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西医起源于古希腊 ,它强调心与身、人体与自然的相互联系;它非常重视保持健康,认为健康主要取决于生活方式、心理和情绪状态、环境、饮食、锻炼、心态平和以及意志力等因素的影响。Western medicine originated in ancient Greece, it stressed that the heart and body, the humanbody and nature to each other; It attaches great importance to the healthy, think that healthmainly depends on the way of life, the psychological and emotional state, the environment, diet, exercise, gentle state of mind and will power factors.中医理论体系初步形成于战国至两汉时期,黄帝内经难经伤寒杂病论神农本草经四大医学典籍可作为中医学理论初步形成的标志。Chinese medicine theory system in initial shapein the warring states period to the han dynasty, the yellow emperor, the difficult of thetyphoid miscellaneous diseases theorycold-induced febride four medical books can beused as TCM theory initially formed signs.中医和西医最大的区别在思维方式上。西医单纯地靠人类的医药技术来对抗疾病,把人体的自我防御、自我修复能力放到次要的地位,甚至漠视它的存在。西医信奉人类的智慧,相信科技,中医更多的依靠增强人体自身的能力来对付疾病,在“治”和“养”上更偏重于“养”,“治”是外力, “养”是内力,也就是身体自身的自我修复能力。Traditional Chinese medicine and westernmedicineisthebiggestdifferenceintheway ofthinking. Western medicine simply by humanmedicaltechnologyto thefightagainstdisease,the human body is self defense, self-repairingability to the fringes, even ignore it. Westernmedicine believe in human wisdom, believe thattechnology,traditionalChinese medicineto relymore on enhancement ofhumanbody oneselfto deal with the disease, in governance andraise more stress to the raise, cure isoutside force, raise is the internal force,alsoisthebodysown abilitytorepairabilityitself.中医和西医的第二个区别就是有没有整体观。中医把人体看成一个不可分割的整体,每个器官、组织之间都是联在一起的,一荣俱荣,一损俱损。比如 “五行五脏 ”认为,人体器官最重要的就是五脏,任何疾病的产生都与五脏功能下降有直接或间接的关系。任何一个内脏都通过相生相克与其他器官联系起来。中医的整体观还体现了人与自然的关系,人与社会的关系,人和自然人和社会都是一个整体,人体得了病可以从自然方面来和社会方面来求治。比如中医的四时养生,春夏秋冬的季节变化要求人的衣食住行做出相应的调整,否则就会影响健康。中医特别强调人的情志,而情志主要体现在人际关系上,人与社会的和谐就是健康的保证。西医没有整体观念。中医治得病的人,而西医治人得的病。Traditional Chinese medicine and westernmedicine second difference theres overallconcept.TCMthehumanbody as an integralwhole,each organ, tissueisbetween the bound together,a glorious all glory, broken. For example, thefive line completely thinks, human body organsmost important is the five zang-organs, anydisease produces all five zang-organs anddecrease in function have direct or indirectrelations. Any a visceral all through theXiangShengXiangKelinkedwithotherorgans. Theoverallconcept of traditionalChinesemedicinealso show the relationshipbetween manand nature,man and society,therelationbetween thepeopleand natural person and society as a whole, thehumanbody has been illfrom nature toand socialto QiuZhi. Such as traditional Chinese medicineat the keeping in good health, spring, summer, autumn winter season change requirement of the basic necessities to adjust accordingly, or itwill affect the health. TCM special emphasis on peoples sentiment, and mainly reflectssentiment in personal relationships, people and the social harmony is the guarantee of health.Western medicine no overall concept. Heal the sick, and the healing of the disease.第三个区别是医学模式不同。西医按照生理系统和器官来分科, 而且越来越细。医学专业也越来越专科化,现在分出来的疾病已达到上万种,而且还在细分下去。西医的治病和护理也是界限分明的,护士严格执行医嘱。医疗和养护也是分开的,强调康复锻炼。还有心理治疗也不同,西医有专门的心理医师供咨询和治疗。而中医的整体性表现在,疾病的分类以内脏功能和重大病因为主,偏于粗略。而且医护不分,讲究综合治疗。在治病过程中心理治疗贯穿治疗的始终。The thirddifferenceisdifferentmedicalmodel.Western medicine according to physiologicalsystem and organs to branch, and more and morefine. Medical professional also more and morespecialized subject, which now cent come out ofdiseasehas alreadyreached thetensof thousandsof species, but also in the subdivision down.Western medicine cure and nursing is the clearboundaries, the nurse strictly carry out thedoctors advice. Health care and maintenance isseparated, the emphasis on rehabilitationexercise. And the psychological treatment isdifferentalso,thewesternmedicinehas special
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