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摘 要随着下一代互联网技术的研究,以及CERNET2逐渐应用于现代远程教育实践,高带宽、高速率、高可靠性的网络将为远程教育能够提供更优质的教育服务创造更多的机遇和可能。包含视、音频等大颗粒信息对象的多媒体课件,在不久的将来,将广泛运用于远程教育实践,并对整个远程教育的服务质量有一个很大的提升。针对此种现状,本文结合现场教学实践和课件点播系统的实际情况,研究了基于视、音频资源的多媒体课件的制作、管理和发布的过程,并结合可共享对象参照模型(SCORM)和数字版权技术(DRM),构建了一个能够迅速投入商务运营的多媒体课件的制作、管理、发布原型系统。多媒体课件制作、管理、发布系统分为三个子系统:多媒体课件生成与再编辑系统、多媒体课件管理系统、多媒体课件注册、发布系统。整个系统框架参照Web Services中服务请求者、服务提供者、UDDI之间的关系构建;运用学习对象元数据(LOM)规范对多媒体课件进行描述,并将她代替教育资源实体作为信息载体在不同的系统之间进行传递,使得系统之间能够间接完成对于课件实体的管理、查找、评价和使用。为了跟踪学生学习进度,系统遵照SCORM标准中的Runtime API并应用JavaScript语言进行多媒体课件与课件管理系统的通信,同时应用数据库保存学生学习进度;系统以课程的章节作为跟踪学生学习进度的最小粒度。系统采用LOM规范中的Rights标签对多媒体课件中的版权信息进行描述,采用Windows Media Rights Manager 7进行多媒体课件的版权控制。系统运用Windows Format SDK和Windows Encoder SDK,对课件中的主视、音频资源进行二次开发,使得其可以同步控制网页、其它非主视、音频以及白板事件的产生;系统采用Windows Media Server 来实时播放视、音频流媒体,同时将实时播放的内容记录形成标准化的多媒体课件,并可对这些课件进行后期加工和编辑。关键字:网络教育标准、多媒体课件、制作、管理、注册、数字版权、同步AbstractAlong with the development of the next-generation internet technology, and the fact that CERNET2 is gradually applied to practice in E-Learning, the high-bandwidth, high-speed, and high-dependability network will create more opportunity and possibility in terms of providing more excellent educational service for E-Learning. In the near future, the multimedia courseware which includes lots of large-particle information object such as video, audio and so on, will applies to practice in E-Learning extensively, whats more, it will have a great promotion in the Qos of E-Learning.According to the present situation, the paper combines the teaching practices with the actual circumstance of courseware ordering system, and researches the process of the creating, managing and releasing the multimedia courseware which based on video and audio resources. Further more, it incorporates the sharable content object reference model (SCORM) and digital rights management (DRM), and sets up a multimedia courseware creating, managing and releasing prototype system which can be threw into the business and commercial domain quickly.The multimedia courseware creating, managing, releasing system can be divided into the following three subsystems: the multimedia courseware creating and reediting system, the multimedia courseware managing system and the multimedia courseware registering and releasing system.The frame of the whole system, which is constructed by consulting the relationship among service demander, service provider and UDDI in the Web Services,applies the learning object metadata (LOM) criterion to describe the multimedia courseware, and is transmitted among different systems as the carrier of the information instead of the resource entity, as a result, it can realize the function for indirectly managing, searching, evaluating and using of the educational courseware entities among systems. In order to trace the study schedule of students, the system complies by the Runtime API of SCORM criterion and applies the JavaScript language to communicate between the multimedia courseware and the courseware managing system. At the same time, the system applies the database to keep the data about the students study schedule, and adopts chapter as the smallest unit in tracing the students study schedule. The system uses the label of Rights in LOM criterion to describe the copyrights information of the multimedia courseware, and adopts the Windows Media Rights Manager 7 to control the copyrights of the multimedia courseware. The system applies Windows Format SDK and Windows Encoder SDK, to redevelop the video and audio resources in the courseware, and then it will control generation of webpage, the other no-main video and audio and whiteboard events synchronously. The system applies Windows Media Server to broadcast the multimedia such as video and audio in real time, at the same times, it can record the content into the hard disk and form the standardized multimedia courseware, besides, the multimedia courseware can be processed and edited easily in the future.Key Words: E-Learning Standard, Multimedia Courseware, Creating, Managing, Registering, Digital Rights Management (DRM), Synchronization目 录摘 要IAbstractII1绪言1.1 背景、目的和意义(1)1.2 中国远程教育系统发展历程(3)1.3 主要工作简介(4)1.4 多媒体课件制作、管理、发布系统简介(5)1.5 论文各部分主要内容(8)2多媒体课件生成与再编辑系统2.1 系统框架(9)2.2 关键技术问题讨论(13)2.3 系统关系(22)3多媒体课件管理系统3.1 系统框架(24)3.2 数据库设计(29)3.3 关键技术问题讨论(31)3.4 系统关系(40)4多媒体课件注册、发布系统4.1 系统框架(41)4.2 关键技术问题讨论(44)4.3 系统关系(47)5结语5.1 系统总结(48)5.2 前景展望(49)5.3 个人总结(49)致谢(51)参考文献(52)附录1:攻读学位期间发表论文目录(55)附录2:缩略语(56)I1 绪 言1.1 背景、目的和意义1.1.1 研究背景网络教育为人们提供了一种全新的学习方式,为学习者提供了个性化学习的条件;有助于实现交互式学习;有利于促进教育社会化和学习社会化。许多国家都高度重视网络教育,努力扶持和发展这一全新的教育方式,为推进网络教育的普及与发展投入大量资金,不断扩大网络教育的普及化程度,增加教学培训的层次、丰富教育内容1。随着中国逐步地进入国际经济竞争的大舞台中,市场开放和劳动力市场走向国际化将不可避免。人才需求的变化必然带来教育体制的变革2。终身教育对现代社会来说,已不仅是理论而且还是活生生的现实。而要实现终身教育,仅仅依靠传统的教育方式显然是不可能满足要求的,我们迫切需要更多的教育方式和手段满足人们学习的需求,网络的出现恰恰解决了这样的问题。网络由于其广泛性、便捷性、无时间、地域的差异性等特点,成为传播教育的有
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