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Unit 4 Wildlife protection第二部分: 英语知识运用第一节:单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. What about going swimming this afternoon, Tom?_. I have a test tomorrow, so I have to go over my lessons today.A. Id like to B. Ill take it C. Id rather not D. I dont think so22. Special attention should be _ to air pollution wherever the factory will be built.A. made B. paid C. taken D. sent23. My mother took out the box that _ the valuable photos of my family.A. containedB. collected C. saved D. included24. Sorry, sir, your car isnt ready yet. It _ in the garage.Thats all right.A. is repaired B. is being repaired C. hasnt repaired D. has been repaired 25. You will soon get used to the climate and then the changes in temperature will not _ you.A. deserveB. protect C. prevent D. affect26. It isnt quite _ whether the teacher will collect the homework by Friday, so you neednt hurry.A. sure B. right C. certain D. exact27. Now that smoking _ great harm to you and people around you, you might as well _.A. does; give it up B. does; give it inC. makes; give it up D. makes; give it in28. Our gardener is a _ man; he can lift heavy boxes.A. fierce B. powerfulC. secure D. brave29. They moved to the country _ their children could have a garden to play in.A. even ifB. as if C. as soon asD. so that30. As a result of global warming, the size of the ice cap on the earth is _.A. decreasing B. increasing C. rising D. dropping31. I think she would _ it if we could all help out a bit more.A. thank B. appreciateC. employ D. use32. Lucy has been _ a job everywhere since she graduated last month.A. hunting for B. picking up C. setting up D. waiting for33. This special cream will protect you _ the burn-ing sun.A. with B. about C. from D. off34. No one knows when such a custom first _.A. came into power B. came into being C. came true D. came out35. When the woman saw that her son was OK after the car accident, she said _, “Well, dear, you are the most important for me, not the expensive car. ”A. in peace B. in danger C. in surprise D. in relief第二节:完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Mary was seven years old. Her parents recently moved to a new town, and so Mary was going to a 36 school, which was a few kilometers from the house they lived in now. A school bus going around picked up 37 every morning and brought them back to their 38 every afternoon, and as both of Marys parents 39 to go to work, she always went on this bus. Marys parents always 40 their alarm clock for seven oclock so that none of them would be 41 . But one morning the alarm 42 to go off, and it was not until a quarter past eight that Marys mother suddenly 43 , looked at the clock and said, “Whats ever hap-pened to that clock?” and then 44 into Marys room to wake her up. “Im sorry, dear,” she said, “ 45 youll have to wash and dress very quickly, have an even 46 break-fast and then Ill 47 you to school on my way to the office.”“But how can you find the 48 , Mum?” Mary said, “Youve been to school only once.”“Yes,” her mother answered, “but youve done the 49 several times now on the bus, so you can be my guide to get there, cant you?”“Oh, yes,” said Mary, “I suppose so.” She washed, and 50 and had a quick breakfast, and then they set off. Mary told her mother to turn each time they came to a place she 51 . In this way she made her mother drive round most of the town 52 they got to her school. When they arrived, her mother saw that it was not really very far from her house.“Why ever did you make me go such a long way round, Mary, instead of the most 53 way?” her mother asked her.“Well, Mum,” answered Mary, “it was because I didnt know 54 else to get here. Thats the way our bus always goes to 55 the other children to school.36. A. big B. nice C. different D. distant37. A. pupils B. teachersC. parents D. passengers38. A. offices B. towns C. classroomsD. homes39. A. seemed B. had C. refused D. used40. A. found B. set C. cleaned D. fixed41. A. late B. ready C. lazy D. asleep 42. A. started B. stopped C. failed D. continued 43. A. stood up B. stayed up C. put up D. woke up44. A. rushed B. steppedC. escaped D. jumped45. A. but B. and C. so D. then46. A. later B. quicker C. easier D. heavier47. A. bringB. fetch C. leave D. drive48. A. truth B. bus C. way D. guide49. A. homeworkB. shopping C. trip D. reading50. A. roseB. dressed C. moved
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