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水利水电工程专业毕业设计摘 要设计背景:本设计的基本资料来源于我国西南部地区的已建水利工程。地点位于H河,H河是W江水系的中上游河段,流域属副热带气候区,气候温和多雨。坝址多年平均气温为20.1,历年平均湿度为80%,坝区多年平均降水量为1343.5 mm。径流主要由降水形成,多年平均径流量为1610 m3/s,多年平均径流总量为508亿m3,年际变化较为平稳,年变差系数为0.24。H江洪水主要由于暴雨形成。坝址位于相对稳定地块内,属于弱震环境,坝址地震基本烈度和水库可能诱发地震影响烈度均为7度。坝址河谷为较平坦“V”形谷,宽高比为3.5。坝址上游地层为三叠系下统罗楼组,以薄层、中厚层硅质泥板岩、硅质泥质灰岩为主,夹少量粉砂岩互层岩组。坝址及其下游出露地层为三叠系中统板纳组,由厚层钙质砂岩、粉砂岩、泥板岩互层组成,属坚硬和中坚硬岩石。 设计方法:在调洪演算的基础上确定起调流量和下泄流量从而来进行溢洪道的设计。用材料力学法和稳定计算分别在正常蓄水位,设计洪水位,校核洪水位以及正常蓄水位地震效果下四个工况下验证和校核设计剖面的可行性。通过材料力学的方法对坝体内的应力进行计算与分析 设计内容:本次H江碾压混凝土重力坝设计的主要内容包括,坝址和坝型的选择、溢洪道的设计、非溢流坝段及溢流坝段的截面选取和分析计算、引水管道(压力钢管)的计算。本次设计我们掌握了碾压混凝土重力坝的设计方法,而且了解到碾压混凝土重力坝的一些重要的特点和设计时应该注意的地方,并且我本人也在压力钢管的专题设计中,掌握了压力钢管截面选取、厚度选择和配筋的相关知识。完成了专业知识从理论学习到实际运用的过渡,体会到了作为一名水利工作者所肩负的责任。并对今后的工作打下了坚实的基础。关键词:碾压混凝土重力坝;材料力学法;RCCAbstractDesign Background: The design of the basic information from the southwestern region of Chinas water conservancy projects have been built. H River is located, H River is the Department of W upper and middle reaches of the river sections, river basin is a sub-tropical climate zone, climate is mild and rainy. Site for many years the average temperature of 20.1 , humidity of the calendar year average of 80 percent, the average precipitation for the dam over the years 1343.5 mm. Formed mainly by the rainfall runoff, the average runoff for the years 1610 m3 / s, multi-year average runoff for the 50.8 billion m3, interannual variability is relatively stable coefficient of variation was 0.24. H Jiang floods mainly due to the formation of rain. Dam site is located within a relatively stable block belonging to the weak shock environment, the basic earthquake intensity of dam and reservoir-induced earthquakes may affect the intensity of 7 degrees. For the relatively flat valley dam V-shaped valley, aspect ratio of 3.5. Dam upstream to Lower Triassic strata floor EC Law Group to thin, medium thick fender siliceous rocks, siliceous limestone-based clay, clip a small amount of interbedded siltstone rock group. And its downstream site for the Triassic strata exposed in the EC group board is satisfied by the thick layer of calcareous sandstone, siltstone, interbedded rock composed of clay tablets, which is hard and the hard rock. Design Method: In the flood determined on the basis of calculation from the flow and discharge flow adjusted so as to carry out the design of the spillway. Mechanics of materials used and the stability of the calculation in the normal water level, the design flood level, flood checking, as well as the effect of normal water level under the four conditions seismic verification and checking the feasibility of the design section. Way through the material mechanics of stress on the body to carry out calculation and analysis Design content: The H Jiang RCC gravity dam, including the main elements of the design, dam and dam-based selection, spillway design, the non-spillway section and the spillway section and analysis of selected cross-section, the water pipe ( pressure pipe) calculations. The design we have a roller compacted concrete gravity dam design method, roller compacted concrete gravity dam and that some of the important characteristics and the design of the place should be noted, and I am also the topics penstock design, master pressure pipe cross-section selected, the thickness of the selection and reinforcement of relevant knowledge. From the completion of the professional knowledge to the practical application of theoretical study of the transition, experienced workers, as a water responsibilities. Future work and laid a solid foundation. Key words: RCC gravity dam; material mechanics method; RCC- 29 -目录摘 要- I -第一章 综合说明- 1 -第一节枢纽布置- 1 -一、发电- 1 -二、防洪- 1 -三、航运- 1 -第二节设计要求- 1 -第三节工程特性表- 2 -第二章设计基本资料- 4 -第一节自然地理- 4 -一、流域概况- 4 -二、气候特征- 4 -三、径流、洪水、泥沙- 5 -第二节工程地质- 8 -1、地震烈度- 8 -2、地形地貌- 8 -3、地层岩性- 9 -4、地质构造- 9 -5、岩体物理力学性质- 9 -第三节碾压混凝土层面和大坝建基面的抗剪强度指标- 10 -第四节各分区砼相应龄期的抗压强度指标- 11 -第五节筑坝材料- 15 -第六节水库淹没处理及移民安置- 15 -1、LT水库淹没影响实物指标- 15 -2、移民安置规划- 15 -第七节施工组织- 15 -1、施工条件- 15 -2、对外交通- 16 -3、材料供应- 16 -第三章枢纽整体布置和坝型选择- 16 -第一节工程等别与建筑物级别- 16 -第二节枢纽布置- 17 -第三节坝型选择- 17 -1、面板堆石坝- 17 -2、土石坝- 17 -3、拱坝- 17 -4、重力坝- 18 -第四节洪水调洪演算- 18 -1、计算原理:- 18 -2、计算结果:- 19 -第五节坝顶高程的确定- 20 -第四章非溢流坝段剖面设计- 21 -第一节剖面尺寸拟定- 21 -第二节 坝体强度和稳定承载能力极限状态验算及应力计算- 22 -1、稳定的校核验算- 22 -2、坝体上游面的拉应力正常使用极限状态计算- 23 -3、坝趾抗压强度承载能力极限状态- 24 -4、确定计算截面- 24 -5、荷载计算- 24 -6、强度、校核验算和荷载成果表- 29 -第三节 应力结果- 52 -1、计算应力- 52 -2、应力成果表- 54 -3、应力分布图- 55 -第五章溢流坝段剖面设计- 70 -第一节孔口设计- 70 -1、泄水方式的选择- 70 -2、洪水标准的确定- 70 -3、单宽流量的选择- 70 -4、孔口净宽拟定- 70 -5、溢流坝段总长度的确定- 70 -6、流量和堰顶高程的确定- 70 -7、定型水头的确定- 70 -第二节消能防冲- 71 -1、消能方式- 71 -2、挑流鼻坎设计- 71 -3、反弧半径的确定- 71 -4、挑距和冲坑的估算- 71 -第三节剖面设计- 72 -第四节四个不同截面在不同工况下坝体的强度和稳定验算- 73 -1、计算荷载- 73 -2、荷载计算成果表- 73
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