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BN广电网络公司激励体制问题探析6300字 本篇论文目录导航: BN广电网络公司激励体制问题探析广电网络公司激励制度改进探究绪论激励的概念、原则及行为对象国内外学者关于激励机制的理论研究现状BN广电网络公司员工激励现状及存在问题分析薪酬体系与员工职务晋升激励改进方案培训激励的改进方案广电网络企业员工激励机制研究结论与参考文献摘 要企业的企;字,寓意是无人则止,人力资源管理是企业运营管理的核心,一个企业的活力,一个团队的执行力和战斗力,与企业人力资源管理的效能息息相关,而激励机制的建立,又是一个企业人力资源管理的重中之重的一项工作,它对团队工作的积极性、主动性、创造性,团队工作的效率,以及员工对企业的忠诚度、认同度、归属感、使命感起到关键性的作用。BN 广电网络公司是我省某大型国有企业下属的一个分公司,公司人心稳定,发展平稳。但因公司前身属于事业单位,2005 年才完成事转企;,实行企业化运作的时间不长,人员大锅饭意识严重,危机意识和竞争意识淡薄,企业员工队伍缺乏积极向上的朝气。企业管理者虽认识到激励机制建设的重要性,也相继建立了一些激励制度,虽取得了一定效果,但现有激励机制仍存在许多问题,如薪酬体系不合理、业务提成激励盲目、过度,一线与后台分配严重失衡,考核不完善、不科学,员工职务和职称晋升通道不健全,培训机制不健全、企业文化建设简单、浅薄等。尤其是公司行政职能部门(后台支撑部门),因其不像一线营销部门那样具备确切的经营指标,工作的完成情况可以进行量化考核。他们更多的是从事一些事务性的工作。工作量的多少、工作时限往往要根据其他部门的工作来决定。因此,对于行政职能部门,其工作大多围绕一线经营部门而开展,且事务性工作占据了整个工作的主体,工作无法量化,客观上造成了绩效管理难度较大,为完善激励机制埋下了隐患。加之公司决策层对于行政职能部门激励机制的不重视,导致行政职能部门人员工作积极性难以调动,员工对于分配不均怨气较大,普遍缺乏工作主动性,许多岗位人浮于事,工作节奏缓慢、效率低下,缺乏现代企业应有的活力与动力。本论文首先对文章的研究意义、研究方法、公司情况等作系统介绍。然后把国内外相关激励理论的研究现状进行阐述,指出激励理论对企业建立有效激励机制的重要性;其次,本文在查阅大量文献及问卷调查的基础上,对 BN 广电网络公司的激励状况进行了分析,得出了 BN 广电网络公司现行激励机制存在的问题,并尝试设计了改进方案。因广电网络行业政治属性和社会属性较强的特殊性,且虽在全国各省各地州都有该行业的经营单位,但大多省份没有实现经营整合,更没有一个统一的全国性公司进行统一的管理和规范,全国各省在经营模式上都是各自为政,各成一家。本文的特点在于能够运用激励理论去分析和探讨企业员工激励机制的建立问题,注重理论联系实践。BN 广电网络公司的问题在国有企业,尤其是事转企;企业中具有一定的代表性,因此,本文对我国国有企业激励机制的改进也可以提供有益的启示。关键词:BN 广电网络公司;员工;激励机制AbstractEnterprise of qi;, meaning is no check, human resource management is the coreof enterprise operation management, the vitality of an enterprise, a team of executiveforce and fighting capacity, is closely related with the effectiveness of enterprisehuman resources management, and the establishment of incentive mechanism is a toppriority of enterprise human resources management of a work, his enthusiasm,initiative and creativity of the team work, team work efficiency, and loyalty to theenterprise, employees were play a key role.BN networks company is a large state-owned enterprises in our province of abranch, the company have a sence of security and steady development. But becausethe company formerly belonging to the institution, enterprise operation time is notlong, personnel pot consciousness, crisis consciousness and competitionconsciousness, enterprise staff lack of positive spirit. Enterprise managers realize theimportance of incentive mechanism construction, and established some incentivesystem, although has obtained certain effect, but there are still many problemsexisting inspiration mechanism, such as excessive blind incentives, incentives,incentives is not equal, not to get very good effect.Especially for company administrative functions do not like a line of MarketingDepartment have the exact operation indicators, completion of work can bequantitative assessment. They are more engaged in some transactional work, howmuch the workload, work time tend to be decided according to the work of otherdepartments. Therefore, for the administrative functions, and its work and carry outmost around a line management department, and the body of the transactional workoccupied the whole work, work, is unable to quantify objectively caused theperformance management is difficult, buried a hidden danger for perfecting theincentive mechanism. Combined with the company policy makers for do not take theadministrative functions of the incentive mechanism, lead to functions of theadministrative staff s work enthusiasm to mobilize, employees for the unevendistribution of anger is larger, general lack of working initiative, many jobs areoverstaffed, working rhythm slow, inefficient, the lack of a modern enterprise shouldbe vitality and energy.In this paper, first of all, the article research significance, research methods,such as company introduce system. Then elaborates the domestic and foreign relevantincentive theory, and points out that the incentive theory to the enterprise theimportance of establishing an effective incentive mechanism; Secondly, the paper onthe basis of consulting a large number of literature and questionnaire survey, the BNnetworks company incentive condition are analyzed, and concluded that the materialincentive is the BN networks company the main incentives. This paper USES acombination of theory with practice, the method of comprehensive use of variousincentive theory, from two aspects of material incentive and spirit incentive to buildthe BN radio and television networks company employees incentive mechanism.Because of the particularity of the political attribute and social attribute of radioand television networks industry, and in all provinces across the states have theindustry and business operation entity, but most of the provinces do not implementmanagement integration, more is not a unified national company for unifiedmanagement and specification, the provinces on the business model is fragmented, allinto one. Characteristics of this article is to apply the theory to
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