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Complementary Application of Domestication and ForeignizationAbstract:For centuries, it has been assumed that translation only takes place between languages. In the past decades, with the cultural turn in the translation field, the relationship between translation and culture began to attract more and more attention. Therefore, how to effectively deal with the linguistic as well as cultural differences in translation, or in other words, whether we should adopt domestication or foreignization, becomes a hot button in the translation field. Many translators both at home and abroad have flooded translation journals with their opinions about this dispute. Observing closely, we have found that their opinions diverge most in the selection of domestication and foreignization in the translating process. Key words: domestication; foreignization; complementary application; translation method归化和异化的互补性应用研究 摘 要: 长久以来,翻译一直被看作是只发生在两种语言间的行为。在过去的几十年里,随着翻译研究的文化转向,翻译作为跨文化行为的性质也越来越引起翻译研究者的注意,怎样有效地在翻译中传达语言和文化中存在的差异一下子成了翻译界的热门话题,自此,归化异化之争也开始浮出水面。国内外的 翻译理论家纷纷对归化异化之争发表自己的看法。通过仔细研究,我们发现他们的分歧主要在于翻译过程中归化异化的选择问题。在争论的早期,学者们倾向于把归化和异化看作是完全对立的两个翻译策略,所以他们往往激烈地批评一种策略,支持另一种策略,而他们的讨论在很大程度上集中在这两个策略的优缺点上。本论文首先介绍了归化和异化的概念,其次分析了归化和异化各自的优势,最后再通过翻译实例证实了归化和异化的融和使用的时效性。关键词:归化; 异化; 互补性应用; 翻译方法Introduction This thesis is to introduce the concepts of domestication and foreignization; introduce the ways of achieving domestication and foreignization; analyse their own advantages; and illustrate the complementary application of the two translation methods by examples of translation. In 1813, the German theologian and philosopher Friedrich Schleiermacher described the different methods of translation in a lecture:“There are only two. Either the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him; or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him ”(Lefevere, 1977: 78; Schulte&Biguenet, 1992: 42). In short, one is the source language culture oriented and the other is the target language culture oriented. Schleiermachers comment on the translation methods has a far-reaching influence in the field of translation in the West . Based on Schleiermachers theory, American deconstruction theorist Lawrence Venuti put forward the corresponding terms of domestication and foreignization in his book The Translators Invisibility: A History of Translation in 1995. By making a research into the history of western translation practice, he criticizes the target language culture oriented tendency characterized by fluent domestication in the Anglo-American translation practice. In Anglo-American culture, among the current diverse schools of translation studies, Nidas concept of dynamic or later “functional equivalence” in translation can be a representative of domesticating translation. According to Venuti, Nida wants to place restrictions of transparency on every foreign culture in accordance with the target language cultural canons. Under the disguise of transparency, the fluent domesticating method is used to carry out the task of appropriating foreign culture rather than conducting cultural exchange. 1. Brief Introduction of Domestication and Foreignization This part is to introduce the concepts of domestication and foreignization. 1.1 Domestication The following are the concept of domestication and the ways of achieving domestication. 1.1.1 Concept of Domestication Domestication refers to the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers (Venuti, 1995: 83). As an approach to cultural elements, domestication is target language culture oriented. It attaches importance to the target language culture and tries its best to find a corresponding equivalent in the target language culture for every element in the source language text. The famous translation theorist Eugene Nida is undoubtedly an outstanding representative of the domesticating strategy . He puts forward the famous principle of dynamic equivalence (D-E), which puts the target reader in the first place. One way of defining a D-E translation is to describe it as the closest natural equivalent approach considers to the source language message. 1.1.2 Ways of Achieving Domestication In order to make the target language reader easily to understand the foreign text, we always achieve domestication.There are several ways of achieving domestication we often see in our translation practice. (1) Replacing the source language cultural image with the established target language image. When translating, we should pay more attention to the differences between the source culture and target culture lest some misunderstanding be produced. For example, Everybodys business is nobodys business. “三个和尚无水喝”。 ( 黄继忠, 1982: 122 ) Everybody in the first sentence here re
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