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五年级英语第一学期期中检测练习二一、 判断下列每组单词中画线部分发音是否相同,如相同,请写“”,不相同的,请写“”。( )1.babyhave( )2.useSunday( )3.veryhe( )4.parkart( )5.nodo( )6.everyhelpful( )7.feetbeef( )8.oftenlove( )9.yeswe( )10.greatread二、 选择填空( )1.I often play _ pipa at home on the weekend.A. theB.aC./(不填)( )2.Its 8:50. Its time _ music class.A. forB. toC. have( )3.There are _ days in one week.A. oneB. fiveC. seven( )4._ your Chinese teacher?A. WhatB. WhoC. Whos( )5.-: Is Mrs Smith your head teacher? -:_A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, she is.C. She is maths teacher.( )6.What do you often _? - I play basketball.A. haveB. doC.has( )7.-:Whats Chenjie like? -:Shes _A. cleverB. twelveC. my sister( )8.We often play ping-pong _ weekendA. on B. on theC. in( )9.-:I like this park. -:_A. Yes, I do.B. No, I dont.C. Me, too.( )10.We have _ art class today.A. aB. anC./ (不填)三、 据所给中文,填上合适单词,补全句子1.我不喜欢面包。I _dont_ _like_ bread.2.这些雪梨又甜又美味。The pears are _sweet_ and _delicious_.3.这些蔬菜看起来很新鲜。The vegetables are _very_ _fresh_.4.我经常放学后做作业。I often _do_ _homework_ after school5.他有时洗衣服。Sometimes, he _wash_his_ _clothes_.6.吴依凡经常周末看电视。Wu Yifan often _watch_TV_ on the weekend.7.你经常在这里看书吗?Do you often _read_books_ here?8.我经常下午踢足球。I often _play_football_ in the afternoon7.我们星期三有科学课和英语课。We have science and _English_ on _Wednesdays_.8.今天是星期六吗?_Is_ it _Saturday_ today?四、 根据标点符号提示,连词成句1.this park, I, very much, like_I like this park very much_ .2.Chinese, art, and, have, we_We have art and Chinese_ .3.Sunday, is, it_Is it Sunday_ ?4.have, you, do, on, what, Thursdays_What do you have on Thursdays_ ?5.often, they, draw pictures, do(去掉), in this park_They often draw pictures in this park_. 6.your, teacher, English, is, who_Who is your English teacher_ ?7.dont, like, I, sports_I dont like sports_.8.read books, often, you, do_Do you often read books_ ?9.dont, I , no_No, I dont_ ?(改为句号)10.like, he, whats_Whats he like_ ?五、 阅读对话,选择合适单词,填在横线上。dont class tired should playA: You look _tired_ today. What do you have on Fridays?B: We have a basketball _class_.A: Do you often _play_ sports?B: No, I dont. I _dont_ like sports.A: Come on. You _should_ play sports every day.B: Thats right.Me too. No, I dont.Do you often play football here? Whats that?A: Hi Sarah. _Whats that_B: Its a story book.A: Do you often read books in this park?B: _No, I dont_. _Do you often play football here ?_.A: Yes, I do. I like this park very much.B: _Me, too_.with Do Whos have onA: What do you _have_ on Mondays, John?B:I have maths and Chinese.A:_Do_ you have PE class?B:Yes, I do.A:_Whos_ your PE teacher.B:Mr Hang. What do you do _on_ Mondays, Grandpa?A:I have a cooking class _with_ your grandma.六、根据图片提示,仿写句子例:A: What do you have on Mondays?B: I have Chinese, English, maths and music.1. A:What _do_you_have_ on _Fridays_ ?B:I have PE, music, science and English.2. A:What do you have on _Tuesdays_?B:I have maths, science, _Chinese_ _and_ _art_.3. A:What _do_you_have_ _on_ Wednesdays?B:_We have Chinese, maths, art and English_.4 A:What _do_you_have_ _on_ Thursdays?B:_We have maths, Chinese, English and computer class_.六、 根据括号里所给的中文提示,在横线上填上所缺单词1. I like to _read_ (看)books.2.Today is _Friday_ (星期五)3. I like _Sundays_ (星期日)4.Do you often _wash_ (洗) your clothes at home?5. I sometimes do _homework_(作业)at 7:00.6.Look at my _clothes_(衣服). They are nice.7.We have music on _Wednesdays_(星期三).8.Is it _Tuesday_ (星期二)today?9.Does your dad often _wash_(洗)his car?10We go to the library on the _weekend_(周末)八、 阅读短文,判断对错AHello, I am Kan. Im a boy. I am from Australia(澳大利亚). I am now studying(学习) in Guangdong, China. There are 48 students in my class. I go to school from Monday to
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