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基本商务英语,.Do you like this model ?你喜欢这款吗? What would youlike ?你喜欢什么样的? What goodswillyou order? 你想订什么样的货? Howdoyoupack them? 你想怎样包装它的? Thestyleisoutofstock ? 这款没货! Howdo you like this color?你觉得这颜色怎样? Take your time! 请随便看! We havesomespecial offers! 我们有一些特价产品! We havereadystock!我们有现货! Thequantity istoo small! 这个数量太少了! Canyou order more !能不能订多点呢? It is our latestmodel !这个是新款! It is up to datestyle!这是新货(新款)! Its high qullity 这是好的质量! Its well-made!质量很好! Thisisclassone ! A级货! Sorry!the priceisfixed! 对不起!一口价! Thisisthe bestprice! 这是最低价! Thisis thelast offer!这是最低报价! The goodsarenot available! 那货还没准备好! Wehavearushon thismodel ! 这货很畅销! The material is very expensive!现在面料很贵! Itsveryhardtomake做工很难! How many piese wouldyoulike toorder? 你要多少数量? May i knowwhat items youare interstedin ? 我可以知道你对哪个产品感兴趣吗/ Thisorder willbe delayed ! 这个单要推迟! I willdeliver theordertomorrw!我明天可以帮你送货! Where would youlike ustodeliver thegoods!把货送到哪里呢? Whenwill you deliver thegoods ? 什么时候要送货? I promise, havestocka fewday later !我保证!过几天就有货! Wecan deliver thegoods in endofthismonth! 我们能在月底交货! Wecan deliver thegoodsin15days! 我们能在15天内交货! Because our factory is too busy ,can wedeliver the goodslater? 因为工厂比较忙,我们能不能迟点交货? Ifthis color isnot available,would youlike another one? 如果这颜色没有,其它的行吗/ The order istoo small ,wecantafford delivery! 这个定单太小,我们负担不了那费用! Wewill try our best todeliver itassoonas possible ! 我们会尽快交货! Hopeyouwill comeagainnexttime! 希望你下次再光临! Hopetoseeyouagain! 希望再见到你! Hopeyou willbeour business partener! 希望你成为我们合作的伙伴! Makesureyou will signon the order! 务必在定单上签名! cashon delivery! 交货付款! C.O.D isourusual way ! 交货付款是我们通常的方式! Takecareof youbelonging! 请看好你的财物! Howcan ireachyou ! 我怎么联系你呢? Enjoyyoutrip ! 旅途愉快!
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