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冀教版七年级上册 Unit 6 Lets Go!Lesson 31:Lets Go to the Bookstore!一、教材分析1. 单元及课文分析 本单元的日常用语主要围绕“购物”与“问路”的话题编排,教材为学生提供了购物、问路及交通的不同场景,帮助学生学习这些场景中需要的英语表达方式。在教学过程中,教师应尽量为学生创设贴近生活实际的情景,让学生能根据不同的语言环境,听懂指令并做出正确的反应;并在学习过程中,了解一些有关“购物”与“问路”的西方文化。2.教学重点: 本课的掌握词汇、短语及句型。3.教学难点: 掌握礼貌地问路及回答的方式。 知识目标:(1)掌握词汇:ride, off, lady, straight, traffic, luck(2)掌握短语及句型:take Bus 42, get off, get lost, on the way to, look for. Good luck. How can we get there? Go down this street. Turn left at the traffic lights.能力目标:能根据图画,理解所听到的内容。情感目标:能够礼貌使用问路等英语表达,使学生做到学以致用。学习策略:(1)使用小组合作学习并开展竞赛的方式,发展学生的学习能力,激发学生的合作意识。 (2)熟悉语言材料,创设语言环境,提高语言表达能力。二、教学准备1. CAI课件;2. a picture of a bookstore3. a map of a city三、教学步骤Step . Class Opening(3minutes) Teacher will show a picture with beautiful flowers, warm sunshine and a bike. T: Hello,boys and girls. Look at the picture. Its a sunny day, right? What do you like to do on such a lovely day?S1: S2: T: As some of you have said, Id like to enjoy myself in the nature because its really too noisy in the city. But I just have a bike, so its not easy to go to a very far place. So Id like to have a cool car so that I can go to many places very easily.(After playing the video)Would you like to have the cool car? Ss: Sure. T: If you can get it, where are you going? Ss: T: What about Jenny and Danny? Can you guess? OK. Lets go and have a look. 设计思路:动态的图片比静态画面更加吸引学生的注意力,一段简短的录像,一辆新潮、有型的酷车,能使得学生们眼前一亮,会带着强烈的好奇心继续学习,因此能起到很好的导入作用。Step . New concepts(30minutes)1. Present屏幕出示Jenny和Danny在汽车站牌下的图片。T:Look at the picture. What is the story about? Maybe you can guess, but we need to learn some new words first. Read the new words: bookstore, ride, broken, off, lost, lady, straight, traffic, luck. 设计思路:中屏幕出示Jenny和Danny在汽车站牌下的图片,让学生根据图片来猜测即将发生的事情,能很快使得学生融入到本课内容创设的语境2. Learn and read the new words.教师把词汇英、汉都呈现在屏幕上,领读两遍后,给学生两分钟时间强化记忆,然后遮盖住英语词汇,让学生以小组竞赛方式展开竞赛;教师然后去除遮盖的图画,领读单词后,让学生再次记忆单词;以小组竞赛计分的方式,在屏幕上显示或隐去某个单词时,请举手最快的同学发言,累计计分。 设计思路:让学生在遮盖住词汇的英语部分时强化记忆词汇,然后再去掉遮挡图片,给学生呈现出完整的英汉词汇,利于学生记忆;同时,开展小组竞赛,看看哪个小组成员在短时间内能记住最多的单词,能较好地激发学生的好胜心,从而达到事半功倍的效果。3. Language points.Ask Ss to listen to the tape of the text and then ask them to find the key points by themselves and the teacher will explain them: take Bus 42, get off, get lost, on the way to, look for. Good luck. How can we get there? Go down this street. Turn left at the traffic lights. 