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Brodmann分区和功能 选自心心水滴论坛一sea(2007-09-02 22:25:24) 转载标签: brodmann 大脑分区功能解剖 分类: 医学科研来自心心水滴论坛一一sea发表Brodmanns area 1Sensory cortical area in the crest of the postcentral gyrus; this area is a component of the primary somatosensory cortex.Location:anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus)Function:processes somatic sensory sensationsSee Also:Central sulcusParietal lobeParacentral lobulePrimary somatic sensory cortexBrodmanns area 2Brodmanns area 3Brodmanns area 2Sensory cortical area in the crest and posterior bank of the postcentral gyrus; this area is a component of the primary somatosensory cortex.Location:anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus)Function:processes somatic sensory sensationsSee Also:Central sulcusParietal lobeParacentral lobulePrimary somatic sensory cortexBrodmanns area 3Brodmanns area 1Brodmanns area 3Sensory cortical area in the posterior bank of the central sulcus (postcentral gyrus); this area is a principal component of the primary somatosensory cortex. Area 3 is further subdivided into area 3a, which receives proprioceptive signals that originate in deep receptors, and area 3b, which receives discriminitive mechanosensory signals that arise from cutaneous receptors.Location:anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus)Function:processes somatic sensory sensationsSee Also:Central sulcusParietal lobeParacentral lobulePrimary somatic sensory cortexBrodmanns area 2Brodmanns area 1Brodmanns area 4Motor cortical area in the anterior bank of the central sulcus (precentral gyrus); this area corresponds to the primary motor cortex, which governs the execution of volitional movement. Location:posterior frontal lobe (precentral gyrus)Function:involved in motor executionSee Also:Precentral gyrusPrimary motor cortexCentral sulcusThalamus, ventral lateral nucleusPremotor cortexBrodmanns area 5Associational cortical area in the superior parietal lobe, just posterior to the somatosensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus; this area is involved in maintaining a spatial reference system for goal oriented behavior.Location: superior parietal lobeFunction:involved in spatial orientation, among other parietal associational functionsSee Also:Parietal lobeSomatic sensory cortexPostcentral gyrusBrodmanns area 7Superior parietal lobuleBrodmanns area 6Motor cortical area in the posterior frontal lobe just anterior to the primary motor cortex; this area contains the lateral and medial divisions of the premotor cortex that participate in the planning and execution of volitional movement.Location:posterior frontal lobeFunction:involved in motor planning and executionSee Also:Frontal lobePremotor cortexPrimary motor cortexBrodmanns area 7Associational cortical area in the posterior part of the superior parietal lobe; this area is involved in maintaining a spatial reference system for goal oriented behavior.Location: superior parietal lobeFunction: involved in spatial orientation, among other parietal associational functions See Also:Parietal lobeSomatic sensory cortexPostcentral gyrusBrodmanns area 5Superior parietal lobuleBrodmanns area 8Motor cortical area in the dorsal-lateral prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area contains the frontal eye fields, which participate (together with the superior colliculus) in the control of saccadic eye movements.Location:frontal lobeFunction:involved in governance of eye movements (contains frontal eye fields)See Also:Frontal lobeSuperior colliculusBrodmanns area 9Associational cortical area in the dorsal-lateral prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions.Location: frontal lobeFunction:participates in prefrontal associational integrationSee Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortexBrodmanns area 10 Associational cortical area in the anterior-polar prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions.Location: frontal poleFunction:participates in prefrontal associational integrationSee Also:Frontal lobePrefrontal cortexBrodmanns area 11Associational cortical area in the orbital-medial prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making.Location:ventral frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex)Function:participates in prefrontal associational integrationSee Also:Frontal lobePrefrontal cortexOrbitofrontal cortexBrodmanns area 12Associational cortical area in the orbital-medial prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making.Location:medial frontal lobe (orb
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