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A)代词1. bedroom is larger thanD. Their, ourst help us with the work.D. myselfD. It s, itA . Our, your B . yours, theirs C . Theirs, ours2. Li Gang and Wang Lin have been away. They can Let s do it.A. ourselves B. themselves C. yourselves3. Look at the cat.washing paws.A. Its, its B. It.it sC.lt s, its4. All the students have gone to the Science Museum except?A . her and his B . him and me C. she and him D. he and I5. I was walking in the street when I met a friend of. So I stopped to talk to.A . me, her B . mine, him C. mine, hisD. my, him6. will be sent to Germany for the training.A . I, you and he B. He, I and you C. You, she and I D. I, you and they7. Lei Feng always thought of more than.A . others, himself B. another, himself C. the others, himself D. other, him8. The population of China is larger than of India.A . oneB . thoseC. theseD. that9. The players from Europe are taller than from Asia.A . thoseB. theseC. thatD. they10. He found impossible to work out the problem by.A. that, ourselves B. it, myself C. it, himself D. that, himself11. took us two hours to repair the refrigerator.A. ThisB. It s C. ThatD. It12. Everything is ready for the party,?A. isn t sheB. isn t it C. are they D. aren t they13. Who is singing in the next room? must be Mary.A. She B. This C. It D. He14. Hello, may I speak to Peter? Hello,Peter speaking.A. I m B. This isC. That sD. Its15. When shall we go fishing next week, Saturday or Sunday? day is OK. You decide. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. All16. There are forty pupils in Class 3.of them are Young Pioneers.A. All B. Either C. BothD. Each17. You can take of the two bags, but leave one to your sister.A. eachB. bothC. neither D. either18. Which do you prefer, coffee or milk? , thanks. I d like some cool water.A . EitherB. Neither C. BothD. None19. Is he interested in all the games? No, he likes.A . all B. any C. none D . neither20. of us has been told about it, so we don t know it at all.A. Both B. Nobody C.Each D. None21. The colour of Lingling s skirt is different from of their.A. that B. this C. these D. those22. Granny Li keeps one white cat and three yellow.A. one B . once C. one; s D . ones23. Would you like a banana? No, thank you. I ve already had.A . one B. it C. that D . this24. Can you see students on the playground?Yes, I can see.A . any, a few B . any, few C. some, little D. any, any25. If Lin Tao can t win the race, does want a go?A. else another B. somebody elseC. else anybody D. anybody else26. Here are two letters, Bob.is for you and is for your father.A . One, another B. One, the second C. One, the other D . One, others27. After supper some people like to stay at home watching TV ,like to go out for a walk.A. another B. otherC. othersD. the others28. He s the tallest in the class. means He s taller than in the class.A . every B. any students C. each boy D. any other student29. of the family are watching the football game now.A. Every B. Each C. Every oneD. All30. Let s ask Jim about the Internet. He knows about it.A . a fewB . fewC. a littleD. little31. I can t give you any ink because I have left.A . littleB. fewC. a littleD . a few32. of us has seen the film.A. Every B. Neither C. BothD. All33. A lot of climbers have tried to climb the Qomolongma, but only have succeeded.A. many B. few C. a few D. much34. -of the two dictionaries will you buy?-1 II buy of them, so I can give one to my cousin.A . Which, both B . Which, neither C. What, either D. What, all 35. -of your parents is from Shanghai?-.A. Who, Any B . Which, None C. Who, Both D. Which, Neither 36. You can see colourful flags on side of the street.A. any B. every C. bothD. each37. want to take part in the competition.A . Every studentB . Each of the studentsC. All the studentsD . All of students38. -May I use your pencil sharpener?-Yes. I have two, and you can use of them.A . every B . all C. any D. either 39. of the five girls knows how to get there. A. All B. NeitherC. BothD. None40. of the four buses will take you to the station. We can take of them.A. Any, every B. None, any C. All, anyD . Neither, none41. -Would you like sugar?-Yes, just.A . any, a littleB. any, little C. some, a few D. some, a little42. I have four cousins. One is a lawyer,is an artist,are workers.A . the other, the othersB . another, othersC. another, the othersD . the other, others43. This pair of glasses is too dark. Could you show me?A . the others B . another one C. the other D . another pair44. Miss Gao gave the exam papers to all the pupils except who had not passed the exam.A . the onesB. ones C. them D . the other45. -Can I use your bike?-Sorry. You II have to borrow. I m leaving for a movie.A. somebody else B . somebody
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