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伊宁市二十三中“自主学习、合作探究”备课教案课型:复习课 备课日期:2017/5/25 上课日期:2017/5/27 编号:课题Units 9-10课时1授课人许敢教学目标知识与能力:Words and phrases:Japanese,mostly,memorize,scarfs,certainly,maker,invention,foxes,itself,Germans,believable,unusual,peace,perform,collection,simple,India,make,dishonest,truth,society, a couple of,thousands of,all year around,yard sale,bread maker,soft toy,check out,part with,as for,to be honest,according to,make progress,encourage sb. to do sth.be far from 2.Structures: 1. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time.2. Its really exciting,isnt it?3.Students can summarize and learn from mistakes.过程与方法: autonomic learning,group work情感、态度与价值观:Students should learn by heart and try to find the rules.教学重难点How to master the language points.教 学 过 程Step1.Lead in1 Greeting.2.today we will review units9-10,now open your books and look it over quickly.Step2.Presentation 11 unbelievable(反义词)_12unusual(反义词)_13peaceful(名词)_14performance(动词)_15. collect(名词)_16simply(形容词)_17Indian(名词)_18maker(动词)_19honest(反义词)_20truthful(名词)_21social(名词)_(1) According to the chart,answer quickly.1. Japan(名词)日本人_2most(副词)_3memory(动词)_4scarf(复数)_5certain(副词) _6make(名词) _7invent(名词)发明_(名词)发明者 _8. fox(复数)_9. it(反身代词)_(物主代词)_10 German(复数) _(名词)德国_Recite these words in one minute.(2) Discuss with your partner and tell us the phrases:1. 游乐场_14清理,丢掉_15. 不再,不复_16放弃、交出 _17至于,关于_18说实在的_19依据,按照_20几乎,接近_21取得进步_22某个不同的地_23以一种如此快速的方式_24听说_25鼓励某人做某事_26选择做某事_27离远_ 2茶艺_3茶具_4两个,一对,几个_5数以千计的_6一方面另一方面 _7全年_8庭院拍卖会_9面包机_10软体玩具,布绒玩具_11察看,观察_12棋类游戏_13初级中学_Answer quickly and remember them in two minutes.Then do some exercises to check it.Step3.Consolidation(4)Translate the sentence and find out the language points.1. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time.Key points:population 指人口总数,作主语时谓语动词用单数,但是当population前有分数、百分数等修饰时,谓语动词用复数形式。Population还可以被large/small修饰,表示“人口众多或稀少”,但不可以被many/few修饰。对人口提问要用“Whats population of.?”分数表达法分子是基数词,分母是序数词,分子大于一,分母加S。分数与名词搭配做主语时,谓语动词取决于名词。Then do some exercises to check it.2.Its really exciting,isnt it?陈述句中若含有never,few,little,hardly,nothing等具有否定意义的词时,后面疑问部分用肯定形式;祈使句的反义疑问句无论前肯定。前否定都用“will you?”,但是lets.要用“Shall we?”.Then do some exercises to check it.since、for 的区别have been to/have gone to/have been in 的区别考点含义havebeento意为“曾经去过某地”(现在已经回来了),常与表示次数的副词连用。havegoneto意为“去了某地”,表示说话时某人(还没回来)。havebeenin意为“待在某地”,表示状态,后面常接表示“时间段”的状语。Then do some exercises.Show the answers and check.Think about how to make perfect next time.Step4.HomeworkSummarize the language points on your notebook and finish the test paper.板书设计 Revision Units 9-10-ed(人) -ing(物) Excited excitingInterested interestedGirls Boys Bored boring 课后反思
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