,知识营销都呈现出与传统营销所不同的特征,它代表了未来营销理论发展的基本趋势,并逐渐成为了企业获得新的核心竞争能力的关键因素。(注意:正文用宋体小四号)本文通过对知识营销的本质内涵以及功能原理分析,试图建立一个完整的知识营销的理论体系,系统阐述知识营销的方法策略,并结合一些企业案例对所做研究进行实证分析,从而探讨知识营销在实践中的应用。文章首先通过对国内外相关理论发展情况的探讨,提出了研究的主要内容。接着借鉴前人的观点,提出了企业知识营销的概念、内涵和功能,同时针对传统营销方式的不足,分析了知识营销的一般特征和本质特征。根据提出的知识营销的概念,着重探讨了实施知识营销的主要策略:营销组合策略、绿色消费引导策略、竞争合作策略、文化渗透策略。文章从产品、价格、促销、渠道四个方面详细阐述了营销组合策略,把传统的4Ps的组合融入了4Cs的内容,对营销组合策略赋予了新的内容;绿色消费引导策略主要包括绿色产品策略、绿色价格策略、绿色渠道策略和绿色促销策略;竞争合作策略包括两种主要模式:知识联盟和虚拟企业。文化渗透即挖掘产品文化内涵,在给人以物质享受的同时又给人以精神的享受,最终实现与消费者形成共鸣的观念价值,产品的附加值因此也得到体现。这几种策略关系复杂,既相互联系又相互区别,形成了一个完整的知识营销策略体系。企业应根据自身情况对其进行组合运用,以期达到最佳的效果。最后,本文采取理论联系实际的方法,运用知识营销的有关理论,选取了几个较有代表性的案例,分析其营销策略,同时得到一些对我国企业采用知识营销策略的启示:企业要在激烈的市场竞争中生存与发展的前景是广阔的,只要我们不断的创新其营销模式,运用与其相适应的知识营销策略,企业必将在未来的竞争中立于不败之地。关键词:(注意:这里用黑体小四号)知识经济 知识营销 营销策略 Abstract (注意:这里用Times New Roman,小二号字)With the popularization of advanced technology, the knowledge-based economy begins to develop rapidly. It has produced enormous impact on peoples mode of production, life style and mode of thinking. It also has brought extremely far-reaching influence of competition and development of enterprises. Enterprises must take new marketing methods to meet the demand of society in a situation that the competition is becoming fierce day by day. Knowledge-based marketing is a brand-new marketing idea that is suitable for knowledge-based economy. No matter from the main body, object of marketing, or according to marketing means and methods all respects, knowledge-based marketing demonstrates with different characteristics from traditional marketing ways. It represents the basic trend of future marketing theory, and becomes the key factor that enterprises obtain new competitive power gradually.(注意:这里用Times New Roman,小四号字)Through analysis of essential connotation and function principle of knowledge-based marketing, this thesis attempts to set up a theoretical system of integrated knowledge-based marketing, explains the knowledge-based marketing strategies in system, and combines some enterprise cases to carry on real example analyze, in order to probe into knowledge-based marketing application in practice.At first, the thesis passes the discussion of domestic and international relevant theoretical development, and puts forward the main content studied. Then it draws lessons from others views, proposes the concept, connotation and functions of enterprises knowledge-based marketing, directs against the deficiency of the traditional marketing ways at the same time, and analyzes the general characteristics and essential characteristics of knowledge-based marketing. According to the concept of knowledge-based marketing that is puts forward, it probes into the main knowledge-based marketing strategies in implementation emphatically, including marketing mix strategies, green consumption strategies, competition and cooperative strategies, cultural penetration strategies. From four aspects of products: price, promotion and place, the thesis explains marketing mix strategies in detail. The traditional marketing mix strategies have been given new contents. Green consumption strategies mainly include green products strategies, green price strategies, green channel strategies and green promotion strategies. The competition and cooperative strategies include two kinds of main modes: knowledge alliance and virtual enterprise. Cultural penetration strategies excavate the cultural connotation of products promptly, give customers enjoyments of material while enjoyments of spirit, and finally realize the idea value of the sympathetic response with consumers. The added value of products is reflected too. These kinds of strategies relationships are complicated, and they form an integrated knowledge-based marketing strategies system. Enterprises should follow ones own situation to use them, in hope to getting the best results.Finally, this thesis combines theory with practice, using relevant theories of knowledge-based marketing, chooses several representative cases, analyzes their marketing strategies, gets some revelatory strategies to our country enterprises at the same time: in the fierce market competition, the prospect of enterprises survive and development is broad. So long as we constantly innovate in marketing mode and use proper knowledge-based marketing strategies, enterprises will establish in an unassailable position in the future competition.Keywords: (注意:这里用Times New Roman,小四号加粗) knowledge-based economy knowledge-based marketing marketing strategies
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