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Welcome to Sunshine Town教学目标1. 复习阳光镇的基本情况 2.复习和拓展有关生活方式和活动的词汇 3.学习掌握课文中出现的语言点 4.拓展延伸至现实生活的运用重点难点分析1.课文理解和复述2.语言点的理解教学流程安排集体智慧(以知识体系为主)个性设计(二次备课)教学后记Step 1. Revision (5 min)Ask and answer questions about the passage.(1) Do you think the British exchange students would like to live in Sunshine Town?(2) How far is Sunshine Town away from the center of Beijing?(3) Is there more air pollution in Sunshine Town?(4) Where can we go walking?(5) Where do most of the people live in Sunshine Town?Step 2. Explanation (20 min)Explain the language points, most of which are the answers to the above questions.1. It is only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground. 乘地铁从北京中心仅仅需要四十分钟。by underground “乘地铁”,介词by+交通工具。类似这样的固定词组还有: by bus/car/bike/boat/ship(sea)/plane(air)/land/taxi 乘公交车/小汽车/骑自行车/船/飞机/陆地交通工具/出租车 by telephone/letter/e-mail/post 通过电话/信件/电子邮件/邮件2. You can go walking there.你可以去那儿散步。 =You can go there for a walk. go walking是动词go+动名词。类似这样的词组还有: go(walking)shopping/swimming/fishing/skating 去(散步)购物/游泳/钓鱼/溜冰= go for a walk/swim do(some/the walking/sewing/shopping/washing/reading/running 散步/做针线活/购物/洗衣/看书/跑步3. Most of us live in tall buildings.我们大多数人住在高楼大厦里。 most of +复数名词/不可数名词,“大多数,大部分”。4. We do not have to go far if we want help with our homework! 如果我们做家庭作业时需要帮助,我们就不必走远。 have to“只好,不得不” You have to stay here.你得留在这儿。 We have to clean the desk before leaving.离开之前我们得把桌子弄干净。 She has to do a lot of work .她得做很多工作。 Do you have to look after your sister?你得照看妹妹吗? 5. You can shop until ten oclock at night in Star Shopping Mall. 你可以在明星购物商场购物到晚上十点钟。 until=till连词,基本用法相同。until通常用于句首;till多用于口语。“直到时(为止)”。例如: Wait until the rain stops.等到雨停了再说吧。 Dont leave till I arrive.我不来你不要离开。(我来了你才能离开。) 6. less than 比更少little less leastThere is less water in this bottle than in that bottle.There is less rain this year than last year.morethan 比更多 Step 4. Discussion (10 min)It is better to live in the modern city.It is better to live in the country.It is better to live in the town.Which statement does your group agree? Why?Discuss in groups of four for a few minutes. Encourage students to use the information and expressions in the passage. Their own ideas are also welcomed.Step 5. Homework (2 min)Suppose the exchange students are coming to Changzhou next week. Can you introduce Changzhou to them. You can talk about it like what we learned. You can also talk about something else, such as traveling, etc图片展示,学生英语兴趣高。讲解知识点,课前让学生准备,查找资料认真思考做笔记,课上提问。练习安排完成练习册相关练习板书设计Words phrases sentences备课组长审核签名: 年级主任复核签名:
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