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补充日期:2003-09-13 23:08:364.非谓语动词作表语非谓语动词意义和用法连系动词例句不定式表示具体的动 作,表示打算、 计划、命令和要 求等意义有时可用appear, seem, happen等作连 系动词To see is to believe. Seeing is believing.( 般同主语的形式一直)What I wan ted to do is write it dow n.The only thing you can do is wait and seHow am I to pay such a debt?Such questi ons are to be avoided.He was n ever to see his frie nd aga in.What he said proved to be true.He seems to be ill.常作主语的名词有:aim, ambition, duty, hop idea, inten tio n, mistakes, pla n, purpose suggesti on.动名词相当于名词,说 明主语动作的 情况和状态。般疋beWhat like best is swim ming in the sea. My job is teach ing En glish(My job is to teach them to lear n En glish See ing is believ ing.有时同不定式可以互换Our duty is serv ing the people.Our duty is to serve the people.分词现 在 分 词相当于形容词, 说明主语动作 性质的。一般分 词后不冉接任 何成份有时可用become ; get等It is annoying that the meeting should be p off.常见作表语的现在分词有:amusi ng, bori ng, charm ing, comforti ng, confusing, disappo inting, discourag ing, disturb ing, embarrass ing, excit ing, pleas ing, fasc in ati ng, in teresti ng, in vit ing, miss ing, oblig ing, promis ing, puzzli ng, shock ing, strik ing, surpris ing.过分 词相当于形容词 说明主语动作 的性质或状态, 一般后面带介 词短语,有些形有时可用Become ; get ;rema in ; appear ; seem; fell; go; lookHe rema ined puzzled. He appeared satisfi with that.My work is fini shed. My watch is gone.常见的过去分词有:1)常见带介词about分词 anno ved, concern ed, excited, pleased,容词化的过去 分词前可加 very.等动词puzzled, shocked, worried 2)常见带介词 at分词:amazed, amused, anno yed, ast oni shed, delighted, disappo in ted, disgusted, displeased, dissatisfied, excited, offen ded, overjoyed, pleased, shocked, surprised, 3)常见带介词against 分词:arran ged, prepared, irritated, arran ged 4) 常见带介词 for 分词:celebrated,concerned,desti ned, disqualified, no ted, prepared, pressed, qualified. 5)常见带介词 in 分词:absorbed, celebrated, concern ed, disappo in ted, delighted, dressed, embarrassed, en gaged, entan gled, experie need, in terested lost, 6)常见带介词 on 分词:founded, based, bent, set 7)常 见带介词 to 分词:abandoned, accustomed, acqua in ted, addicted, adapted, committed, dedicated, dest in ed, devoted, doomed, en gaged, en titled, exposed, known, 1 ost, opposed, related, in cli ned, married 8)常见带介词 with 分词:annoyed, bored, concern ed, delighted, disappo in ted, disc onten ted, disgusted, displeased, dissatisfied, equipped, excited, occupied, obsessed, pleased, pressed, satisfied, socked, stunn ed, surroun ded loaded, torme nted, torture5.非谓语动词作定语非谓语动词位置意义和用法例句不定式动词不疋式表示将要发生,应该 必须放在所 做的动作,说明动作 修饰词(名或在谓语动词表示动作 代)后之后,具有形容词性质。I have much work to do.He has no place to live in.有时根据意思的需要加介词,这时介词 能省略,因被修饰的名词是它的宾语。动名词动名词放在 在所修饰的 词前说明所修饰词的性 质,具有名词的性质, 它同所修饰的名词间 不存在什么主谓关系He looked me with questi oning eye a livi ng room.一一一分词现在在所修饰词说明正在进行的动Va sleep ing boy, on the day follow in般 形 式分词前,有些放在 所修饰词后作,同它所修饰的动 作存在着逻辑主谓关 系for years running过去 分词在所修饰词 前,有些放在 所修饰词后表示被动的意思,多 数不及物动词的过去 分词不能用作定语, 只有少数表示动作改 变的动词表示在谓词 动词动作之前完成a lost child, a falle n leaf, retired workers, faded flowers We have no time left.Fill the blanks with the words given.短 语不定式放在所修饰词后一般表示要做和应该 做的动作。He is the first one to come this morni ng.I have a lot of housework to do at home.There is a lot of work to do in the compa ny.He did nt have the cha nee to go to school in the past.1) 一般所修饰词是抽象名词agreement, attempt, claim, decision, decisive, determination, failure, hope, intention,need, plan, promise,refused, resoluti on, tenden cy, threat, wish2)说明被修饰词内容的名词 campaig n, cha nee, courage, efforts, evide nee, fight, n ews, measures, move, moveme nt, opport un ity, position, power, reason, right,skill, stre ngth, struggle, means3)跟不定式作状语的形容词生成转化来 的抽象名ability, ambiti on, an xiety, curiosity, eagern ess, impatie nee, relucta nee, willi ngn ess分词放在所修饰词后现在分词短语有动作 进行之意。过去分词短语有被动 之意。The bird singing in the tree is very beautiful.This is the bird shot by the boy.My brother, working in the south will be coming in a few days.6. 非谓语动词作状语非谓语动词意义和用法例句不定式表示目的,很常用。He went home to see his mother.He came to ask a questi on.He got up early in order to (so as to) have time to study.表示结果,很常用。She says so well as to bring dow n the house. Will you be so good as to tell him this?He is not old eno ugh to do this.He is too excited to speak any thi ng.表示原因,He laughed to see them fall dow n.He wept to hear the n ews.表示选择和比较She ope ned her lips as through to speak He would die rather than give in.表示条件To hear him talk, you would thi nk he was tiri ng.分词表示时间,相当于表示时间, 相当于状语从句 when, while oHe went through the papers while hav ing breakfast.Since leav ing school, I met him only on ce. 常用于这些连词后 When, before, while, after, sin ce表示原因,有时同用作时间状 语的分词难以分清,相当于原 因状语从句 because, since, for 和 as oBeing ill, he did nt come.Not un dersta nding this, he asked the teacher about it.表示条件,相当于条件状语从 句if oGiven more time, I can
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