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# / 16博学教育1对1辅导讲义学科教师:辅导科目:学员姓名:年 级:新小六授课日期时间A / B / C / D / E / F 段主题5B U5-6基础知识综合复习教学内容教学目标通过本节课的学习能正确朗读、拼写及运用第五及第六单兀的重点词汇、短语及句型。教学重点掌握第五、六单元单词、词组及重点句型。教学难点掌握重点单词、词组及句型的正确拼写及发音。称会做家务吗?从做家务的角度考虑,你知道自己多少岁了吗?我们这里有没有超龄儿童?9-24个月:宝宝自己拿汤匙吃饭,把脏的尿布扔到垃圾箱里等;2-3岁:把垃圾扔进垃圾箱;帮忙拿取东西,如帮妈妈把衣服挂上衣架;使用马桶,刷牙浇花,晚上睡前整理 自己的玩具;3-4岁:喂宠物,到大门口取回地上的报纸,睡前帮妈妈铺床,饭后自己把碗盘放到厨房水池里,并帮助妈妈 把叠好的干净衣服放回衣柜,把自己的脏衣服放到装脏衣服的篮子里;4-5岁:要学会准备餐桌,饭后把脏的餐具放回厨房,准备自己第二天要穿的衣服;将自己用好的毛巾、牙刷 挂好、放整齐5-6岁:自己准备第二天去幼儿园要用的书包和要穿的鞋,并且学会收拾房间的技能;7-12岁:需要学会做简单的饭,帮忙洗车擦地,清理洗手间,扫树叶,扫雪,会用洗衣机。13岁以上:换灯泡,换吸尘器里的垃圾袋,清理冰箱、灶台等。教学建议:可以让学生用英语口述自己会做哪些家务,妈妈平时都会做那些家务,家里的家务是如何分配 的等等。此环节的目的在于练习口语,同时让学生意识到要学会帮家长多做家务。言部讲提升Part 1: 重点短语Unit 5帮助我们的父母星期六早晨洗车做早饭在厨房里在起居室里扫地洗衣服洗碗擦桌子吃水果看电视铺床听种葡萄 在他花园里 在葡萄上又大又甜丸Key :帮助我们的父母help our parents星期六早晨 Saturday morning洗车 clean the car做早饭 cook breakfast在厨房里in the kitchen在起居室里 in the living room扫地 sweep the floor洗衣服 wash clothes洗碗 clean the dishes擦桌子 clean the table吃水果eat fruit看电视watch TV铺床 make the bed听 listen to种葡萄 grow grapes在他花园里 in his garden在葡萄上 on the grapes又大又甜 big and sweet走开 go awayUnit6一场足球比赛闻起来很好洗蔬菜土豆汤寻找不能等在冰箱里一个好厨师很多害虫在Sam的手上生气七个点抓住一个瓢虫赶走Key:一场足球比赛a football game闻起来很好smell nice洗蔬菜 wash vegetable土豆汤 potato soup寻找 look for不能等 can t wait在冰箱里in the fridge个好厨a good cook很多害虫a lot of pests在 Sam 的手上 on Sam s hand生气 be angry七个点 seven spots抓住一个瓢虫catch a ladybird赶走 drive awayPart 2:重点句型I.Liu Tao comes home from a football game.【释义】刘涛从一场足球比赛上回到家。home是地点副词,所以前面不需要加介词” to类似的用法有:there, here.come home from 指的是在某项活动结束之后回家。例句我爸爸下班之后回到家。 Key: My father comes home from work.2.1 m cooking meat with potatoes.【释义】我正在做土豆烧肉。with表示把两种食材放在一起煮,所以翻译成土豆烧肉比较符合中国人的理解方式。注意区分 meat with potatoes和meat and potatoes的区别。后者表示做这两种食物,但是不一定放在一起。例句我妈妈午饭没有做肉,但是她做了蔬菜汤。 Key : My mother doesn t cook meat for lunch, but she cooks some vegetable soup.3.-Is there any apple juice in the fridge?-No, but there is some orange juice.【释义】这是一个there be句型。这个句型在第一学期重点学过,在这里再复习一下。 需要注意的是:1.therebe句型be动词的选用需要注意后面名词的单复数及可数不可数问题。如果是不可数的需要当成单数来用。2.在句子中需要注意 some/ any的变化。肯定句中用some,否定句及疑问句用any.但是表示征询意见的时候需要用some的形式。【例句】冰箱里有一些牛奶。冰箱里没有任何西红柿。 Key : There is some milk in the fridge. But there aren t any tomatoes in the fridge.【典型例题】请用is/are填空1. There a bed and two chairs in Bettys room.2. There some milk in the bottle.3. There some children in the park.4. There an ice cream in the boy hand.5. There a teacher and many students in our classroom.Key: is; is; are; is; is请用 some/ any/a/an 填空6. There are not birds and a lion in the forest.7. There is orange on the table.8. Are there things over there ?9. I usually have bread for breakfast.10. There is football match on television this evening.Key:any; an; any; some; a4. Hows the meat?【释义】肉怎么样?how用于询问对某物,某人的评价。类似的用法有 :How is your English? How is yourcousin? How are these oranges?例句土豆烧肉怎么样? Key:How is meat with potatoes?5. Sam comes to help Bobby.【释义】Sam来帮助Bobby。走向,走进帮助某人例句我们来帮你。 Key : come to; help sb; We come to help you.6. Sam s ladybirds drive the bad ladybirds and the pests away.【释义】Sam的瓢虫把坏的瓢虫和害虫都赶走了。drive away例句警察把坏人都赶走了。 Key: 把赶走; The police drive the bad men away.7. Here are some ladybirds.【释义】这儿有一些瓢虫。这是一个倒装句。句子的主语是ladybirds.所以句子中be动词的选用应该由ladybird的单复数决定。例句这儿有一些牛奶。 Key: Here is some milk.巩固练习:一、根据中文及所给词的适当形式填空。I.Bobby(grow) some flowers in his garden.2 .There are some(pest) on the grapes.3 .-What are you doing? -We(eat) your grapes.4.I can see some(瓢虫)in the tree.5.All the birds(走开).Key: grows; pests; are eating; ladybirds; go away.二、词成句1 .pests, the, there, grapes, some, on, are (.)2 .doing, what, and, Tim, are, Jim (?)3 .washing, mother, dishes, my, the, is(.)4 .his, Mike, parents, helping, is(.)5 .but, lady, birds, away, pets, go ,not, the, do, the (,.)Key:1 .There are some pests on the grapes.2 .What are Tim and Jim doing?3 .My mother is washing the dishes.4 .Mike is helping his parents.5 .The pets go away,but the ladybirds do not.三、选择正确的词填空1 .What are you(do;doing)?2 .My brother is(play;playing).3 .My grapes(are;is) big and sweet.4 .He is(work;working)in a hospital now.5 .What s Bill s father(do;doing)?6 .What(is;are) your mother doing in the kitchen?7 .There is(some;any) juice in the fridge.8.I m looking(in;for) my bag in the classroom.9.Sam catches the ladybirds(from;with)the grapes.10.(How; What)many spots does this ladybird have?Key:doing;playing;are;working;doing;is;some;for;from;How 711 -达标PK. L - jycran j i 一、选出小同类的单词。()1.A cakeB cleanC sweep()2. A ladybirdB pestC grape()3. A cleanB fatherC mother()4. A growingB washC dishes()5. A makingB d
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