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六年级英语上学期单词拼写全面外研版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求写单词。(1)strong(反义词)_ (2)tooth(复数)_(3)quiet(副词)_ (4)Excited (副词)_(5)wake (过去式)_ (6)let(过去式)_(7)laugh (反义词)_ (8)Loud (副词)_(9)happy(副词)_ (10)Bite (过去式)_2. 看图补全单词。3. 按要求写词。1、is(过去式) _ 2、there(反义词) _3、are(过去式) _ 4、it(主格复数) _5、do(过去式) _ 6、run(现在分词)_7、wash (第三人称单数) _4. 根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。(1)_ are you going to _ this afternoon ?going tomy grandparents.(2)is your fatherto the cinema ?Hethe cinema at 5:00 this afternoon.(3)are you?Im going to the science museum.(4)Sarah going to?Shebuy a comic book.(5), is there a bookstore near here ? Yes,.5. 补全单词。1. s _ _ _ ch查找,寻找 2. w _ _ ld世界3. _ m _ _l 电子邮件 4. s _ _ d发送5. g _ _ _ ting问候6. 按要求写单词。1. he(宾格) _ 2.like(现在分词)_3. study(第三人称单数)_4. stop(过去式)_5. you(名词性物主代词)_6. why(对应词)_7.can(否定形式)_8. come(反义词)_9. right(同音词) _10.arent(完全形式)_7. 根据要求写单词。(1)safe (副词)_ (2)must not (缩写)_(3)easy (副词)_ (4)child (复数)_(5)one (序数词)_8. 写出下列单词。1.体育馆_ 2.如果_ 3.记者_4.使用_ 5.打字_ 6.秘书_9. 写出下列单词的过去式。1.work_ 2. make_ 3. look_4. visit_ 5. do_ 6. go_7. have_ 8. eat_ 9. study_10. like_ 11. stop_ 12. help_10. 看图写词组。 _ _ _11. 按要求写单词。1heavy(反义词)_2health(形容词)_3cheap(反义词)_4swim(过去式)_5fly(过去式)_6study(第三人称单数)_7cannot(缩写形式)_8run(现在分词)_9watch(第三人称单数)_10.child(复数)_12. 按要求写单词。1know(同音词)_2brother(对应词)_3close(反义词)_4sheep(复数)_5tomato(复数)_6west(反义词)_7happy(反义词)_8eat(过去式)_9three(序数词)_10.write(现在分词)_13. 按要求写单词。1. bring(过去式)_ 2. put(现在分词)_3. understand(过去式)_ 4. happy(比较级)_5. smile(现在分词)_ 6. friend(形容词)_7. dictionary(复数)_ 8. many(同义词)_14. 单词拼写。1.裤子_ 2.衣服_3.单调乏味的_ 4.穿戴_5.幸运的_15. 用be动词的适当形式填空。( )1.I_anEnglishteachernow.( )2.HelenandNancy_goodfriends.( )3.Look,there_lotsofsheepthere.( )4.Today_thesecondofJuly.( )5.Allthestudents_veryexcited.页码 / 总页数
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