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deployment requirements, vigorously strengthen the partys ideological and political construction, strong regulation four winds , the ideological and political quality of party members and cadres has a new improved. But also to see, some members cadres belief not really letter, and slim not really repair, not understand Marx doctrine principle, not learning party of innovation theory, not believes in party of political advocates; some members cadres party of consciousness and members consciousness desalination, in party not statements party, and not love party, and not nursing party, and not for party; some members cadres political discipline, and political rules relaxation, mouth no shoot, mess assessment jump on the party of policies and so on. Solve the problem of party members and cadres ideologically, must start with the ideological and political construction, through the two learning education into ideological and political work in day-to-day political life of the party, do fine catch, catch, catch a long, continuous force for a long time to work. 3. two education is condensed power development needs. With the deepening of reform and the full implementation of the rule of law, we are building Qiang Fu MGM an important task of the new XXX, which we need to rally the wisdom in all aspects, form a partnership to promote the development of a strong force. So, grass-roots party and general members to deep awareness two learn a do learning education of important meaning, effective activated grass-roots party fighting fortress role, full play members pioneer model role, in full district development strategy practice in the dang good vanguard, and led bar-headed geese, build a support has iron general belief, and iron general faith, and iron general discipline, and iron General play of members cadres team, for full district work provides strong political, and thought and organization based. 4. two learning education is to enhance the ability of party members and cadres needed. The current, complex and volatile state of the world of the party, our party is facing unprecedented difficulties and challenges since the ruling, but also shoulders an important responsibility of politics, society, history, more urgent goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Specific to our personal, minority party members love to party, party, party, retaining the consciousness of the party still needs to be strengthened to work and conscientiousness, initiatives still need to be enhanced, capacity level needs to be further enhanced. Our party . Create two learn a do learning education of strong atmosphere on how carried out two learn a do learning education, central programme and also issued has learning education programme, Central Organization Department issued has learning education of programme, province, and municipal issued has implementation programme, for all members and at level above leaders of learning education, respectively proposed has different requirements, district also specifically developed has 1+2+4+1 of implementation programme, respectively clear has learning of main content, and Focus on ways and means of solving problems and learning. We want to seriously implement the Central and provincial, city and district of deployment requirements, as more strict and more practical spirit grasp this work. Innovative ways of learning, and earnestly study and understand. To always put learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech as two learn a do learning education of heavy in the of heavy,四川省建筑施工承插型轮扣式脚手架施工方案及计算书标准(通用)施工方案一、专项施工方案包括的内容: 1、工程概况、设计依据、搭设条件、搭设方案设计; 2、搭设施工图,包括: 1)架体的平面、立面、剖面图和节点构造详图; 2)脚手架连墙件的布置及构造图; 3)脚手架转角、门洞口的构造图; 4)脚手架斜梯布置及构造图,结构设计方案;3、基础做法及要求; 4、架体搭设及拆除的程序和方法; 5、季节性施工措施; 6、质量保证措施; 7、架体搭设、使用、拆除的安全措施; 8、设计计算书; 9、应急预案。二、架体的构造应符合有关规定。施工部署及施工准备 工艺流程施工工艺流程:施工准备柱钢筋加工制作及模板的配置柱钢筋绑扎内架搭设梁底模及梁侧模的安装平板模板安装及柱模板的安装模板验收梁钢筋绑扎钢筋隐蔽验收梁板柱混凝土浇筑柱模拆除梁侧模拆除梁板底模拆除。柱及剪力墙模板流程:清理柱内杂物弹边线及门洞口位置线钢筋绑扎、预留洞口自检、互检及隐蔽验收后工序交接手续安装洞口模板安装柱侧模调整固定自检、互检验收移交砼工种。梁板模施工工艺:弹线内架搭设调整标高、剪力墙及柱接头模板安装安装梁底模安装梁侧模安装板底龙骨铺底板模堵缝、清理绑梁钢筋绑板底筋、水电管线安装绑板板面筋、预埋件、插筋、封边模自检、互检合格后验收,办交接手续,移交砼工种。6.2施工准备6.2.1 材料准备(1) 各类材、工具劳动力以及防护用具施工前到位。(2) 根据施工工期间的工程量、施工进度,确定材料的数量及进场时间,由专人负责,确保材料按时进场,并妥善保管。(3) 对于发生变形、翘角、起皮及平面不平整的模板,及时组织退场。(4) 原材料进场后,堆放整齐,上部覆盖严密,下部垫起架空,防止日晒雨淋。(5) 模板材料进场计划见下表。 模板材料进场计划序号名 称规 格单位供应商数 量进场时间1轮扣立杆立杆2.4m,3.0mm根任丘市骐骥建筑器材厂1200零层板浇筑完后分批进场2轮扣横杆杆1.2m,3.0mm根任丘市骐骥建筑器材厂4800零层板浇筑完后分批进场3可调丝杠顶托L=60mm个任丘市骐骥建筑器材厂600零层板浇筑完后分批进场4轮扣插头镀锌吨任丘市骐骥建筑器材厂120零层板浇筑完后分批进场5可调丝杠底座L=60mm个任丘市骐骥建筑器材厂600零层板浇筑完后分批进场电话:15003175521轮扣脚手架检验报告:轮扣脚手架质量合格证可调丝杠顶托检验报告:(6)模板放置:模板在工地加工成型后,下面用木方垫平,防止变形,并应对模板型号、数量进行清点。用
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