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8A Unit5 Wild animals单元测试卷(A)班级:_ 姓名:_得分:_一、单项填空(15分)( )1All of us know giant pandas only live in_ AEngland BChina CJapan DAustralia( )2一How did he finish his homework?m 一I hear that he did it_ Aon his own Bin the own Cof the own Dall the own( )3The meat smells bad_ ,please Atake away it Btake it away Cbring it away Dbring away it( )4There_ a large number of students in our schoo1The number of the students_ over three thousand Ais;is Bis;are Care;are Dare;is( )5My grandfather is very oldHe lives_He sometimes feels_We Should often go to see him Aalone;alone Balone;lonely C1onely;lonely D1onely;alone( )6I dont know if my friend_here tomorrowIf she_,1 will tell you Acomes:comes Bwill comes;will comesCwill come;conies Dcomes;come( )7After class the students went out of the classroom one after_ Aother Bthe otherCothers Danother ( )81f we keep_the land,the farmers will have_to live Atook;any where Btaking;nowhere Ctake;no place Dbring;some where( )9_did the baby panda look like? AWhat BHow CWhere DWhen( )10If_a meeting this afternoon,we wont go to the Zoo Athere will be Bthere has Cthere is Dthere will have( )11You will find_useful to learn even a little English Ait BthatCthis DThey( )12Is there_in todays newspaper? Aeverything special Bspecial nothingCanything special Dspecial something( )13Lets enjoy the song yesterday once moreIt sounds_ Awell Bsadly Cbadly DWonderful( )14一I am going to the post office this Sunday 一_you go there,please buy some stamps for me AWhile BIf CBefore DWhat( )15When Xi Wang was a_panda,she started to eat bamboo shoots Asixmonthold Bsixmonth old Csix。monthsold Dsix month old二、完形填空(10分)Mary and Donald Smith lived in the same building. Donald 1 a toy company. One day Donald gave Marythe 4-year-old girl a new toy. She played with t and said, “This is fun!” A few weeks later,Donald gave her 2 toy. She played with it and then said, I m not 3 in this toy. It doesnt work. ” For years Donald gave Mary new toys and she gave him very good 4 about the toys. When Mary was 13 years old, Donald showed her a new ball. Mary wanted to 5 ,the ball with small stones to make it 6 . The company made this change. Marys idea was a great success! The company sold thousands of the balls. That Christmas Donald gave Mary an 7 gift He made her vice-president(副总裁)of the toy company. She made $ 200,000 a year. Her job was to see 8 the new toys were fun. She worked 9 three or four hours a day at her job, then she had to do her homework. Today Mary works at a college. The little vice-president with bright ideas helps students think about their 10 .( )1.A.ownedB.riotedC.ownsD.closes()2.A.otherB.othersC.the otherD.another()3.A.excitedB.interestedC.relaxedD.bored()4.A.waysB.designsC.questionsD.ideas( )5.A.fillB.fullC.addD.pour()6.A.noisyB.quietC.lightD.future()7.A.specialB.awfulC.amazingD.useful( )8.A.whenB.ifC.asD.since( )9.A.atB.inC.forD.with()10. A. company B.toysC. homework D. future三、阅读理解(30分)AIndia is the home of tigers. Every year,many people are killed by tigers. Tiger,however, does not always eat men. It likes wild animals better. It is only when the tiger is old or wounded that it eats men. But once it has tasted the flesh of men, it goes on killing men for food. When a man-eater such as this is discovered, people are much afraid and they have to stop working in the fields. There are many ways to put an end to such dangerous animals. One way is that some men with long guns sit on elephants while other men drive the tiger towards them. Another way is for a hunter to sit on a tree near the place where a tiger has eaten somebody. If the tiger returns for another meal, the hunter will kill it in the hiding place. A goat may be tied to the tree for the tiger to kill. The most dangerous way is to hunt a tiger on foot, but the man must be brave and can shoot well or he would be killed by the tiger.( )1. The tiger doesnt eat men except when it is_.A. in the forestB. very youngC. caughtD. old or wounded()2. Once a tiger has tasted the
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