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8B Unit 1 Reading II【目标诠释】我来认识1. 掌握和运用课文中的重点词汇与句子的表达。2. 根据上下文,能够用自己的语言复述课文。【导学菜单】我来预习1. 预习课文中的重点词汇与句子,要求:掌握重点短语的意义,能够用这些短语造句。2. 预习课文,要求:大声朗读课文,能够熟练地运用自己的语言复述出文章的大概含义。并完成P11,PartC2.【困惑扫描】我来质疑_【感悟平台】我来探究Task1. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. When did Mr Chen moved to Sunshine Town?_2. How many peole lived in Sunshine Town in the past?_3. Why was the water pollution in Sunshine River terrible in the past?_4. Has Sunshine Town changed a lot over the years?_5. What does Mr Chen think of his life now?_Task2. Revise the text by filling the blanks:. What was the Sunshine Town like in the past?In the past, 30,000 people l_ in the town. They h_ some small restaurants, shops and markets stalls. There once was a steel f_ near Sunshine River. The poison k_ fish and plants and p_ the river. The p_ was a very serious problem.(2). What about the Sunshine Town now?Now, there is a large shopping mall and a theatre in the town and the town has t_ into a park. People often m_ their friends there. And the government took action to r_ the pollution, and the river is b_ clean agagin.(3). What about Mr. Chens life now?Its better in some w_. Its nice to have o_ space and prettey garderns. However, many of his old friends have m_ to other areas. He f_ a bit lonely from time to time. But its great that sometimes they come b_ to see him. Task3 To know the language points. 1. Find out the sentences of the present perfect tense in the text. Know the form of the present perfect tense: have/has+done2. Make sentences by using these phrases:get married; move out of; used to do sth.; turn into; play cards/chess; in some ways; dump into; feel a bit lonely; from time to timeTask4 Fill in the blanks on Page11, PartC2.Task5. A free talk. Tell your partners about changes to your own hometown. 【建立网络】我来归纳_【过关窗口】我来练习一、根据中文或首字母提示写出单词:1. Look! There comes a _ (渡船).2. He has c_ a lot during the past few years.3. My g_ is over 80, but he still looks young.4. Can you work out the Maths problem in different w_.5. When will the plane _(降落)? Do you know?6. Lily often _ (想念) her parents when she is out.7. Whats your father? Hes a _(牙科医生).8. She _(结婚) him not for love but for money.9. Ive lived here _(自从) I was born.10. Which country did people use _(有轨电车)at first?二、句型转换:1. They have had something already. (改为否定句)_.2. I havent heard from her yet. (改为肯定句)_.3. My family has owned a tram for 80 years.(对划线部分提问)_.4. John has been to the USA a few times. (改为一般疑问句)_?5. She has not seen Daniel for two days. (改为同义句) _ _ she _ her parrot?答案:【感悟平台】Task1. 1. He moved there when he was two years old. 2. 30, 000people.3. Because a shoe factory used to dump its waste into the river.4. Yes, it has.5. He thinks its better than before in some ways. But he feels a bit lonely from time to time.Task2.(1) lived; had; factory; killed; plants; pollution(2). Turned; met; reduce; becoming(3). ways; open; moved; felt; back【过关窗口】一、1. ferry2. changed3. grandpa 4. ways5. land6. misses7. dentist 8. marries9. since10. trams二、1. They have not had anything yet.2. I have heard from her already.3. How long has your family owned a tram?4. Has John ever been to the USA a few times?5. She has not seen Daniel since two days ago.
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