设计思路:教师让学生先听磁带,然后让学生自己去找到相关的语言点,再进行讲解,从而使学生在熟悉学习内容的过程中,逐渐提高自学能力。4. Do exercises. Lets do it! No. 1Listen to the dialogue and circle the correct pictures. Then read the dialogue after the teacher. 教师播放听力磁带一遍后,让学生选择正确答案,四幅图片依次进行。如果学生回答问题时有一定的困难,教师可以让学生再听一遍。 设计思路:带着问题去听磁带,使学生尽快进入特定的语境,在听过文章内容后,再进行选择性练习,降低了学习难度,并且起到了听说领先、读写跟上的作用,符合初中学生的学习规律。5. Do exercises. Lets do it!No2 Read the lesson and tick the correct answers.教师可以先给学生呈现出三个问题: Where are Jenny and Danny going? How do they go there? Who do they ask for directions? 让同学们读完课文后去选择正确的答案。 设计思路:读课文后,去选择正确的答案,这是任务型阅读经常需要用到的一个技巧。6. Do exercises. Lets do it!No3.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 教师要求学生根据句子内容的需要完成填词,做完后检查语法及句意是否正确。在此过程中,教师依然可以采取小组竞赛方式,给积极发言并回答正确的同学以一定的积分奖励。 设计思路:把词汇以正确的形式填入恰当的空中,从而达到讲练结合、熟能生巧的目的。7. Work in pairs. Lets do it! No. 4Do as the example.A: Excuse me. Where is the supermarket?B: Go down this street and turn left at the library. Then go straight and you can see the supermarket on your left.教师让学生先模仿示范对话去进行练习,然后让学生用自己的语言去做自己的对话。 设计思路:根据图片内容让学生猜测即将发生的故事,可以发挥学生的想象力;把学会的问路技巧放进对话,让学生熟练操作,达到学以致用的目的。Step . Consolidation ( 5 minutes )ACan you translate the sentences?1. 我爸爸总是乘公交车去上班。2车来了,我们上车吧!3这位老人经常在回家途中迷路。4王刚在找工作,但是没找到。5沿着这条路走,在红绿灯处右转。BChange the sentences.1We can ride our bikes.(改为否定句)2. My bike is broken. (划线提问)3. We are looking for the bookstore. (划线提问)4. Turn left at the traffic lights.(同义句转换)5. We can get there by bus. (改为祈使句) CTrue or False?1. Mike studies in the school for many years.2. He knows the way to the library.3. Li Ming is his old friend.4. Li Ming knows the way to the library.5. The library isnt very far. 设计思路:学生的潜能要依靠教师通过各种方法来挖掘,游戏、竞赛都是很好的方法;这些习题的内容都与我们的重点知识有关,通过小组竞赛的方式来进行,不仅能够使学生当堂消化所学内容,强化学生对所学知识的掌握,而且能很好地激发学生的学习兴趣,利于实现高效课堂的目标。Step Class Closing 1. Summary 2. Homework(1)Try to draw a map of your school. Imagine a new student is at the school gate. Help him to find your classroom. (2)Try to recite the text.四、课后反思:英语教学注重语言实践,把培养学生的交际能力作为主要教学目标;但是如果教师让学生为学而练,为练而说,那么学生的学习积极性就会受到影响,因此,教师要想方设法,采取多种教学方法,激发学生的学习积极性。本堂课课堂气氛活跃,老师善于激发学生的学习欲望,注重学生的自主探索,三维目标得到充分体现。另外,采取小组竞赛这种方法是不错的选择,不仅能激发学生的学习兴趣,还能提高学生的集体荣誉感,而且在学习过程中,由于小组成员间互帮互,助形成了良好的学习氛围,能够使学生感到英语确确实实是交际工具,是与现实生活密切相关的,从而提高学生对英语的认识,使英语学习具有实际意义。当然,这节课也有一些遗憾之处,就是个别英语学习成绩欠佳的同学,仍然存在对英语学习的畏难情绪,没有很好地投入到学习中来,在今后的课堂教学时,应当多关注这些同学,多给他们创造展示自己的机会,增强他们的学习主动性和自信心。五、板书设计 Lesson 31:Lets Go to the Bookstore!New words: Key sentences
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